import React, { useState, useEffect, useRef } from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { defineMessages, injectIntl } from 'react-intl'; import { toPng } from 'html-to-image'; import { toast } from 'react-toastify'; import logger from '/imports/startup/client/logger'; import Styled from './styles'; import TooltipContainer from '/imports/ui/components/common/tooltip/container'; import { ACTIONS } from '/imports/ui/components/layout/enums'; import browserInfo from '/imports/utils/browserInfo'; const OLD_MINIMIZE_BUTTON_ENABLED = Meteor.settings.public.presentation.oldMinimizeButton; const intlMessages = defineMessages({ downloading: { id: 'app.presentation.options.downloading', description: 'Downloading label', defaultMessage: 'Downloading...', }, downloaded: { id: 'app.presentation.options.downloaded', description: 'Downloaded label', defaultMessage: 'Current presentation was downloaded', }, downloadFailed: { id: 'app.presentation.options.downloadFailed', description: 'Downloaded failed label', defaultMessage: 'Could not download current presentation', }, fullscreenLabel: { id: 'app.presentation.options.fullscreen', description: 'Fullscreen label', defaultMessage: 'Fullscreen', }, exitFullscreenLabel: { id: 'app.presentation.options.exitFullscreen', description: 'Exit fullscreen label', defaultMessage: 'Exit fullscreen', }, minimizePresentationLabel: { id: 'app.presentation.options.minimize', description: 'Minimize presentation label', defaultMessage: 'Minimize', }, optionsLabel: { id: 'app.navBar.settingsDropdown.optionsLabel', description: 'Options button label', defaultMessage: 'Options', }, snapshotLabel: { id: 'app.presentation.options.snapshot', description: 'Snapshot of current presentation label', defaultMessage: 'Snapshot of current presentation', }, }); const propTypes = { intl: PropTypes.shape({ formatMessage: PropTypes.func.isRequired, }).isRequired, handleToggleFullscreen: PropTypes.func.isRequired, isDropdownOpen: PropTypes.bool, isFullscreen: PropTypes.bool, elementName: PropTypes.string, fullscreenRef: PropTypes.instanceOf(Element), screenshotRef: PropTypes.instanceOf(Element), meetingName: PropTypes.string, isIphone: PropTypes.bool, }; const defaultProps = { isDropdownOpen: false, isIphone: false, isFullscreen: false, elementName: '', meetingName: '', fullscreenRef: null, screenshotRef: null, }; const PresentationMenu = (props) => { const { intl, isFullscreen, elementId, elementName, elementGroup, currentElement, currentGroup, fullscreenRef, getScreenshotRef, handleToggleFullscreen, layoutContextDispatch, meetingName, isIphone, } = props; const [state, setState] = useState({ hasError: false, loading: false, }); const [isDropdownOpen, setIsDropdownOpen] = useState(false); const toastId = useRef(null); const dropdownRef = useRef(null); const formattedLabel = (fullscreen) => (fullscreen ? intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.exitFullscreenLabel) : intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.fullscreenLabel) ); function renderToastContent() { const { loading, hasError } = state; let icon = loading ? 'blank' : 'check'; if (hasError) icon = 'circle_close'; return ( {loading && !hasError && intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.downloading)} {!loading && !hasError && intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.downloaded)} {!loading && hasError && intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.downloadFailed)} ); } function getAvailableOptions() { const menuItems = []; if (!isIphone) { menuItems.push( { key: 'list-item-fullscreen', dataTest: 'presentationFullscreen', label: formattedLabel(isFullscreen), onClick: () => { handleToggleFullscreen(fullscreenRef); const newElement = (elementId === currentElement) ? '' : elementId; const newGroup = (elementGroup === currentGroup) ? '' : elementGroup; layoutContextDispatch({ type: ACTIONS.SET_FULLSCREEN_ELEMENT, value: { element: newElement, group: newGroup, }, }); }, }, ); } const { isSafari } = browserInfo; if (!isSafari) { menuItems.push( { key: 'list-item-screenshot', label: intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.snapshotLabel), onClick: () => { setState({ loading: true, hasError: false, }); toastId.current =, { hideProgressBar: true, autoClose: false, newestOnTop: true, closeOnClick: true, onClose: () => { toastId.current = null; }, }); try { const wbRef = document.getElementById('Navbar')?.nextSibling?.childNodes[1]?.querySelector('[tabindex = "0"]'); toPng(wbRef, { width: window.screen.width, height: window.screen.height, }).then((data) => { const anchor = document.createElement('a'); anchor.href = data; anchor.setAttribute( 'download', `${elementName}_${meetingName}_${new Date().toISOString()}.png`, );; setState({ loading: false, hasError: false, }); }).catch((error) => { logger.warn({ logCode: 'presentation_snapshot_error', extraInfo: error, }); setState({ loading: false, hasError: true, }); }); } catch (err) { logger.warn({ logCode: 'presentation_snapshot_error', extraInfo: err, }); } }, }, ); } return menuItems; } useEffect(() => { if (toastId.current) { toast.update(toastId.current, { render: renderToastContent(), hideProgressBar: state.loading, autoClose: state.loading ? false : 3000, newestOnTop: true, closeOnClick: true, onClose: () => { toastId.current = null; }, }); } if (dropdownRef.current) { document.activeElement.blur(); dropdownRef.current.focus(); } }); const options = getAvailableOptions(); if (options.length === 0) return null; return ( setIsDropdownOpen((isOpen) => !isOpen)} > { isDropdownOpen && ( <> setIsDropdownOpen(false)} /> setIsDropdownOpen(false)} tabIndex={0} > { => { const { label, onClick, key, dataTest, } = option; return ( {label} ); }) } ) } ); }; PresentationMenu.propTypes = propTypes; PresentationMenu.defaultProps = defaultProps; export default injectIntl(PresentationMenu);