import React, { Component } from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { Session } from 'meteor/session'; import { withModalMounter } from '/imports/ui/components/modal/service'; import BreakoutJoinConfirmation from '/imports/ui/components/breakout-join-confirmation/container'; import BreakoutService from '../service'; const BREAKOUT_MODAL_DELAY = 200; const propTypes = { mountModal: PropTypes.func.isRequired, currentBreakoutUrlData: PropTypes.shape({ insertedTime: PropTypes.number.isRequired, }), breakoutUserIsIn: PropTypes.shape({ sequence: PropTypes.number.isRequired, }), breakouts: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.shape({ freeJoin: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, })), }; const defaultProps = { currentBreakoutUrlData: undefined, breakoutUserIsIn: undefined, breakouts: [], }; const openBreakoutJoinConfirmation = (breakout, breakoutName, mountModal) => mountModal( , ); class BreakoutRoomInvitation extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { didSendBreakoutInvite: false, }; } componentDidMount() { // use dummy old data on mount so it works if no data changes this.checkBreakouts({ breakouts: [] }); } componentDidUpdate(oldProps) { this.checkBreakouts(oldProps); } checkBreakouts(oldProps) { const { breakouts, currentBreakoutUrlData, getBreakoutByUrlData, breakoutUserIsIn, } = this.props; const { didSendBreakoutInvite, } = this.state; const hasBreakouts = breakouts.length > 0; if (hasBreakouts && !breakoutUserIsIn && BreakoutService.checkInviteModerators()) { // Have to check for freeJoin breakouts first because currentBreakoutUrlData will // populate after a room has been joined const breakoutRoom = getBreakoutByUrlData(currentBreakoutUrlData); const freeJoinBreakout = breakouts.find((breakout) => breakout.freeJoin); if (freeJoinBreakout) { if (!didSendBreakoutInvite) { this.inviteUserToBreakout(breakoutRoom || freeJoinBreakout); this.setState({ didSendBreakoutInvite: true }); } } else if (currentBreakoutUrlData) { const currentInsertedTime = currentBreakoutUrlData.insertedTime; const oldCurrentUrlData = oldProps.currentBreakoutUrlData || {}; const oldInsertedTime = oldCurrentUrlData.insertedTime; if (currentInsertedTime !== oldInsertedTime) { const breakoutId = Session.get('lastBreakoutOpened'); if (breakoutRoom.breakoutId !== breakoutId) { this.inviteUserToBreakout(breakoutRoom); } } } } if (!hasBreakouts && didSendBreakoutInvite) { this.setState({ didSendBreakoutInvite: false }); } } inviteUserToBreakout(breakout) { const { mountModal, } = this.props; // There's a race condition on page load with modals. Only one modal can be shown at a // time and new ones overwrite old ones. We delay the opening of the breakout modal // because it should always be on top if breakouts are running. setTimeout(() => {, breakout,, mountModal); }, BREAKOUT_MODAL_DELAY); } render() { return null; } } BreakoutRoomInvitation.propTypes = propTypes; BreakoutRoomInvitation.defaultProps = defaultProps; export default withModalMounter(BreakoutRoomInvitation);