const { test } = require('@playwright/test'); const { Polling } = require('./poll'); test.describe.parallel('Polling', () => { test('Create Poll', async ({ browser, context, page }) => { const test = new Polling(browser, context); await test.initPages(page); await test.createPoll(); }); test('Create anonymous poll', async ({ browser, context, page }) => { const test = new Polling(browser, context); await test.initPages(page); await test.pollAnonymous() }); test('Create quick poll - from the slide', async ({ browser, context, page }) => { const test = new Polling(browser, context); await test.initPages(page); await test.quickPoll(); }); test('Create poll with user response', async ({ browser, context, page }) => { const test = new Polling(browser, context); await test.initPages(page); await test.pollUserResponse(); }); test('Stop a poll manually', async ({ browser, context, page }) => { const test = new Polling(browser, context); await test.initPages(page); await test.stopPoll(); }); test('Poll results in chat message', async ({ browser, context, page }) => { const test = new Polling(browser, context); await test.initPages(page); await test.pollResultsOnChat(); }); test('Poll results on whiteboard', async ({ browser, page }) => { const test = new Polling(browser); await test.initModPage(page); await test.pollResultsOnWhiteboard(); }); test('Poll results in a different presentation', async ({ browser, page }) => { const test = new Polling(browser); await test.initModPage(page); await test.pollResultsInDifferentPresentation(); }); test('Manage response choices', async ({ browser, context, page }) => { const test = new Polling(browser, context); await test.initPages(page); await test.manageResponseChoices(); }); });