import BaseAudioBridge from './base'; import Auth from '/imports/ui/services/auth'; import { fetchWebRTCMappedStunTurnServers } from '/imports/utils/fetchStunTurnServers'; import playAndRetry from '/imports/utils/mediaElementPlayRetry'; import logger from '/imports/startup/client/logger'; const SFU_URL = Meteor.settings.public.kurento.wsUrl; const MEDIA =; const MEDIA_TAG = MEDIA.mediaTag.replace(/#/g, ''); const GLOBAL_AUDIO_PREFIX = 'GLOBAL_AUDIO_'; const RECONNECT_TIMEOUT_MS = 15000; export default class KurentoAudioBridge extends BaseAudioBridge { constructor(userData) { super(); const { userId, username, voiceBridge, meetingId, sessionToken, } = userData; this.user = { userId, name: username, sessionToken, }; = { inputDevice: {}, }; this.internalMeetingID = meetingId; this.voiceBridge = voiceBridge; this.reconnectOngoing = false; this.hasSuccessfullyStarted = false; } static normalizeError(error = {}) { const errorMessage = error.message || || error.reason || 'Unknown error'; const errorCode = error.code || 'Undefined code'; const errorReason = error.reason || || 'Undefined reason'; return { errorMessage, errorCode, errorReason }; } joinAudio({ isListenOnly, inputStream }, callback) { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { this.callback = callback; let iceServers = []; try { iceServers = await fetchWebRTCMappedStunTurnServers(this.user.sessionToken); } catch (error) { logger.error({ logCode: 'sfuaudiobridge_stunturn_fetch_failed' }, 'SFU audio bridge failed to fetch STUN/TURN info, using default servers'); } finally { logger.debug({ logCode: 'sfuaudiobridge_stunturn_fetch_sucess', extraInfo: { iceServers } }, 'SFU audio bridge got STUN/TURN servers'); const options = { wsUrl: Auth.authenticateURL(SFU_URL), userName:, caleeName: `${GLOBAL_AUDIO_PREFIX}${this.voiceBridge}`, iceServers, logger, inputStream, }; const audioTag = document.getElementById(MEDIA_TAG); const playElement = () => { const mediaTagPlayed = () => {{ logCode: 'listenonly_media_play_success', }, 'Listen only media played successfully'); resolve(this.callback({ status: this.baseCallStates.started })); }; if (audioTag.paused) { // Tag isn't playing yet. Play it. .then(mediaTagPlayed) .catch((error) => { // NotAllowedError equals autoplay issues, fire autoplay handling event. // This will be handled in audio-manager. if ( === 'NotAllowedError') { logger.error({ logCode: 'listenonly_error_autoplay', extraInfo: { errorName: }, }, 'Listen only media play failed due to autoplay error'); const tagFailedEvent = new CustomEvent('audioPlayFailed', { detail: { mediaElement: audioTag } }); window.dispatchEvent(tagFailedEvent); resolve(this.callback({ status: this.baseCallStates.autoplayBlocked, })); } else { // Tag failed for reasons other than autoplay. Log the error and // try playing again a few times until it works or fails for good const played = playAndRetry(audioTag); if (!played) { logger.error({ logCode: 'listenonly_error_media_play_failed', extraInfo: { errorName: }, }, `Listen only media play failed due to ${}`); } else { mediaTagPlayed(); } } }); } else { // Media tag is already playing, so log a success. This is really a // logging fallback for a case that shouldn't happen. But if it does // (ie someone re-enables the autoPlay prop in the element), then it // means the stream is playing properly and it'll be logged. mediaTagPlayed(); } }; const onSuccess = () => { const { webRtcPeer } = window.kurentoManager.kurentoAudio; this.hasSuccessfullyStarted = true; if (webRtcPeer) { const stream = webRtcPeer.getRemoteStream(); audioTag.pause(); audioTag.srcObject = stream; audioTag.muted = false; playElement(); } else { this.callback({ status: this.baseCallStates.failed, error: this.baseErrorCodes.CONNECTION_ERROR, }); } if (this.reconnectOngoing) { this.reconnectOngoing = false; clearTimeout(this.reconnectTimeout); } }; const onFail = (error) => { const { errorMessage, errorCode, errorReason } = KurentoAudioBridge.normalizeError(error); // Listen only connected successfully already and dropped mid-call. // Try to reconnect ONCE (binded to reconnectOngoing flag) if (this.hasSuccessfullyStarted && !this.reconnectOngoing) { logger.error({ logCode: 'listenonly_error_try_to_reconnect', extraInfo: { errorMessage, errorCode, errorReason }, }, 'Listen only failed for an ongoing session, try to reconnect'); window.kurentoExitAudio(); this.callback({ status: this.baseCallStates.reconnecting }); this.reconnectOngoing = true; // Set up a reconnectionTimeout in case the server is unresponsive // for some reason. If it gets triggered, end the session and stop // trying to reconnect this.reconnectTimeout = setTimeout(() => { this.callback({ status: this.baseCallStates.failed, error: this.baseErrorCodes.CONNECTION_ERROR, }); this.reconnectOngoing = false; this.hasSuccessfullyStarted = false; window.kurentoExitAudio(); }, RECONNECT_TIMEOUT_MS); window.kurentoJoinAudio( MEDIA_TAG, this.voiceBridge, this.user.userId, this.internalMeetingID, onFail, onSuccess, options, ); } else { // Already tried reconnecting once OR the user handn't succesfully // connected firsthand. Just finish the session and reject with error if (!this.reconnectOngoing) { logger.error({ logCode: 'listenonly_error_failed_to_connect', extraInfo: { errorMessage, errorCode, errorReason }, }, `Listen only failed when trying to start due to ${errorMessage}`); } else { logger.error({ logCode: 'listenonly_error_reconnect_failed', extraInfo: { errorMessage, errorCode, errorReason }, }, `Listen only failed when trying to reconnect due to ${errorMessage}`); } this.reconnectOngoing = false; this.hasSuccessfullyStarted = false; window.kurentoExitAudio(); this.callback({ status: this.baseCallStates.failed, error: this.baseErrorCodes.CONNECTION_ERROR, bridgeError: errorReason, }); reject(errorReason); } }; if (!isListenOnly) { return reject(new Error('Invalid bridge option')); } window.kurentoJoinAudio( MEDIA_TAG, this.voiceBridge, this.user.userId, this.internalMeetingID, onFail, onSuccess, options, ); } }); } async changeOutputDevice(value) { const audioContext = document.querySelector(`#${MEDIA_TAG}`); if (audioContext.setSinkId) { try { await audioContext.setSinkId(value); = value; } catch (error) { logger.error({ logCode: 'sfuaudiobridge_changeoutputdevice_error', extraInfo: { error } }, 'SFU audio bridge failed to fetch STUN/TURN info, using default'); throw new Error(this.baseErrorCodes.MEDIA_ERROR); } } return || value; } exitAudio() { return new Promise((resolve) => { this.hasSuccessfullyStarted = false; window.kurentoExitAudio(); return resolve(this.callback({ status: this.baseCallStates.ended })); }); } }