# Set encoding to utf-8 # encoding: UTF-8 # # BigBlueButton open source conferencing system - http://www.bigbluebutton.org/ # # Copyright (c) 2012 BigBlueButton Inc. and by respective authors (see below). # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the # terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 3.0 of the License, or (at your option) any later # version. # # BigBlueButton is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A # PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along # with BigBlueButton; if not, see . # require_relative 'boot' require 'recordandplayback/events_archiver' require 'recordandplayback/generators/events' require 'recordandplayback/generators/audio' require 'recordandplayback/generators/video' require 'recordandplayback/generators/audio_processor' require 'recordandplayback/generators/presentation' require 'open4' require 'pp' require 'absolute_time' require 'logger' require 'find' require 'rubygems' require 'net/http' require 'journald/logger' require 'shellwords' require 'English' module BigBlueButton class MissingDirectoryException < RuntimeError end class FileNotFoundException < RuntimeError end class ExecutionStatus def initialize @output = [] @errors = [] @detailedStatus = nil end attr_accessor :output attr_accessor :errors attr_accessor :detailedStatus def success? @detailedStatus.success? end def exited? @detailedStatus.exited? end def exitstatus @detailedStatus.exitstatus end end # BigBlueButton logs information about its progress. # Replace with your own logger if you desire. # # @param [Logger] log your own logger # @return [Logger] the logger you set def self.logger=(log) @logger = log end # Get BigBlueButton logger. # # @return [Logger] def self.logger return @logger if @logger logger = Journald::Logger.new('bbb-rap') logger.level = Logger::INFO @logger = logger end def self.redis_publisher=(publisher) @redis_publisher = publisher end def self.redis_publisher return @redis_publisher end def self.execute(command, fail_on_error = true) BigBlueButton.logger.info("Executing: #{command.respond_to?(:to_ary) ? Shellwords.join(command) : command}") IO.popen(command, err: %i[child out]) do |io| io.each_line do |line| BigBlueButton.logger.info(line.chomp) end end status = $CHILD_STATUS BigBlueButton.logger.info("Success?: #{status.success?}") BigBlueButton.logger.info("Process exited? #{status.exited?}") BigBlueButton.logger.info("Exit status: #{status.exitstatus}") raise 'Execution failed' if status.success? == false && fail_on_error status end def self.exec_ret(*command) execute(command, false).exitstatus end def self.exec_redirect_ret(outio, *command) BigBlueButton.logger.info "Executing: #{Shellwords.join(command)}" BigBlueButton.logger.info "Sending output to #{outio}" IO.pipe do |r, w| pid = spawn(*command, :out => outio, :err => w) w.close r.each_line do |line| BigBlueButton.logger.info line.chomp end Process.waitpid(pid) BigBlueButton.logger.info "Exit status: #{$?.exitstatus}" return $?.exitstatus end end def self.hash_to_str(hash) return PP.pp(hash, "") end def self.monotonic_clock() return (AbsoluteTime.now * 1000).to_i end def self.download(url, output) BigBlueButton.logger.info "Downloading #{url} to #{output}" uri = URI.parse(url) if ["http", "https", "ftp"].include? uri.scheme response = Net::HTTP.start(uri.host, uri.port) {|http| http.head(uri.request_uri) } unless response.is_a? Net::HTTPSuccess raise "File not available: #{response.message}" end end if uri.scheme.nil? url = "file://" + url uri = URI.parse(url) end Net::HTTP.start(uri.host, uri.port) do |http| request = Net::HTTP::Get.new uri.request_uri http.request request do |response| open output, 'w' do |io| response.read_body do |chunk| io.write chunk end end end end end def self.try_download(url, output) begin self.download(url, output) rescue Exception => e BigBlueButton.logger.error "Failed to download file: #{e.to_s}" FileUtils.rm_f output end end def self.get_dir_size(dir_name) size = 0 if FileTest.directory?(dir_name) Find.find(dir_name) {|f| size += File.size(f)} end size.to_s end def self.add_tag_to_xml(xml_filename, parent_xpath, tag, content) if File.exist? xml_filename doc = Nokogiri::XML(File.read(xml_filename)) {|x| x.noblanks} node = doc.at_xpath("#{parent_xpath}/#{tag}") node.remove if not node.nil? node = Nokogiri::XML::Node.new tag, doc node.content = content doc.at(parent_xpath) << node xml_file = File.new(xml_filename, "w") xml_file.write(doc.to_xml(:indent => 2)) xml_file.close end end def self.add_raw_size_to_metadata(dir_name, raw_dir_name) size = BigBlueButton.get_dir_size(raw_dir_name) BigBlueButton.add_tag_to_xml("#{dir_name}/metadata.xml", "//recording", "raw_size", size) end def self.add_playback_size_to_metadata(dir_name) size = BigBlueButton.get_dir_size(dir_name) BigBlueButton.add_tag_to_xml("#{dir_name}/metadata.xml", "//recording/playback", "size", size) end def self.add_download_size_to_metadata(dir_name) size = BigBlueButton.get_dir_size(dir_name) BigBlueButton.add_tag_to_xml("#{dir_name}/metadata.xml", "//recording/download", "size", size) end def self.record_id_to_timestamp(r) r.split("-")[1].to_i / 1000 end def self.done_to_timestamp(r) BigBlueButton.record_id_to_timestamp(File.basename(r, ".done")) end def self.rap_core_path File.expand_path('../../', __FILE__) end def self.rap_scripts_path File.join(BigBlueButton.rap_core_path, 'scripts') end def self.read_props return @props if @props filepath = File.join(BigBlueButton.rap_scripts_path, 'bigbluebutton.yml') @props = YAML::load(File.open(filepath)) end def self.create_redis_publisher props = BigBlueButton.read_props redis_host = props['redis_host'] redis_port = props['redis_port'] redis_password = props['redis_password'] BigBlueButton.redis_publisher = BigBlueButton::RedisWrapper.new(redis_host, redis_port, redis_password) end end