import { clearUsersCollection } from '/imports/api/users/server/users'; import { clearChatCollection } from '/imports/api/chat/server/chat'; import { clearShapesCollection } from '/imports/api/shapes/server/shapes'; import { clearSlidesCollection } from '/imports/api/slides/server/slides'; import { clearPresentationsCollection } from '/imports/api/presentations/server/presentations'; import { clearPollCollection } from '/imports/startup/server/collectionManagers/poll'; import { clearCursorCollection, initializeCursor } from '/imports/api/cursor/server/cursor'; import { Meetings } from '../meetingsCollection'; import { logger } from '/imports/startup/server/logger'; export function addMeetingToCollection(meetingId, name, intendedForRecording, voiceConf, duration, callback) { //check if the meeting is already in the collection Meetings.upsert({ meetingId: meetingId, }, { $set: { meetingName: name, intendedForRecording: intendedForRecording, currentlyBeingRecorded: false, voiceConf: voiceConf, duration: duration, roomLockSettings: { // by default the lock settings will be disabled on meeting create disablePrivateChat: false, disableCam: false, disableMic: false, lockOnJoin: Meteor.config.lockOnJoin, lockedLayout: false, disablePublicChat: false, lockOnJoinConfigurable: false // TODO }, }, }, (_this => { return function (err, numChanged) { let funct; if (numChanged.insertedId != null) { funct = function (cbk) {`__added MEETING ${meetingId}`); return cbk(); }; return funct(callback); } else { logger.error('nothing happened'); return callback(); } }; })(this)); // initialize the cursor in the meeting return initializeCursor(meetingId); }; export function clearMeetingsCollection() { const meetingId = arguments[0]; if (meetingId != null) { return Meetings.remove({ meetingId: meetingId, },`cleared Meetings Collection (meetingId: ${meetingId}!`)); } else { return Meetings.remove({},'cleared Meetings Collection (all meetings)!')); } }; //clean up upon a meeting's end export function removeMeetingFromCollection(meetingId, callback) { let funct; if (Meetings.findOne({ meetingId: meetingId, }) != null) {`end of meeting ${meetingId}. Clear the meeting data from all collections`); // delete all users in the meeting clearUsersCollection(meetingId); // delete all slides in the meeting clearSlidesCollection(meetingId); // delete all shapes in the meeting clearShapesCollection(meetingId); // delete all presentations in the meeting clearPresentationsCollection(meetingId); // delete all chat messages in the meeting clearChatCollection(meetingId); // delete the meeting clearMeetingsCollection(meetingId); // delete the cursor for the meeting clearCursorCollection(meetingId); //delete the polls for the meeting // clearPollCollection(meetingId); return callback(); } else { funct = function (localCallback) { logger.error(`Error! There was no such meeting ${meetingId}`); return localCallback(); }; return funct(callback); } };