import * as React from "react"; import PropTypes from "prop-types"; import { Tldraw, track, useEditor, DefaultColorStyle, DefaultDashStyle, DefaultFillStyle, DefaultFontStyle, DefaultSizeStyle } from "@tldraw/tldraw"; import "@tldraw/tldraw/tldraw.css"; import SlideCalcUtil, { HUNDRED_PERCENT, MAX_PERCENT, } from "/imports/utils/slideCalcUtils"; // eslint-disable-next-line import/no-extraneous-dependencies import Settings from "/imports/ui/services/settings"; import logger from "/imports/startup/client/logger"; import KEY_CODES from "/imports/utils/keyCodes"; import { presentationMenuHeight, styleMenuOffset, styleMenuOffsetSmall, } from "/imports/ui/stylesheets/styled-components/general"; import Styled from "./styles"; import { findRemoved, filterInvalidShapes, mapLanguage, usePrevious, } from "./utils"; // import { throttle } from "/imports/utils/throttle"; import { isEqual, clone } from "radash"; import { InstancePresenceRecordType } from "@tldraw/tldraw"; import { useRef } from "react"; import { debounce, throttle } from "radash"; import { useMouseEvents, useCursor } from "./hooks"; const SMALL_HEIGHT = 435; const SMALLEST_DOCK_HEIGHT = 475; const SMALL_WIDTH = 800; const SMALLEST_DOCK_WIDTH = 710; const TOOLBAR_SMALL = 28; const TOOLBAR_LARGE = 32; const MOUNTED_RESIZE_DELAY = 1500; // Helper functions const deleteLocalStorageItemsWithPrefix = (prefix) => { const keysToRemove = Object.keys(localStorage).filter((key) => key.startsWith(prefix) ); keysToRemove.forEach((key) => localStorage.removeItem(key)); }; // Example of typical LocalStorage entry tldraw creates: // `{ TLDRAW_USER_DATA_v3: '{"version":2,"user":{"id":"epDk1 ...` const clearTldrawCache = () => { deleteLocalStorageItemsWithPrefix("TLDRAW"); }; const calculateEffectiveZoom = (initViewboxWidth, curViewboxWidth) => { // Calculate the effective zoom level based on the change in viewBoxWidth const effectiveZoomValue = (initViewboxWidth * 100) / curViewboxWidth; return effectiveZoomValue; }; const determineViewerFitToWidth = (currentPresentationPage) => { return ( currentPresentationPage?.scaledViewBoxWidth === currentPresentationPage?.scaledWidth && currentPresentationPage?.scaledViewBoxHeight !== currentPresentationPage?.scaledHeight ); }; export default Whiteboard = React.memo(function Whiteboard(props) { const { isPresenter, removeShapes, initDefaultPages, persistShapeWrapper, shapes, assets, currentUser, whiteboardId, zoomSlide, curPageId, zoomChanger, isMultiUserActive, isRTL, fitToWidth, zoomValue, intl, svgUri, maxStickyNoteLength, fontFamily, colorStyle, dashStyle, fillStyle, fontStyle, sizeStyle, hasShapeAccess, presentationAreaHeight, presentationAreaWidth, maxNumberOfAnnotations, notifyShapeNumberExceeded, darkTheme, setTldrawIsMounting, width, height, tldrawAPI, setTldrawAPI, whiteboardToolbarAutoHide, toggleToolsAnimations, isIphone, sidebarNavigationWidth, animations, isToolbarVisible, isModerator, fullscreenRef, fullscreenElementId, layoutContextDispatch, currentPresentationPage, numberOfPages, presentationId, hasWBAccess, bgShape, whiteboardWriters, publishCursorUpdate, otherCursors, isShapeOwner, ShapeStylesContext, hideViewersCursor, presentationHeight, presentationWidth, } = props; clearTldrawCache(); if (!currentPresentationPage) return null; const [tlEditor, setTlEditor] = React.useState(null); const [zoom, setZoom] = React.useState(HUNDRED_PERCENT); const [isMounting, setIsMounting] = React.useState(true); const [initialViewBoxWidth, setInitialViewBoxWidth] = React.useState(null); const prevFitToWidth = usePrevious(fitToWidth); const prevPageId = usePrevious(null); const whiteboardRef = React.useRef(null); const zoomValueRef = React.useRef(null); const prevShapesRef = React.useRef(shapes); const prevOtherCursorsRef = useRef(otherCursors); const tlEditorRef = React.useRef(tlEditor); const slideChanged = React.useRef(false); const slideNext = React.useRef(null); const prevZoomValueRef = React.useRef(null); const initialZoomRef = useRef(null); const isFirstZoomActionRef = useRef(true); const isMouseDownRef = useRef(false); const isMountedRef = useRef(false); const isWheelZoomRef = useRef(false); const whiteboardIdRef = React.useRef(whiteboardId); const curPageIdRef = React.useRef(curPageId); const hasWBAccessRef = React.useRef(hasWBAccess); const THRESHOLD = 0.1; const lastKnownHeight = React.useRef(presentationAreaHeight); const lastKnownWidth = React.useRef(presentationAreaWidth); React.useEffect(() => { curPageIdRef.current = curPageId; }, [curPageId]); React.useEffect(() => { whiteboardIdRef.current = whiteboardId; }, [whiteboardId]); React.useEffect(() => { hasWBAccessRef.current = hasWBAccess; if (!hasWBAccess && !isPresenter) { tlEditorRef?.current?.setCurrentTool('select'); } }, [hasWBAccess]); const language = React.useMemo(() => { return mapLanguage(Settings?.application?.locale?.toLowerCase() || "en"); }, [Settings?.application?.locale]); const [cursorPosition, updateCursorPosition] = useCursor( publishCursorUpdate, whiteboardIdRef.current ); React.useEffect(() => { if (!isEqual(prevShapesRef.current, shapes)) { prevShapesRef.current = shapes; } }, [shapes]); React.useEffect(() => { if (!isEqual(prevOtherCursorsRef.current, otherCursors)) { prevOtherCursorsRef.current = otherCursors; } }, [otherCursors]); const { shapesToAdd, shapesToUpdate, shapesToRemove } = React.useMemo(() => { const selectedShapeIds = tlEditorRef.current?.selectedShapeIds || []; const localShapes = tlEditorRef.current?.currentPageShapes; const filteredShapes = localShapes?.filter((item) => item?.index !== "a0") || []; const localLookup = new Map( => [, shape])); const remoteShapeIds = Object.keys(prevShapesRef.current); const toAdd = []; const toUpdate = []; const toRemove = []; filteredShapes.forEach((localShape) => { if (!remoteShapeIds.includes( { toRemove.push(; } }); Object.values(prevShapesRef.current).forEach((remoteShape) => { if (! return; const localShape = localLookup.get(; const prevShape = prevShapesRef.current[]; if (!localShape) { if (prevShapesRef.current[`${}`].meta?.createdBy !== currentUser?.userId) { delete remoteShape.isModerator delete remoteShape.questionType toAdd.push(remoteShape); } } else if (!isEqual(localShape, remoteShape) && prevShape) { const diff = { id:, type: remoteShape.type, typeName: remoteShape.typeName, }; if (!selectedShapeIds.includes( && prevShape?.meta?.updatedBy !== currentUser?.userId) { Object.keys(remoteShape).forEach((key) => { if (key !== "isModerator" && !isEqual(remoteShape[key], localShape[key])) { diff[key] = remoteShape[key]; } }); if (remoteShape.props) { Object.keys(remoteShape.props).forEach((key) => { if (!isEqual(remoteShape.props[key], localShape.props[key])) { diff.props = diff.props || {}; diff.props[key] = remoteShape.props[key]; } }); } delete diff.isModerator delete diff.questionType toUpdate.push(diff); } } }); return { shapesToAdd: toAdd, shapesToUpdate: toUpdate, shapesToRemove: toRemove, }; }, [prevShapesRef.current, curPageIdRef.current]); const setCamera = (zoom, x = 0, y = 0) => { if (tlEditorRef.current) { tlEditorRef.current.setCamera({ x, y, z: zoom }, false); } }; const calculateZoomValue = (localWidth, localHeight, isViewer = false) => { let calcedZoom; if (isViewer) { // Logic originally in calculateViewerZoom calcedZoom = fitToWidth ? presentationAreaWidth / localWidth : Math.min( presentationAreaWidth / localWidth, presentationAreaHeight / localHeight ); } else { // Logic originally in calculateZoom calcedZoom = fitToWidth ? presentationAreaWidth / localWidth : Math.min( presentationAreaWidth / localWidth, presentationAreaHeight / localHeight ); } return calcedZoom === 0 || calcedZoom === Infinity ? HUNDRED_PERCENT : calcedZoom; }; useMouseEvents( { whiteboardRef, tlEditorRef, isWheelZoomRef, initialZoomRef }, { isPresenter, hasWBAccess: hasWBAccessRef.current, isMouseDownRef, whiteboardToolbarAutoHide, animations, publishCursorUpdate, whiteboardId: whiteboardIdRef.current, cursorPosition, updateCursorPosition, toggleToolsAnimations, currentPresentationPage, zoomChanger, } ); // update tlEditor ref React.useEffect(() => { tlEditorRef.current = tlEditor; }, [tlEditor]); React.useEffect(() => { let undoRedoIntervalId = null; const undo = () => { tlEditorRef?.current?.history?.undo(); }; const redo = () => { tlEditorRef?.current?.history?.redo(); }; const handleKeyDown = (event) => { if ((event.ctrlKey && event.key === 'z' && !event.shiftKey) || (event.ctrlKey && event.shiftKey && event.key === 'Z')) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); if (!undoRedoIntervalId) { undoRedoIntervalId = setInterval(() => { if (event.ctrlKey && event.key === 'z' && !event.shiftKey) { undo(); } else if (event.ctrlKey && event.shiftKey && event.key === 'Z') { redo(); } }, 150); } } }; const handleKeyUp = (event) => { if ((event.key === 'z' || event.key === 'Z') && undoRedoIntervalId) { clearInterval(undoRedoIntervalId); undoRedoIntervalId = null; } }; whiteboardRef.current?.addEventListener('keydown', handleKeyDown, { capture: true }); whiteboardRef.current?.addEventListener('keyup', handleKeyUp, { capture: true }); return () => { whiteboardRef.current?.removeEventListener('keydown', handleKeyDown); whiteboardRef.current?.removeEventListener('keyup', handleKeyUp); if (undoRedoIntervalId) { clearInterval(undoRedoIntervalId); } }; }, [whiteboardRef.current]); React.useEffect(() => { zoomValueRef.current = zoomValue; if (tlEditor && curPageIdRef.current && currentPresentationPage && isPresenter && isWheelZoomRef.current === false) { const zoomFitSlide = calculateZoomValue( currentPresentationPage.scaledWidth, currentPresentationPage.scaledHeight ); const zoomCamera = (zoomFitSlide * zoomValue) / HUNDRED_PERCENT; // Assuming centerX and centerY represent the center of the current view const centerX = + (tlEditor.viewportPageBounds.width / 2) /; const centerY = + (tlEditor.viewportPageBounds.height / 2) /; // Calculate the new camera position to keep the center in focus after zoom const nextCamera = { x: centerX + (centerX / zoomCamera - centerX) - (centerX / - centerX), y: centerY + (centerY / zoomCamera - centerY) - (centerY / - centerY), z: zoomCamera, }; // Apply bounds restriction logic const { maxX, maxY, minX, minY } = tlEditor.viewportPageBounds; const { scaledWidth, scaledHeight } = currentPresentationPage; if (maxX > scaledWidth) { nextCamera.x += maxX - scaledWidth; } if (maxY > scaledHeight) { nextCamera.y += maxY - scaledHeight; } if (nextCamera.x > 0 || minX < 0) { nextCamera.x = 0; } if (nextCamera.y > 0 || minY < 0) { nextCamera.y = 0; } if (zoomValue !== prevZoomValueRef.current) { tlEditor.setCamera(nextCamera, false); // Recalculate viewed region width and height if necessary for zoomSlide call let viewedRegionW = SlideCalcUtil.calcViewedRegionWidth( tlEditor.viewportPageBounds.width, currentPresentationPage.scaledWidth ); let viewedRegionH = SlideCalcUtil.calcViewedRegionHeight( tlEditor.viewportPageBounds.height, currentPresentationPage.scaledHeight ); zoomSlide( viewedRegionW, viewedRegionH, nextCamera.x, nextCamera.y, ); } } // Update the previous zoom value ref with the current zoom value prevZoomValueRef.current = zoomValue; }, [zoomValue, tlEditor, curPageIdRef.current, isWheelZoomRef.current]); React.useEffect(() => { if ( presentationHeight > 0 && presentationWidth > 0 && tlEditorRef.current && currentPresentationPage && currentPresentationPage.scaledWidth > 0 && currentPresentationPage.scaledHeight > 0 ) { const baseZoom = calculateZoomValue( currentPresentationPage.scaledWidth, currentPresentationPage.scaledHeight ); initialZoomRef.current = baseZoom; } }, [presentationAreaHeight, presentationHeight, presentationAreaWidth, presentationWidth, tlEditorRef, currentPresentationPage]); React.useEffect(() => { // Calculate the absolute difference const heightDifference = Math.abs( presentationAreaHeight - lastKnownHeight.current ); const widthDifference = Math.abs( presentationAreaWidth - lastKnownWidth.current ); // Check if the difference is greater than the threshold if (heightDifference > THRESHOLD || widthDifference > THRESHOLD) { // Update the last known dimensions lastKnownHeight.current = presentationAreaHeight; lastKnownWidth.current = presentationAreaWidth; if ( presentationAreaHeight > 0 && presentationAreaWidth > 0 && tlEditor && currentPresentationPage && currentPresentationPage.scaledWidth > 0 && currentPresentationPage.scaledHeight > 0 ) { let adjustedZoom = HUNDRED_PERCENT; if (isPresenter) { // Presenter logic const currentZoom = zoomValueRef.current || HUNDRED_PERCENT; const baseZoom = calculateZoomValue( currentPresentationPage.scaledWidth, currentPresentationPage.scaledHeight ); adjustedZoom = baseZoom * (currentZoom / HUNDRED_PERCENT); if (fitToWidth && currentPresentationPage) { const currentAspectRatio = Math.round( (presentationAreaWidth / presentationAreaHeight) * 100 ) / 100; const previousAspectRatio = Math.round( (currentPresentationPage.scaledViewBoxWidth / currentPresentationPage.scaledViewBoxHeight) * 100 ) / 100; if (currentAspectRatio !== previousAspectRatio) { setCamera(adjustedZoom); } else { setCamera(adjustedZoom); } const viewedRegionH = SlideCalcUtil.calcViewedRegionHeight( tlEditorRef.current?.viewportPageBounds.height, currentPresentationPage.scaledHeight ); setZoom(HUNDRED_PERCENT); zoomChanger(HUNDRED_PERCENT); zoomSlide( HUNDRED_PERCENT, viewedRegionH, 0, 0, presentationId ); } else { setCamera(adjustedZoom); } } else { // Viewer logic const effectiveZoom = calculateEffectiveZoom( initialViewBoxWidth, currentPresentationPage.scaledViewBoxWidth ); const baseZoom = calculateZoomValue( currentPresentationPage.scaledWidth, currentPresentationPage.scaledHeight, true ); adjustedZoom = baseZoom * (effectiveZoom / HUNDRED_PERCENT); setCamera(adjustedZoom); } } } }, [presentationAreaHeight, presentationAreaWidth, curPageIdRef.current]); React.useEffect(() => { if (!fitToWidth && isPresenter) { setZoom(HUNDRED_PERCENT); zoomChanger(HUNDRED_PERCENT); zoomSlide( HUNDRED_PERCENT, HUNDRED_PERCENT, 0, 0, ); } }, [fitToWidth, isPresenter]); React.useEffect(() => { if (currentPresentationPage.scaledViewBoxWidth && !initialViewBoxWidth) { setInitialViewBoxWidth(currentPresentationPage.scaledViewBoxWidth); } if (!isPresenter && tlEditorRef.current && initialViewBoxWidth) { const viewerFitToWidth = determineViewerFitToWidth( currentPresentationPage ); // Calculate the effective zoom based on the change in viewBoxWidth const effectiveZoom = calculateEffectiveZoom( initialViewBoxWidth, currentPresentationPage.scaledViewBoxWidth ); const zoomFitSlide = calculateZoomValue( currentPresentationPage.scaledWidth, currentPresentationPage.scaledHeight, true ); const zoomCamera = (zoomFitSlide * effectiveZoom) / HUNDRED_PERCENT; setCamera( zoomCamera, currentPresentationPage?.xOffset, currentPresentationPage?.yOffset ); } }, [ currentPresentationPage?.xOffset, currentPresentationPage?.yOffset, currentPresentationPage?.scaledViewBoxWidth, currentPresentationPage?.scaledViewBoxHeight, ]); React.useEffect(() => { // Check if there are any changes to be made if (shapesToAdd.length || shapesToUpdate.length || shapesToRemove.length) { const tlStoreUpdateTimeoutId = setTimeout(() => { tlEditor?.store?.mergeRemoteChanges(() => { if (shapesToRemove.length > 0) { tlEditor?.store?.remove(shapesToRemove); } if (shapesToAdd.length) { tlEditor?.store?.put(shapesToAdd); } if (shapesToUpdate.length) { tlEditor?.updateShapes(shapesToUpdate); } }); }, 150); return () => clearTimeout(tlStoreUpdateTimeoutId); } }, [shapesToAdd, shapesToUpdate, shapesToRemove]); // Updating presences in tldraw store based on changes in cursors React.useEffect(() => { if (tlEditorRef.current) { const useElement = document.querySelector(".tl-cursor use"); if (useElement && !isMultiUserActive && !isPresenter) { useElement.setAttribute("href", "#redPointer"); } else if (useElement) { useElement.setAttribute("href", "#cursor"); } const updatedPresences = prevOtherCursorsRef.current .map(({ userId, user, xPercent, yPercent }) => { const { presenter, name } = user; const id = InstancePresenceRecordType.createId(userId); const active = yPercent !== -1 && yPercent !== -1; // if cursor is not active remove it from tldraw store if (!active || (hideViewersCursor && user.role === 'VIEWER' && !currentUser?.presenter) || (!presenter && !isMultiUserActive)) { tlEditorRef.current?.store.remove([id]); return null; } const currentPageId = tlEditorRef.current?.currentPageId; const cursor = { x: xPercent, y: yPercent, type: "default", rotation: 0, }; const color = presenter ? "#FF0000" : "#70DB70"; const c = { ...InstancePresenceRecordType.create({ id, currentPageId, userId, userName: name, cursor, color, }), lastActivityTimestamp:, }; return c; }) .filter((cursor) => cursor && cursor.userId !== currentUser?.userId); // If there are any updated presences, put them all in the store if (updatedPresences.length) { tlEditorRef.current?.store.put(updatedPresences); } } }, [prevOtherCursorsRef.current]); // set current tldraw page when presentation id updates React.useEffect(() => { if (tlEditorRef.current && curPageIdRef.current !== "0") { const pages = [ { meta: {}, id: `page:${curPageIdRef.current}`, name: `Slide ${curPageIdRef.current}`, index: `a1`, typeName: "page", }, ]; => { tlEditorRef.current.batch(() => {; tlEditorRef.current.deletePage(tlEditorRef.current.currentPageId); tlEditorRef.current.setCurrentPage(`page:${curPageIdRef.current}`);; tlEditorRef.current.createShapes(bgShape); tlEditorRef.current.history.clear(); }); }); whiteboardToolbarAutoHide && toggleToolsAnimations( "fade-in", "fade-out", "0s", hasWBAccessRef.current || isPresenter ); slideChanged.current = false; slideNext.current = null; } }, [curPageIdRef.current]); React.useEffect(() => { setTldrawIsMounting(true); return () => { isMountedRef.current = false; }; }, []); React.useEffect(() => { if (isMountedRef.current) { setTimeout(() => { if ( presentationAreaHeight > 0 && presentationAreaWidth > 0 && currentPresentationPage && currentPresentationPage?.scaledWidth > 0 && currentPresentationPage?.scaledHeight > 0 ) { let adjustedZoom = HUNDRED_PERCENT; if (isPresenter) { // Presenter logic const currentZoom = zoomValueRef.current || HUNDRED_PERCENT; const baseZoom = calculateZoomValue( currentPresentationPage?.scaledWidth, currentPresentationPage?.scaledHeight ); adjustedZoom = baseZoom * (currentZoom / HUNDRED_PERCENT); } else { // Viewer logic const effectiveZoom = calculateEffectiveZoom( initialViewBoxWidth, currentPresentationPage?.scaledViewBoxWidth ); const baseZoom = calculateZoomValue( currentPresentationPage?.scaledWidth, currentPresentationPage?.scaledHeight, true ); adjustedZoom = baseZoom * (effectiveZoom / HUNDRED_PERCENT); } setCamera(adjustedZoom); } }, 250); } }, [ isMountedRef.current, presentationId, curPageIdRef.current, isMultiUserActive, isPresenter, animations, ]); React.useEffect(() => { if (isMounting) { setIsMounting(false); /// brings presentation toolbar back setTldrawIsMounting(false); } }, [ tlEditorRef?.current?.camera, presentationAreaWidth, presentationAreaHeight, ]); const handleTldrawMount = (editor) => { setTlEditor(editor); setTldrawAPI(editor); editor?.user?.updateUserPreferences({ locale: language }); const debouncePersistShape = debounce({ delay: 0 }, persistShapeWrapper); const colorStyles = ['black', 'blue', 'green', 'grey', 'light-blue', 'light-green', 'light-red', 'light-violet', 'orange', 'red', 'violet', 'yellow']; const dashStyles = ['dashed', 'dotted', 'draw', 'solid']; const fillStyles = ['none', 'pattern', 'semi', 'solid']; const fontStyles = ['draw','mono','sans', 'serif']; const sizeStyles = ['l', 'm', 's', 'xl']; if ( colorStyles.includes(colorStyle) ) { editor.setStyleForNextShapes(DefaultColorStyle, colorStyle); } if ( dashStyles.includes(dashStyle) ) { editor.setStyleForNextShapes(DefaultDashStyle, dashStyle); } if ( fillStyles.includes(fillStyle) ) { editor.setStyleForNextShapes(DefaultFillStyle, fillStyle); } if ( fontStyles.includes(fontStyle)) { editor.setStyleForNextShapes(DefaultFontStyle, fontStyle); } if ( sizeStyles.includes(sizeStyle) ) { editor.setStyleForNextShapes(DefaultSizeStyle, sizeStyle); } (entry) => { const { changes } = entry; const { added, updated, removed } = changes; Object.values(added).forEach((record) => { const updatedRecord = { ...record, meta: { ...record.meta, createdBy: currentUser?.userId, }, }; persistShapeWrapper(updatedRecord, whiteboardIdRef.current, isModerator); }); Object.values(updated).forEach(([_, record]) => { const updatedRecord = { ...record, meta: { updatedBy: currentUser?.userId, createdBy: shapes[record?.id]?.meta?.createdBy, }, }; persistShapeWrapper(updatedRecord, whiteboardIdRef.current, isModerator); }); Object.values(removed).forEach((record) => { removeShapes([]); }); }, { source: "user", scope: "document" } ); (entry) => { const { changes, source } = entry; const { updated } = changes; const { "pointer:pointer": pointers } = updated; if (pointers) { const [prevPointer, nextPointer] = pointers; updateCursorPosition(nextPointer?.x, nextPointer?.y); } const camKey = `camera:page:${curPageIdRef.current}`; const { [camKey]: cameras } = updated; if (cameras) { const [prevCam, nextCam] = cameras; const panned = prevCam.x !== nextCam.x || prevCam.y !== nextCam.y; if (panned) { let viewedRegionW = SlideCalcUtil.calcViewedRegionWidth( editor?.viewportPageBounds.width, currentPresentationPage?.scaledWidth ); let viewedRegionH = SlideCalcUtil.calcViewedRegionHeight( editor?.viewportPageBounds.height, currentPresentationPage?.scaledHeight ); zoomSlide( viewedRegionW, viewedRegionH, nextCam.x, nextCam.y, ); } } }, { source: "user" } ); if (editor && curPageIdRef.current) { const pages = [ { meta: {}, id: `page:${curPageIdRef.current}`, name: `Slide ${curPageIdRef.current}`, index: `a1`, typeName: "page", }, ]; => { editor.batch(() => {; editor.deletePage(editor.currentPageId); editor.setCurrentPage(`page:${curPageIdRef.current}`);; editor.createShapes(bgShape); editor.history.clear(); }); }); const remoteShapes = shapes; const localShapes =; const filteredShapes = localShapes.filter((item) => item.typeName === "shape") || []; const localShapesObj = {}; filteredShapes.forEach((shape) => { localShapesObj[] = shape; }); const shapesToAdd = []; for (let id in remoteShapes) { if ( !localShapesObj[id] || JSON.stringify(remoteShapes[id]) !== JSON.stringify(localShapesObj[id]) ) { shapesToAdd.push(remoteShapes[id]); } } => { if (shapesToAdd && shapesToAdd.length) { shapesToAdd.forEach((shape) => { delete shape.isModerator; delete shape.questionType; });; } }); = (prev, next, source) => { if (next?.typeName === "instance_page_state") { if (!isEqual(prev.selectedShapeIds, next.selectedShapeIds)) { // Filter the selectedShapeIds next.selectedShapeIds = next.selectedShapeIds.filter(hasShapeAccess); } return next; } const camera = editor?.camera; const panned = next?.id?.includes("camera") && (prev.x !== next.x || prev.y !== next.y); const zoomed = next?.id?.includes("camera") && prev.z !== next.z; if (panned && isPresenter) { // // limit bounds if ( editor?.viewportPageBounds?.maxX > currentPresentationPage?.scaledWidth ) { next.x += editor.viewportPageBounds.maxX - currentPresentationPage?.scaledWidth; } if ( editor?.viewportPageBounds?.maxY > currentPresentationPage?.scaledHeight ) { next.y += editor.viewportPageBounds.maxY - currentPresentationPage?.scaledHeight; } if (next.x > 0 || editor.viewportPageBounds.minX < 0) { next.x = 0; } if (next.y > 0 || editor.viewportPageBounds.minY < 0) { next.y = 0; } } return next; }; } isMountedRef.current = true; }; return (
); }); Whiteboard.propTypes = { isPresenter: PropTypes.bool, isIphone: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, removeShapes: PropTypes.func.isRequired, initDefaultPages: PropTypes.func.isRequired, persistShapeWrapper: PropTypes.func.isRequired, notifyNotAllowedChange: PropTypes.func.isRequired, shapes: PropTypes.objectOf(PropTypes.shape).isRequired, assets: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.shape).isRequired, currentUser: PropTypes.shape({ userId: PropTypes.string.isRequired, }), whiteboardId: PropTypes.string, zoomSlide: PropTypes.func.isRequired, curPageId: PropTypes.string.isRequired, presentationWidth: PropTypes.number.isRequired, presentationHeight: PropTypes.number.isRequired, zoomChanger: PropTypes.func.isRequired, isRTL: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, fitToWidth: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, zoomValue: PropTypes.number.isRequired, intl: PropTypes.shape({ formatMessage: PropTypes.func.isRequired, }).isRequired, svgUri: PropTypes.string, maxStickyNoteLength: PropTypes.number.isRequired, fontFamily: PropTypes.string.isRequired, colorStyle: PropTypes.string.isRequired, dashStyle: PropTypes.string.isRequired, fillStyle: PropTypes.string.isRequired, fontStyle: PropTypes.string.isRequired, sizeStyle: PropTypes.string.isRequired, hasShapeAccess: PropTypes.func.isRequired, presentationAreaHeight: PropTypes.number.isRequired, presentationAreaWidth: PropTypes.number.isRequired, maxNumberOfAnnotations: PropTypes.number.isRequired, notifyShapeNumberExceeded: PropTypes.func.isRequired, darkTheme: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, setTldrawIsMounting: PropTypes.func.isRequired, width: PropTypes.number.isRequired, height: PropTypes.number.isRequired, fullscreenElementId: PropTypes.string.isRequired, isFullscreen: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, layoutContextDispatch: PropTypes.func.isRequired, fullscreenAction: PropTypes.string.isRequired, fullscreenRef: PropTypes.instanceOf(Element), handleToggleFullScreen: PropTypes.func.isRequired, numberOfPages: PropTypes.number, sidebarNavigationWidth: PropTypes.number, presentationId: PropTypes.string, }; Whiteboard.defaultProps = { fullscreenRef: undefined, svgUri: undefined, whiteboardId: undefined, sidebarNavigationWidth: 0, presentationId: undefined, currentUser: { userId: '', }, isPresenter: false, numberOfPages: 0, };