const { test } = require('../fixtures'); const { SharedNotes } = require('./sharednotes'); const { linkIssue, initializePages } = require('../core/helpers'); const { fullyParallel } = require('../playwright.config'); test.describe('Shared Notes', () => { const sharedNotes = new SharedNotes(); test.describe.configure({ mode: fullyParallel ? 'parallel' : 'serial' }); test[fullyParallel ? 'beforeEach' : 'beforeAll'](async ({ browser }) => { await initializePages(sharedNotes, browser, { isMultiUser: true }); }); test('Open shared notes', { tag: '@ci' }, async () => { await sharedNotes.openSharedNotes(); }); test('Type in shared notes', { tag: '@ci' }, async () => { await sharedNotes.typeInSharedNotes(); }); test('Formate text in shared notes', { tag: '@ci' }, async () => { await sharedNotes.formatTextInSharedNotes(); }); test('Export shared notes', { tag: '@ci' }, async ({}, testInfo) => { await sharedNotes.exportSharedNotes(testInfo); }); test('Convert notes to presentation', { tag: '@ci' }, async () => { await sharedNotes.convertNotesToWhiteboard(); }); test('Multiusers edit', async () => { await sharedNotes.editSharedNotesWithMoreThanOneUSer(); }); test('See notes without edit permission', async () => { await sharedNotes.seeNotesWithoutEditPermission(); }); test('Pin and unpin notes onto whiteboard', { tag: '@flaky' }, async () => { linkIssue('20892'); await sharedNotes.pinAndUnpinNotesOntoWhiteboard(); }); });