import React, { useEffect, useContext, useState } from 'react'; import { defineMessages, injectIntl } from 'react-intl'; import { withTracker } from 'meteor/react-meteor-data'; import { Session } from 'meteor/session'; import _ from 'lodash'; import Auth from '/imports/ui/services/auth'; import Storage from '/imports/ui/services/storage/session'; import { meetingIsBreakout } from '/imports/ui/components/app/service'; import { ChatContext, getLoginTime } from '../components-data/chat-context/context'; import { GroupChatContext } from '../components-data/group-chat-context/context'; import ChatLogger from '/imports/ui/components/chat/chat-logger/ChatLogger'; import Chat from './component'; import ChatService from './service'; const CHAT_CONFIG =; const PUBLIC_CHAT_KEY = CHAT_CONFIG.public_id; const PUBLIC_GROUP_CHAT_KEY = CHAT_CONFIG.public_group_id; const CHAT_CLEAR = CHAT_CONFIG.system_messages_keys.chat_clear; const SYSTEM_CHAT_TYPE = CHAT_CONFIG.type_system; const ROLE_MODERATOR = Meteor.settings.public.user.role_moderator; const CONNECTION_STATUS = 'online'; const DEBOUNCE_TIME = 1000; const sysMessagesIds = { welcomeId: `${SYSTEM_CHAT_TYPE}-welcome-msg`, moderatorId: `${SYSTEM_CHAT_TYPE}-moderator-msg`, syncId: `${SYSTEM_CHAT_TYPE}-sync-msg` }; const intlMessages = defineMessages({ [CHAT_CLEAR]: { id: '', description: 'message of when clear the public chat', }, titlePublic: { id: '', description: 'Public chat title', }, titlePrivate: { id: '', description: 'Private chat title', }, partnerDisconnected: { id: '', description: 'System chat message when the private chat partnet disconnect from the meeting', }, loading: { id: '', description: 'loading message', }, }); let previousChatId = null; let prevSync = false; let globalAppplyStateToProps = () => { } const throttledFunc = _.throttle(() => { globalAppplyStateToProps(); }, DEBOUNCE_TIME, { trailing: true, leading: true }); const ChatContainer = (props) => { useEffect(() => { ChatService.removeFromClosedChatsSession(); }, []); const modOnlyMessage = Storage.getItem('ModeratorOnlyMessage'); const { welcomeProp } = ChatService.getWelcomeProp(); const { children, unmounting, chatID, amIModerator, loginTime, intl, } = props; ChatLogger.debug('ChatContainer::render::props', props); const isPublicChat = chatID === PUBLIC_CHAT_KEY; const systemMessages = { [sysMessagesIds.welcomeId]: { id: sysMessagesIds.welcomeId, content: [{ id: sysMessagesIds.welcomeId, text: welcomeProp.welcomeMsg, time: loginTime, }], key: sysMessagesIds.welcomeId, time: loginTime, sender: null, }, [sysMessagesIds.moderatorId]: { id: sysMessagesIds.moderatorId, content: [{ id: sysMessagesIds.moderatorId, text: modOnlyMessage, time: loginTime + 1, }], key: sysMessagesIds.moderatorId, time: loginTime + 1, sender: null, } }; const systemMessagesIds = [sysMessagesIds.welcomeId, amIModerator && modOnlyMessage && sysMessagesIds.moderatorId].filter(i => i); const usingChatContext = useContext(ChatContext); const usingGroupChatContext = useContext(GroupChatContext); const [stateLastMsg, setLastMsg] = useState(null); const [stateTimeWindows, setTimeWindows] = useState(isPublicChat ? [ => systemMessages[item])] : []); const [lastTimeWindowValuesBuild, setLastTimeWindowValuesBuild] = useState(0); const { groupChat } = usingGroupChatContext; const participants = groupChat[chatID]?.participants; const chatName = participants?.filter((user) => !== Auth.userID)[0]?.name; const title = chatName ? intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.titlePrivate, { 0: chatName}) : intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.titlePublic); if (unmounting === true) { return null; } const contextChat = usingChatContext?.chats[isPublicChat ? PUBLIC_GROUP_CHAT_KEY : chatID]; const lastTimeWindow = contextChat?.lastTimewindow; const lastMsg = contextChat && (isPublicChat ? contextChat?.preJoinMessages[lastTimeWindow] || contextChat?.posJoinMessages[lastTimeWindow] : contextChat?.messageGroups[lastTimeWindow]); ChatLogger.debug('ChatContainer::render::chatData',contextChat); applyPropsToState = () => { ChatLogger.debug('ChatContainer::applyPropsToState::chatData',lastMsg, stateLastMsg, contextChat?.syncing); if ( (lastMsg?.lastTimestamp !== stateLastMsg?.lastTimestamp) || (previousChatId !== chatID) || (prevSync !== contextChat?.syncing) ) { prevSync = contextChat?.syncing; const timeWindowsValues = isPublicChat ? [ ...( !contextChat?.syncing ? Object.values(contextChat?.preJoinMessages || {}) : [ { id: sysMessagesIds.syncId, content: [{ id: 'synced', text: intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.loading, { 0: contextChat?.syncedPercent}), time: loginTime + 1, }], key: sysMessagesIds.syncId, time: loginTime + 1, sender: null, } ] ) , => systemMessages[item]), ...Object.values(contextChat?.posJoinMessages || {})] : [...Object.values(contextChat?.messageGroups || {})]; if (previousChatId !== chatID) { previousChatId = chatID; } setLastMsg(lastMsg ? { ...lastMsg } : lastMsg); setTimeWindows(timeWindowsValues); setLastTimeWindowValuesBuild(; } } globalAppplyStateToProps = applyPropsToState; throttledFunc(); ChatService.removePackagedClassAttribute( ["ReactVirtualized__Grid", "ReactVirtualized__Grid__innerScrollContainer"], "role" ); return ( {children} ); }; export default injectIntl(withTracker(({ intl }) => { const chatID = Session.get('idChatOpen'); let isChatLocked = ChatService.isChatLocked(chatID); // let chatName = title; let partnerIsLoggedOut = false; const currentUser = ChatService.getUser(Auth.userID); const amIModerator = currentUser.role === ROLE_MODERATOR; if (!chatID) { // No chatID is set so the panel is closed, about to close, or wasn't opened correctly return { unmounting: true, }; } const { connected: isMeteorConnected } = Meteor.status(); return { chatID, intl, messages: [], partnerIsLoggedOut, isChatLocked, isMeteorConnected, amIModerator, meetingIsBreakout: meetingIsBreakout(), loginTime: getLoginTime(), actions: { handleClosePrivateChat: ChatService.closePrivateChat, }, }; })(ChatContainer));