import React, { Component } from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import cx from 'classnames'; import Button from '/imports/ui/components/button/component'; import { defineMessages, injectIntl } from 'react-intl'; import ModalBase, { withModalState } from '../base/component'; import { styles } from './styles'; const intlMessages = defineMessages({ modalClose: { id: 'app.modal.close', description: 'Close', }, modalCloseDescription: { id: 'app.modal.close.description', description: 'Disregards changes and closes the modal', }, }); const propTypes = { title: PropTypes.string, dismiss: PropTypes.shape({ callback: PropTypes.func, }), }; const defaultProps = { shouldCloseOnOverlayClick: true, shouldShowCloseButton: true, overlayClassName: styles.overlay, }; class ModalSimple extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.handleDismiss = this.handleDismiss.bind(this); } handleDismiss() { this.props.modalHide(this.props.dismiss.callback); } render() { const { intl, title, hideBorder, dismiss, className, modalisOpen, onRequestClose, shouldShowCloseButton, contentLabel, ...otherProps } = this.props; const closeModel = (onRequestClose || this.handleDismiss); return (


{shouldShowCloseButton ? (
); } } ModalSimple.propTypes = propTypes; ModalSimple.defaultProps = defaultProps; export default withModalState(injectIntl(ModalSimple));