import React, { PureComponent } from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { defineMessages, injectIntl } from 'react-intl'; import { range } from '/imports/utils/array-utils'; import deviceInfo from '/imports/utils/deviceInfo'; import Button from '/imports/ui/components/common/button/component'; import { Session } from 'meteor/session'; import ModalFullscreen from '/imports/ui/components/common/modal/fullscreen/component'; import SortList from './sort-user-list/component'; import Styled from './styles'; import Icon from '/imports/ui/components/common/icon/component'; import { isImportSharedNotesFromBreakoutRoomsEnabled, isImportPresentationWithAnnotationsFromBreakoutRoomsEnabled } from '/imports/ui/services/features'; import { addNewAlert } from '/imports/ui/components/screenreader-alert/service'; import PresentationUploaderService from '/imports/ui/components/presentation/presentation-uploader/service'; import { uniqueId } from '/imports/utils/string-utils'; const ROLE_MODERATOR = Meteor.settings.public.user.role_moderator; const intlMessages = defineMessages({ breakoutRoomTitle: { id: 'app.createBreakoutRoom.title', description: 'modal title', }, breakoutRoomDesc: { id: 'app.createBreakoutRoom.modalDesc', description: 'modal description', }, breakoutRoomUpdateDesc: { id: 'app.updateBreakoutRoom.modalDesc', description: 'update modal description', }, cancelLabel: { id: 'app.updateBreakoutRoom.cancelLabel', description: 'used in the button that close update modal', }, updateTitle: { id: 'app.updateBreakoutRoom.title', description: 'update breakout title', }, updateConfirm: { id: 'app.updateBreakoutRoom.confirm', description: 'Update to breakout confirm button label', }, resetUserRoom: { id: 'app.update.resetRoom', description: 'Reset user room button label', }, confirmButton: { id: 'app.createBreakoutRoom.confirm', description: 'confirm button label', }, dismissLabel: { id: 'app.presentationUploder.dismissLabel', description: 'used in the button that close modal', }, numberOfRooms: { id: 'app.createBreakoutRoom.numberOfRooms', description: 'number of rooms label', }, duration: { id: 'app.createBreakoutRoom.durationInMinutes', description: 'duration time label', }, resetAssignments: { id: 'app.createBreakoutRoom.resetAssignments', description: 'reset assignments label', }, resetAssignmentsDesc: { id: 'app.createBreakoutRoom.resetAssignmentsDesc', description: 'reset assignments label description', }, randomlyAssign: { id: 'app.createBreakoutRoom.randomlyAssign', description: 'randomly assign label', }, randomlyAssignDesc: { id: 'app.createBreakoutRoom.randomlyAssignDesc', description: 'randomly assign label description', }, breakoutRoom: { id: '', description: 'breakout room', }, freeJoinLabel: { id: 'app.createBreakoutRoom.freeJoin', description: 'free join label', }, captureNotesLabel: { id: 'app.createBreakoutRoom.captureNotes', description: 'capture shared notes label', }, captureSlidesLabel: { id: 'app.createBreakoutRoom.captureSlides', description: 'capture slides label', }, captureNotesType: { id: 'app.notes.label', description: 'indicates notes have been captured', }, captureSlidesType: { id: 'app.shortcut-help.whiteboard', description: 'indicates the whiteboard has been captured', }, roomLabel: { id: '', description: 'Room label', }, leastOneWarnBreakout: { id: 'app.createBreakoutRoom.leastOneWarnBreakout', description: 'warn message label', }, notAssigned: { id: 'app.createBreakoutRoom.notAssigned', description: 'Not assigned label', }, breakoutRoomLabel: { id: 'app.createBreakoutRoom.breakoutRoomLabel', description: 'breakout room label', }, addParticipantLabel: { id: 'app.createBreakoutRoom.addParticipantLabel', description: 'add Participant label', }, nextLabel: { id: 'app.createBreakoutRoom.nextLabel', description: 'Next label', }, backLabel: { id: '', description: 'Back label', }, minusRoomTime: { id: 'app.createBreakoutRoom.minusRoomTime', description: 'aria label for btn to decrease room time', }, addRoomTime: { id: 'app.createBreakoutRoom.addRoomTime', description: 'aria label for btn to increase room time', }, record: { id: 'app.createBreakoutRoom.record', description: 'label for checkbox to allow record', }, roomTime: { id: 'app.createBreakoutRoom.roomTime', description: 'used to provide current room time for aria label', }, numberOfRoomsIsValid: { id: 'app.createBreakoutRoom.numberOfRoomsError', description: 'Label an error message', }, roomNameEmptyIsValid: { id: 'app.createBreakoutRoom.emptyRoomNameError', description: 'Label an error message', }, roomNameDuplicatedIsValid: { id: 'app.createBreakoutRoom.duplicatedRoomNameError', description: 'Label an error message', }, you: { id: '', description: 'Text for identifying your user', }, minimumDurationWarnBreakout: { id: 'app.createBreakoutRoom.minimumDurationWarnBreakout', description: 'minimum duration warning message label', }, roomNameInputDesc: { id: 'app.createBreakoutRoom.roomNameInputDesc', description: 'aria description for room name change', }, movedUserLabel: { id: 'app.createBreakoutRoom.movedUserLabel', description: 'screen reader alert when users are moved to rooms', }, manageRooms: { id: 'app.createBreakoutRoom.manageRoomsLabel', description: 'Label for manage rooms', }, sendInvitationToMods: { id: 'app.createBreakoutRoom.sendInvitationToMods', description: 'label for checkbox send invitation to moderators', }, }); const BREAKOUT_LIM =; const MIN_BREAKOUT_ROOMS = 2; const MAX_BREAKOUT_ROOMS = BREAKOUT_LIM > MIN_BREAKOUT_ROOMS ? BREAKOUT_LIM : MIN_BREAKOUT_ROOMS; const MIN_BREAKOUT_TIME = 5; const propTypes = { intl: PropTypes.shape({ formatMessage: PropTypes.func.isRequired, }).isRequired, isMe: PropTypes.func.isRequired, meetingName: PropTypes.string.isRequired, users: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.object).isRequired, createBreakoutRoom: PropTypes.func.isRequired, getUsersNotJoined: PropTypes.func.isRequired, getBreakouts: PropTypes.func.isRequired, sendInvitation: PropTypes.func.isRequired, isBreakoutRecordable: PropTypes.bool, }; const setPresentationVisibility = (state) => { const presentationInnerWrapper = document.getElementById('presentationInnerWrapper'); if (presentationInnerWrapper) { = state; } }; class BreakoutRoom extends PureComponent { constructor(props) { super(props); this.changeNumberOfRooms = this.changeNumberOfRooms.bind(this); this.changeDurationTime = this.changeDurationTime.bind(this); this.changeUserRoom = this.changeUserRoom.bind(this); this.increaseDurationTime = this.increaseDurationTime.bind(this); this.decreaseDurationTime = this.decreaseDurationTime.bind(this); this.onCreateBreakouts = this.onCreateBreakouts.bind(this); this.setRoomUsers = this.setRoomUsers.bind(this); this.setFreeJoin = this.setFreeJoin.bind(this); this.getUserByRoom = this.getUserByRoom.bind(this); this.onAssignRandomly = this.onAssignRandomly.bind(this); this.onAssignReset = this.onAssignReset.bind(this); this.onInviteBreakout = this.onInviteBreakout.bind(this); this.renderUserItemByRoom = this.renderUserItemByRoom.bind(this); this.renderRoomsGrid = this.renderRoomsGrid.bind(this); this.renderBreakoutForm = this.renderBreakoutForm.bind(this); this.renderCheckboxes = this.renderUnassingUsers.bind(this); this.renderRoomSortList = this.renderRoomSortList.bind(this); this.renderDesktop = this.renderDesktop.bind(this); this.renderMobile = this.renderMobile.bind(this); this.renderButtonSetLevel = this.renderButtonSetLevel.bind(this); this.renderSelectUserScreen = this.renderSelectUserScreen.bind(this); this.renderTitle = this.renderTitle.bind(this); this.handleDismiss = this.handleDismiss.bind(this); this.setInvitationConfig = this.setInvitationConfig.bind(this); this.setRecord = this.setRecord.bind(this); this.setCaptureNotes = this.setCaptureNotes.bind(this); this.setInviteMods = this.setInviteMods.bind(this); this.setCaptureSlides = this.setCaptureSlides.bind(this); this.blurDurationTime = this.blurDurationTime.bind(this); this.removeRoomUsers = this.removeRoomUsers.bind(this); this.renderErrorMessages = this.renderErrorMessages.bind(this); this.onUpdateBreakouts = this.onUpdateBreakouts.bind(this); this.state = { numberOfRooms: MIN_BREAKOUT_ROOMS, selectedId: '', users: [], durationTime: 15, freeJoin: false, formFillLevel: 1, roomNamesChanged: [], roomSelected: 0, preventClosing: true, leastOneUserIsValid: null, numberOfRoomsIsValid: true, roomNameDuplicatedIsValid: true, roomNameEmptyIsValid: true, record: false, captureNotes: false, inviteMods: false, captureSlides: false, durationIsValid: true, breakoutJoinedUsers: null, }; this.btnLevelId = uniqueId('btn-set-level-'); this.handleMoveEvent = this.handleMoveEvent.bind(this); this.handleShiftUser = this.handleShiftUser.bind(this); } componentDidMount() { const { breakoutJoinedUsers, getLastBreakouts, groups, isUpdate, allowUserChooseRoomByDefault, captureSharedNotesByDefault, captureWhiteboardByDefault, inviteModsByDefault, } = this.props; setPresentationVisibility('none'); this.setRoomUsers(); if (isUpdate) { const usersToMerge = [] breakoutJoinedUsers.forEach((breakout) => { breakout.joinedUsers.forEach((user) => { usersToMerge.push({ userId: user.userId, userName:, from: breakout.sequence, room: breakout.sequence, isModerator: user.role === ROLE_MODERATOR, joined: true, }); }); }); this.setState((prevState) => { return { users: [ ...prevState.users, ...usersToMerge, ], }; }); } this.setState({ freeJoin: allowUserChooseRoomByDefault, captureSlides: captureWhiteboardByDefault, captureNotes: captureSharedNotesByDefault, inviteMods: inviteModsByDefault, }); const lastBreakouts = getLastBreakouts(); if (lastBreakouts.length > 0) { this.populateWithLastBreakouts(lastBreakouts); } else if (groups && groups.length > 0) { this.populateWithGroups(groups); } } componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevstate) { if (this.listOfUsers) { for (let i = 0; i < this.listOfUsers.children.length; i += 1) { const roomWrapperChildren = this.listOfUsers.children[i].getElementsByTagName('div'); const roomList = roomWrapperChildren[roomWrapperChildren.length > 1 ? 1 : 0]; roomList.addEventListener('keydown', this.handleMoveEvent, true); } } const unassignedUsers = document.getElementById('breakoutBox-0'); if (unassignedUsers) { unassignedUsers.addEventListener('keydown', this.handleMoveEvent, true); } const { numberOfRooms } = this.state; const { users } = this.props; const { users: prevUsers } = prevProps; if (numberOfRooms < prevstate.numberOfRooms) { this.resetUserWhenRoomsChange(numberOfRooms); } const usersCount = users.length; const prevUsersCount = prevUsers.length; if (usersCount > prevUsersCount) { this.setRoomUsers(); } if (usersCount < prevUsersCount) { this.removeRoomUsers(); } } componentWillUnmount() { if (this.listOfUsers) { for (let i = 0; i < this.listOfUsers.children.length; i += 1) { const roomList = this.listOfUsers.children[i].getElementsByTagName('div')[0]; roomList.removeEventListener('keydown', this.handleMoveEvent, true); } } const unassignedUsers = document.getElementById('breakoutBox-0'); if (unassignedUsers) { unassignedUsers.removeEventListener('keydown', this.handleMoveEvent, true); } } handleShiftUser(activeListSibling) { const { users } = this.state; if (activeListSibling) { const text = activeListSibling.getElementsByTagName('input')[0].value; const roomNumber = text.match(/\d/g).join(''); users.forEach((u, index) => { if (`roomUserItem-${u.userId}` === { users[index].room = text.substr(text.length - 1).includes(')') ? 0 : parseInt(roomNumber, 10); this.changeUserRoom(u.userId, users[index].room); } }); } else { users.forEach((u, index) => { if (`roomUserItem-${u.userId}` === { this.changeUserRoom(u.userId, 0); } }); } } handleMoveEvent(event) { if (this.listOfUsers) { const { activeElement } = document; if (event.key.includes('ArrowDown')) { const { nextElementSibling, id, childNodes, parentElement, } = activeElement; if (id.includes('breakoutBox')) return childNodes[0].focus(); if (id.includes('roomUserItem')) { if (!nextElementSibling) { return parentElement.firstElementChild.focus(); } return nextElementSibling.focus(); } } if (event.key.includes('ArrowUp')) { const { previousElementSibling, id, childNodes, parentElement, } = activeElement; if (id.includes('breakoutBox')) return childNodes[childNodes.length - 1].focus(); if (id.includes('roomUserItem')) { if (!previousElementSibling) { return parentElement.lastElementChild.focus(); } return previousElementSibling.focus(); } } if (event.key.includes('ArrowRight')) { const { parentElement: listContainer } = activeElement; if ('breakoutBox')) { this.handleShiftUser(listContainer.parentElement.nextSibling); } } if (event.key.includes('ArrowLeft')) { const { parentElement: listContainer } = activeElement; if ('breakoutBox')) { this.handleShiftUser(listContainer.parentElement.previousSibling); } } this.setRoomUsers(); } return true; } handleDismiss() { const { setIsOpen } = this.props; setPresentationVisibility('block'); return new Promise((resolve) => { setIsOpen(false); this.setState({ preventClosing: false, }, resolve); }); } onCreateBreakouts() { setPresentationVisibility('block'); const { createBreakoutRoom, } = this.props; const { users, freeJoin, record, captureNotes, captureSlides, numberOfRoomsIsValid, numberOfRooms, durationTime, durationIsValid, inviteMods, } = this.state; if ((durationTime || 0) < MIN_BREAKOUT_TIME) { this.setState({ durationIsValid: false }); return; } if (users.length === this.getUserByRoom(0).length && !freeJoin) { this.setState({ leastOneUserIsValid: false }); return; } if (!numberOfRoomsIsValid || !durationIsValid) { return; } const duplicatedNames = range(1, numberOfRooms + 1).filter((n) => this.hasNameDuplicated(n)); if (duplicatedNames.length > 0) { this.setState({ roomNameDuplicatedIsValid: false }); return; } const emptyNames = range(1, numberOfRooms + 1) .filter((n) => this.getRoomName(n).length === 0); if (emptyNames.length > 0) { this.setState({ roomNameEmptyIsValid: false }); return; } this.handleDismiss(); const rooms = range(1, numberOfRooms + 1).map((seq) => ({ users: this.getUserByRoom(seq).map((u) => u.userId), name: this.getFullName(seq), captureNotesFilename: this.getCaptureFilename(seq, false), captureSlidesFilename: this.getCaptureFilename(seq), shortName: this.getRoomName(seq), isDefaultName: !this.hasNameChanged(seq), freeJoin, sequence: seq, })); createBreakoutRoom(rooms, durationTime, record, captureNotes, captureSlides, inviteMods); Session.set('isUserListOpen', true); } onInviteBreakout() { const { getBreakouts, sendInvitation } = this.props; const { users, freeJoin } = this.state; const breakouts = getBreakouts(); if (users.length === this.getUserByRoom(0).length && !freeJoin) { this.setState({ leastOneUserIsValid: false }); return; } breakouts.forEach((breakout) => { const { breakoutId } = breakout; const breakoutUsers = this.getUserByRoom(breakout.sequence); breakoutUsers.forEach((user) => sendInvitation(breakoutId, user.userId)); }); this.handleDismiss(); } getBreakoutBySequence(sequence) { const { getBreakouts } = this.props; const breakouts = getBreakouts(); return breakouts.find((breakout) => breakout.sequence === sequence); } changeUserBreakout(fromBreakoutId, toBreakoutId, userId) { const { moveUser } = this.props; moveUser(fromBreakoutId, toBreakoutId, userId); } onUpdateBreakouts() { setPresentationVisibility('block'); const { users } = this.state; const leastOneUserIsValid = users.some((user) => user.from !==; if (!leastOneUserIsValid) { this.setState({ leastOneUserIsValid }); } users.forEach((user) => { const { from, room } = user; let { userId } = user; if (from === room) return; let toBreakoutId = ''; if (room !== 0) { const toBreakout = this.getBreakoutBySequence(room); toBreakoutId = toBreakout.breakoutId; } let fromBreakoutId = ''; if (from !== 0) { [userId] = userId.split('-'); const fromBreakout = this.getBreakoutBySequence(from); fromBreakoutId = fromBreakout.breakoutId; } this.changeUserBreakout(fromBreakoutId, toBreakoutId, userId); }); this.handleDismiss(); } onAssignRandomly() { const { numberOfRooms } = this.state; this.setState({ hasUsersAssign: false }); const { users } = this.state; // We only want to assign viewers so filter out the moderators. We also want to get // all users each run so that clicking the button again will reshuffle const viewers = users.filter((user) => !user.isModerator); // We want to keep assigning users until all viewers have been assigned a room while (viewers.length > 0) { // We cycle through the rooms picking one user for each room so that the rooms // will have an equal number of people in each one for (let i = 1; i <= numberOfRooms && viewers.length > 0; i += 1) { // Select a random user for the room const userIdx = Math.floor(Math.random() * (viewers.length)); this.changeUserRoom(viewers[userIdx].userId, i); // Remove the picked user so they aren't selected again viewers.splice(userIdx, 1); } } } onAssignReset() { const { users } = this.state; this.setState({ hasUsersAssign: true }); users.forEach((u) => { if ( !== null && > 0) { this.changeUserRoom(u.userId, 0); } }); } setInvitationConfig() { const { getBreakouts } = this.props; this.setState({ numberOfRooms: getBreakouts().length, formFillLevel: 2, }); } setRoomUsers() { const { users, getUsersNotJoined } = this.props; const { users: stateUsers } = this.state; const stateUsersId = => user.userId); const roomUsers = getUsersNotJoined(users) .filter((user) => !stateUsersId.includes(user.userId)) .map((user) => ({ userId: user.userId, extId: user.extId, userName:, isModerator: user.role === ROLE_MODERATOR, from: 0, room: 0, })); this.setState({ users: [ ...stateUsers, ...roomUsers, ], }); } setFreeJoin(e) { this.setState({ freeJoin:, leastOneUserIsValid: true }); } setRecord(e) { this.setState({ record: }); } setCaptureNotes(e) { this.setState({ captureNotes: }); } setInviteMods(e) { this.setState({ inviteMods: }); } setCaptureSlides(e) { this.setState({ captureSlides: }); } getUserByRoom(room) { const { users } = this.state; return users.filter((user) => === room); } getUsersByRoomSequence(sequence) { const { breakoutJoinedUsers } = this.state; if (!breakoutJoinedUsers) return []; return breakoutJoinedUsers.filter((room) => room.sequence === sequence)[0].joinedUsers || []; } getRoomName(position, padWithZeroes = false) { const { intl } = this.props; const { roomNamesChanged } = this.state; if (this.hasNameChanged(position)) { return roomNamesChanged[position]; } return intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.breakoutRoom, { 0: padWithZeroes ? `${position}`.padStart(2, '0') : position }); } getFullName(position) { const { meetingName } = this.props; return `${meetingName} (${this.getRoomName(position)})`; } getCaptureFilename(position, slides = true) { const { intl } = this.props; const presentations = PresentationUploaderService.getPresentations(); const captureType = slides ? intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.captureSlidesType) : intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.captureNotesType); const fileName = `${this.getRoomName(position, true)}_${captureType}`.replace(/ /g, '_'); const fileNameDuplicatedCount = presentations.filter((pres) => pres.filename?.startsWith(fileName) ||; return fileNameDuplicatedCount === 0 ? fileName : `${fileName}(${fileNameDuplicatedCount + 1})`; } resetUserWhenRoomsChange(rooms) { const { users } = this.state; const filtredUsers = users.filter((u) => > rooms); filtredUsers.forEach((u) => this.changeUserRoom(u.userId, 0)); } changeUserRoom(userId, room) { const { intl } = this.props; const { users, freeJoin } = this.state; const idxUser = users.findIndex((user) => user.userId === userId.replace('roomUserItem-', '')); const usersCopy = [...users]; let userName = null; if (idxUser >= 0) { usersCopy[idxUser].room = room; userName = usersCopy[idxUser].userName; }; this.setState({ users: usersCopy, leastOneUserIsValid: (this.getUserByRoom(0).length !== users.length || freeJoin), }, () => { addNewAlert(intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.movedUserLabel, { 0: userName, 1: room })) }); } increaseDurationTime() { const { durationTime } = this.state; const number = ((1 * durationTime) + 1); const newDurationTime = number > MIN_BREAKOUT_TIME ? number : MIN_BREAKOUT_TIME; this.setState({ durationTime: newDurationTime, durationIsValid: true }); } decreaseDurationTime() { const { durationTime } = this.state; const number = ((1 * durationTime) - 1); const newDurationTime = number > MIN_BREAKOUT_TIME ? number : MIN_BREAKOUT_TIME; this.setState({ durationTime: newDurationTime, durationIsValid: true }); } changeDurationTime(event) { const durationTime = Number.parseInt(, 10) || ''; const durationIsValid = durationTime >= MIN_BREAKOUT_TIME; this.setState({ durationTime, durationIsValid }); } blurDurationTime(event) { const value = Number.parseInt(, 10); this.setState({ durationTime: !(value <= 0) ? value : 1 }); } changeNumberOfRooms(event) { const numberOfRooms = Number.parseInt(, 10); this.setState({ numberOfRooms, numberOfRoomsIsValid: numberOfRooms <= MAX_BREAKOUT_ROOMS && numberOfRooms >= MIN_BREAKOUT_ROOMS, }); } removeRoomUsers() { const { users } = this.props; const { users: stateUsers } = this.state; const userIds = => user.userId); const removeUsers = stateUsers.filter((user) => userIds.includes(user.userId)); this.setState({ users: removeUsers, }); } hasNameChanged(position) { const { intl } = this.props; const { roomNamesChanged } = this.state; if (typeof roomNamesChanged[position] !== 'undefined' && roomNamesChanged[position] !== intl .formatMessage(intlMessages.breakoutRoom, { 0: position })) { return true; } return false; } hasNameDuplicated(position) { const { numberOfRooms } = this.state; const currName = this.getRoomName(position).trim(); const equals = range(1, numberOfRooms + 1) .filter((n) => this.getRoomName(n).trim() === currName); if (equals.length > 1) return true; return false; } populateWithLastBreakouts(lastBreakouts) { const { getBreakoutUserWasIn, users, intl } = this.props; const changedNames = []; lastBreakouts.forEach((breakout) => { if (breakout.isDefaultName === false) { changedNames[breakout.sequence] = breakout.shortName; } }); this.setState({ roomNamesChanged: changedNames, numberOfRooms: lastBreakouts.length, roomNameDuplicatedIsValid: true, roomNameEmptyIsValid: true, }, () => { const rooms = range(1, lastBreakouts.length + 1).map((seq) => this.getRoomName(seq)); users.forEach((u) => { const lastUserBreakout = getBreakoutUserWasIn(u.userId, u.extId); if (lastUserBreakout !== null) { const lastUserBreakoutName = lastUserBreakout.isDefaultName === false ? lastUserBreakout.shortName : intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.breakoutRoom, { 0: lastUserBreakout.sequence }); if (rooms.indexOf(lastUserBreakoutName) !== false) { this.changeUserRoom(u.userId, rooms.indexOf(lastUserBreakoutName) + 1); } } }); }); } populateWithGroups(groups) { const { users } = this.props; const changedNames = []; groups.forEach((group, idx) => { if ( > 0) { changedNames[idx + 1] =; } }); this.setState({ roomNamesChanged: changedNames, numberOfRooms: groups.length > 1 ? groups.length : 2, roomNameDuplicatedIsValid: true, roomNameEmptyIsValid: true, }, () => { groups.forEach((group, groupIdx) => { const usersInGroup = group.usersExtId; if (usersInGroup.length > 0) { usersInGroup.forEach((groupUserExtId) => { users.filter((u) => u.extId === groupUserExtId).forEach((foundUser) => { this.changeUserRoom(foundUser.userId, groupIdx + 1); }); }); } }); }); } renderContent() { const { intl } = this.props; const { leastOneUserIsValid, allowDrop, } = this.state; const drop = (room) => (ev) => { ev.preventDefault(); const data = ev.dataTransfer.getData('text'); this.changeUserRoom(data, room); this.setState({ selectedId: '' }); }; return ( {this.renderUserItemByRoom(0)} {intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.leastOneWarnBreakout)} {this.renderRoomsGrid()} ); } renderRoomsGrid() { const { intl, isUpdate } = this.props; const { leastOneUserIsValid, numberOfRooms, roomNamesChanged, } = this.state; const rooms = (numberOfRooms > MAX_BREAKOUT_ROOMS || numberOfRooms < MIN_BREAKOUT_ROOMS) ? 0 : numberOfRooms; const allowDrop = (ev) => { ev.preventDefault(); }; const drop = (room) => (ev) => { ev.preventDefault(); const data = ev.dataTransfer.getData('text'); this.changeUserRoom(data, room); this.setState({ selectedId: '' }); }; const changeRoomName = (position) => (ev) => { const newRoomsNames = [...roomNamesChanged]; newRoomsNames[position] =; this.setState({ roomNamesChanged: newRoomsNames, roomNameDuplicatedIsValid: true, roomNameEmptyIsValid: true, }); }; return ( { this.listOfUsers = r; }} data-test="roomGrid"> { range(1, rooms + 1).map((value) => (
{this.renderUserItemByRoom(value)} {this.hasNameDuplicated(value) ? ( {intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.roomNameDuplicatedIsValid)} ) : null} {this.getRoomName(value).length === 0 ? ( {intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.roomNameEmptyIsValid)} ) : null}
)) }
); } renderBreakoutForm() { const { intl, isUpdate, isBreakoutRecordable, } = this.props; const { numberOfRooms, durationTime, numberOfRoomsIsValid, durationIsValid, freeJoin, record, captureNotes, captureSlides, inviteMods, } = this.state; if (isUpdate) return null; return (
{intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.numberOfRooms)} { range(MIN_BREAKOUT_ROOMS, MAX_BREAKOUT_ROOMS + 1).map((item) => ()) }
{intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.duration)} { intl.formatMessage( intlMessages.minimumDurationWarnBreakout, { 0: MIN_BREAKOUT_TIME }, ) } {intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.freeJoinLabel)} { isBreakoutRecordable ? ( {intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.record)} ) : null } { isImportPresentationWithAnnotationsFromBreakoutRoomsEnabled() ? ( {intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.captureSlidesLabel)} ) : null } { isImportSharedNotesFromBreakoutRoomsEnabled() ? ( {intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.captureNotesLabel)} ) : null } {intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.sendInvitationToMods)}
{intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.numberOfRoomsIsValid)} {intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.randomlyAssignDesc)}
); } renderSelectUserScreen() { const { users, roomSelected, } = this.state; return ( this.setState({ formFillLevel: 2 })} users={users} room={roomSelected} onCheck={this.changeUserRoom} onUncheck={(userId) => this.changeUserRoom(userId, 0)} /> ); } renderUnassingUsers() { const { intl, isUpdate, } = this.props; if (isUpdate) return null; const { numberOfRoomsIsValid, leastOneUserIsValid, } = this.state; return ( {intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.manageRooms)} {leastOneUserIsValid ? ( ) : ( )} ); } renderUserItemByRoom(room) { const { leastOneUserIsValid, selectedId, } = this.state; const { intl, isMe } = this.props; const dragStart = (ev) => { ev.dataTransfer.setData('text',; this.setState({ selectedId: }); if (!leastOneUserIsValid) { this.setState({ leastOneUserIsValid: true }); } }; const dragEnd = () => { this.setState({ selectedId: '' }); }; return this.getUserByRoom(room) .map((user) => ( {user.userName} {(isMe(user.userId)) ? ` (${intl.formatMessage(})` : ''} {room !== user.from ? ( this.changeUserRoom(user.userId, user.from)} > ) : null} )); } renderRoomSortList() { const { intl } = this.props; const { numberOfRooms } = this.state; const onClick = (roomNumber) => this.setState({ formFillLevel: 3, roomSelected: roomNumber }); return ( { new Array(numberOfRooms).fill(1).map((room, idx) => ( {intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.breakoutRoomLabel, { 0: idx + 1 })} onClick(idx + 1)} /> )) } {this.renderButtonSetLevel(1, intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.backLabel))} ); } renderErrorMessages() { const { intl, } = this.props; const { leastOneUserIsValid, numberOfRoomsIsValid, roomNameDuplicatedIsValid, roomNameEmptyIsValid, } = this.state; return ( <> {!leastOneUserIsValid && ( {intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.leastOneWarnBreakout)} )} {!numberOfRoomsIsValid && ( {intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.numberOfRoomsIsValid)} )} {!roomNameDuplicatedIsValid && ( {intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.roomNameDuplicatedIsValid)} )} {!roomNameEmptyIsValid && ( {intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.roomNameEmptyIsValid)} )} ); } renderDesktop() { return [ this.renderBreakoutForm(), this.renderUnassingUsers(), this.renderContent(), ]; } renderMobile() { const { intl } = this.props; const { formFillLevel } = this.state; if (formFillLevel === 2) { return [ this.renderErrorMessages(), this.renderRoomSortList(), ]; } if (formFillLevel === 3) { return [ this.renderErrorMessages(), this.renderSelectUserScreen(), ]; } return [ this.renderErrorMessages(), this.renderBreakoutForm(), this.renderUnassingUsers(), this.renderButtonSetLevel(2, intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.nextLabel)), ]; } renderButtonSetLevel(level, label) { return (