var callback = function(message){console.log(message);}; // holds the user's callback for a global scope var callICEConnected = false; var callPurposefullyEnded = false; // used to determine whether the user ended the call or the call was ended from somewhere else outside var callTimeout = null; // function that will run if there is no call established var toDisplayDisconnectCallback = true; // if a call is dropped only display the error the first time var wasCallSuccessful = false; // when the websocket connection is closed this determines whether a call was ever successfully established // save a copy of the hangup function registered for the verto object var oldHangup = $.verto.prototype.hangup; // overwrite the verto hangup handler with my own handler $.verto.prototype.hangup = function(callID, userCallback) { console.log("call state callbacks - bye"); if (userCallback) { callback = userCallback; } callActive = false; if (cur_call) { console.log('call ended ' + cur_call.audioStream.currentTime); // the duration of the call if (callPurposefullyEnded === true) { // the user ended the call themself callback({'status':'ended'}); } else { callback({'status':'failed', 'errorcode': 1005}); // Call ended unexpectedly } clearTimeout(callTimeout); cur_call = null; } else { console.log('bye event already received'); } // call the original hangup procedure return oldHangup.apply(this, arguments); } // main entry point to making a verto call function callIntoConference(voiceBridge, conferenceUsername, conferenceIdNumber, userCallback) { // stores the user's callback in the global scope if (userCallback) { callback = userCallback; } if(!isLoggedIntoVerto()) { // start the verto log in procedure // runs when a web socket is disconnected callbacks.onWSClose = function(v, success) { if(wasCallSuccessful) { // a call was established through the websocket if(toDisplayDisconnectCallback) { // will only display the error the first time // the connection was dropped in an already established call console.log("websocket disconnected"); callback({'status':'failed', 'errorcode': 1001}); // WebSocket disconnected toDisplayDisconnectCallback = false; } } else { // this callback was triggered and a call was never successfully established console.log("websocket connection could not be established"); callback({'status':'failed', 'errorcode': 1002}); // Could not make a WebSocket connection } } // runs when the websocket is successfully created callbacks.onWSLogin = function(v, success) { display(""); cur_call = null; ringing = false; console.log("Inside onWSLogin"); if (success) { online(true); console.log("starting call"); toDisplayDisconnectCallback = true; // yes, display an error if the socket closes wasCallSuccessful = true; // yes, a call was successfully established through the websocket webrtc_call(voiceBridge, conferenceUsername, conferenceIdNumber, callback); if (!window.location.hash) { goto_page("main"); } } else { callback({'status':'failed', 'errorcode': '10XX'}); // eror logging verto into freeswitch goto_page("main"); goto_dialog("login-error"); } } // set up verto $.verto.init({}, init); } else { console.log("already logged into verto, going straight to making a call"); webrtc_call(voiceBridge, conferenceUsername, conferenceIdNumber, callback); } } function configStuns(callbacks, callback) { console.log("Fetching STUN/TURN server info for Verto initialization"); var stunsConfig = {}; $.ajax({ dataType: 'json', url: '/bigbluebutton/api/stuns/' }).done(function(data) { console.log("ajax request done"); console.log(data); stunsConfig['stunServers'] = ( data['stunServers'] ? data['stunServers'].map(function(data) { return {'url': data['url']}; }) : [] ); stunsConfig['turnServers'] = ( data['turnServers'] ? data['turnServers'].map(function(data) { return { 'urls': data['url'], 'username': data['username'], 'credential': data['password'] }; }) : [] ); stunsConfig = stunsConfig['stunServers'].concat(stunsConfig['turnServers']); console.log("success got stun data, making verto"); makeVerto(callbacks, stunsConfig); }).fail(function(data, textStatus, errorThrown) { // BBBLog.error("Could not fetch stun/turn servers", {error: textStatus, user: callerIdName, voiceBridge: conferenceVoiceBridge}); callback({'status':'failed', 'errorcode': 1009}); return; }); } function docall(extension, conferenceUsername, conferenceIdNumber, callbacks) { console.log(extension + ", " + conferenceUsername + ", " + conferenceIdNumber); $('#ext').trigger('change'); if (cur_call) { // only allow for one call console.log("Quitting: Call already in progress"); return; } check_vid_res(); outgoingBandwidth = "5120"; incomingBandwidth = "5120"; cur_call = verto.newCall({ destination_number: extension, caller_id_name: conferenceUsername, caller_id_number: conferenceIdNumber, outgoingBandwidth: outgoingBandwidth, incomingBandwidth: incomingBandwidth, useVideo: true, useStereo: true, useCamera: true, useMic: true, dedEnc: false, mirrorInput: false, }); if (callbacks != null) { // add user supplied callbacks to the current call cur_call.rtc.options.callbacks = $.extend(cur_call.rtc.options.callbacks, callbacks); } } // check if logged into verto by seeing if there is a ready websocket connection function isLoggedIntoVerto() { return (verto != null ? (ref = verto.rpcClient) != null ? ref.socketReady() : void 0 : void 0); } // overwrite and substitute my own init function init = function() { //$("#webcam").show(); cur_call = null; share_call = null; $(".sharediv").show(); $("#camdiv").show(); //$("#use_vid").prop("checked", "true"); //use video by default incomingBandwidth = "default"; vqual = "qvga"; online(false); configStuns(callbacks, callback); } // checks whether Google Chrome or Firefox have the WebRTCPeerConnection object function isWebRTCAvailable() { return (typeof window.webkitRTCPeerConnection !== 'undefined' || typeof window.mozRTCPeerConnection !== 'undefined'); } // exit point for conference function leaveWebRTCVoiceConference() { console.log("Leaving the voice conference"); webrtc_hangup(); } function make_call(voiceBridge, conferenceUsername, conferenceIdNumber, userCallback, server, recall) { if (userCallback) { callback = userCallback; } callPurposefullyEnded = false; // after 15 seconds if a call hasn't been established display error, hangup and logout of verto callTimeout = setTimeout(function() { console.log('Ten seconds without updates sending timeout code'); callback({'status':'failed', 'errorcode': 1006}); // Failure on call if (verto != null) { verto.hangup(); verto.logout(); verto = null; } cur_call = null; }, 10000*1.5); var myRTCCallbacks = { onError: function(vertoErrorObject, errorMessage) { console.error("custom callback: onError"); console.log("current verto"); console.error(vertoErrorObject); console.error("ERROR:"); console.error(errorMessage); if( === "PermissionDeniedError") { // user denied access to media peripherals console.error("User denied permission/access to hardware"); console.error("getUserMedia: failure - ", errorMessage); callback({'status': 'mediafail', 'cause': errorMessage}); } cur_call.hangup({cause: "Device or Permission Error"}); clearTimeout(callTimeout); }, onICEComplete: function(self, candidate) { // ICE candidate negotiation is complete console.log("custom callback: onICEComplete"); console.log('Received ICE status changed to completed'); if (callICEConnected === false) { callICEConnected = true; if (callActive === true) { callback({'status':'started'}); } clearTimeout(callTimeout); } }, onStream: function(rtc, stream) { // call has been established console.log("getUserMicMedia: success"); callback({'status':'mediasuccess'}); console.log("custom callback: stream started"); callActive = true; console.log('BigBlueButton call accepted'); if (callICEConnected === true) { callback({'status':'started'}); } else { callback({'status':'waitingforice'}); } clearTimeout(callTimeout); } }; if(isLoggedIntoVerto()) { console.log("Verto is logged into FreeSWITCH, socket is available, making call"); callICEConnected = false; docall(voiceBridge, conferenceUsername, conferenceIdNumber, myRTCCallbacks); if(recall === false) { console.log('call connecting'); callback({'status': 'connecting'}); } else { console.log('call connecting again'); } callback({'status':'mediarequest'}); } else { console.error("Verto is NOT logged into FreeSWITCH, socket is NOT available, abandoning call request"); } } function makeVerto(callbacks, stunsConfig) { var vertoPort = "8082"; //var hostName = window.location.hostname; //TODO var hostName = "IP"; //TODO //var socketUrl = "ws://" + hostName + ":5066"; //TODO var socketUrl = "wss://" + hostName + ":" + vertoPort; //TODO var login = "1008"; //TODO var password = "PASSWORD"; //TODO var minWidth = "640"; var minHeight = "480"; var maxWidth = "1920"; var maxHeight = "1080"; console.log("stuns info is"); console.log(stunsConfig); check_vid_res(); // create verto object and log in verto = new $.verto({ login: login, passwd: password, socketUrl: socketUrl, tag: "webcam", ringFile: "sounds/bell_ring2.wav", loginParams: {foo: true, bar: "yes"}, videoParams: { "minWidth": minWidth, "minHeight": minHeight, "maxWidth": maxWidth, "maxHeight": maxHeight, }, iceServers: stunsConfig, // use user supplied stun configuration // iceServers: true, // use stun, use default verto configuration }, callbacks); refresh_devices(); } var RTCPeerConnectionCallbacks = { iceFailed: function(e) { console.log('received ice negotiation failed'); callback({'status':'failed', 'errorcode': 1007}); // Failure on call // // TODO unless I do this, the call only lasts for a few seconds. // When I comment out the lines below, it works fine indefinitely // Anton Georgiev Dec 10 2015 // //cur_call = null; //verto.hangup(); //verto = null; //clearTimeout(callTimeout); } }; function webrtc_call(voiceBridge, conferenceUsername, conferenceIdNumber, userCallback) { if (userCallback) { callback = userCallback; } console.log("webrtc_call\n"+voiceBridge + ", " + conferenceUsername + ", " + conferenceIdNumber + ", " + callback); if(!isWebRTCAvailable()) { callback({'status': 'failed', 'errorcode': 1003}); // Browser version not supported return; } var server = window.document.location.hostname; console.log("user " + conferenceUsername + " calling to " + voiceBridge); if (isLoggedIntoVerto()) { make_call(voiceBridge, conferenceUsername, conferenceIdNumber, callback, "", false); } } function webrtc_hangup(userCallback) { if (userCallback) { callback = userCallback; } callPurposefullyEnded = true; console.log("Hanging up current session"); verto.hangup(false, callback); } function doWebcamPreview() { //TODO // var hdConstraints = { // video: { // mandatory: { // minWidth: 1280, // minHeight: 720 // } // } // }; // var vgaConstraints = { // video: { // mandatory: { // maxWidth: 640, // maxHeight: 360 // } // } // }; //TODO var vgaConstraints = { "audio": false, "video": { "mandatory": { "minWidth": 320, "maxWidth": 320, "minHeight": 240, "maxHeight": 240, "minFrameRate": 30 }, "optional": [] } }; var hdConstraints = { "audio": false, "video": { "mandatory": { "minWidth": 1280, "maxWidth": 1280, "minHeight": 720, "maxHeight": 720, "minFrameRate": 30 }, "optional": [] } }; var maxConstraints = { "audio": false, "video": { "mandatory": { "maxWidth": screen.width > 1920 ? screen.width : 1920, "maxHeight": screen.height > 1080 ? screen.height : 1080, "minWidth": screen.width > 1920 ? screen.width : 1920, "maxWidth": screen.height > 1080 ? screen.height : 1080, "minFrameRate": 30 }, "optional": [] } }; //var screen_constraints = vgaConstraints; // var screen_constraints = hdConstraints; // console.log("screen constraints", screen_constraints) // navigator.getUserMedia = navigator.webkitGetUserMedia || navigator.mozGetUserMedia; // navigator.getUserMedia(screen_constraints, function(stream) { // var video = document.querySelector('video'); // video.src = URL.createObjectURL(stream); //; // }, function(error) { // return console.error(JSON.stringify(error, null, '\t')); // }); } function checkSupport(callback) { if(!isWebRTCAvailable()) { callback({'status': 'failed', 'errorcode': 1003}); // Browser version not supported } if (!navigator.getUserMedia) { navigator.getUserMedia = navigator.getUserMedia || navigator.webkitGetUserMedia || navigator.mozGetUserMedia || navigator.msGetUserMedia; } if (!navigator.getUserMedia){ callback({'status': 'failed', 'errorcode': '10XX'}); // getUserMedia not supported in this browser } }