import Captions from '/imports/api/captions'; import Auth from '/imports/ui/services/auth'; let getCCData = () => { const meetingID = Auth.meetingID; let captionObj = Captions.find({ meetingId: meetingID, }, { sort: { locale: 1, 'captionHistory.index': 1, }, }).fetch(); console.log(captionObj); //associative array that keeps locales with arrays of string objects related to those locales let captions = []; //to keep track of locales in the captions[] let locales = []; if (captionObj != null) { let current = captionObj[0]; while (current != null) { if (locales.indexOf(current.locale) > -1) { captions[current.locale].captions.push( { captions: current.captionHistory.captions, index: current.captionHistory.index, } ); } else { captions[current.locale] = { ownerId: current.captionHistory.ownerId ? current.captionHistory.ownerId : null, captions: [ { captions: current.captionHistory.captions, index: current.captionHistory.index, }, ], }; locales.push(current.locale); } current = captionObj[]; } } return { captions: captions, }; }; export default { getCCData, };