# bbb.mainshell.locale.version = 0.9.0
bbb.mainshell.statusProgress.connecting = सर्भरसँग जडान गर्दै
bbb.mainshell.statusProgress.loading = {0} मोडुलहरु लोडहुदै
bbb.mainshell.statusProgress.cannotConnectServer = माफगर्नुहोस्, सर्भरसँग जडान हुन सकेन
# bbb.mainshell.copyrightLabel2 = (c) 2014 BigBlueButton Inc. [build {0}] - For more information visit http\://www.bigbluebutton.org
bbb.mainshell.logBtn.toolTip = लग सञ्झ्याल खोल्ने
# bbb.mainshell.meetingNotFound = Meeting Not Found
# bbb.mainshell.invalidAuthToken = Invalid Authentication Token
bbb.mainshell.resetLayoutBtn.toolTip = स्वरुप पूर्वरुपमा फर्काउने
# bbb.mainshell.notification.tunnelling = Tunnelling
# bbb.mainshell.notification.webrtc = WebRTC Audio
bbb.oldlocalewindow.reminder1 = तपाईको बिगब्लु भाषा अनुवाद पुरानो भएको हुनसक्छ
bbb.oldlocalewindow.reminder2 = ब्रउजर अनुप्रयोगको क्याश सफा गरेर पुन\: प्रयास गर्नुहोस
bbb.oldlocalewindow.windowTitle = सावधान \: पुरानो भाषानुवाद
# bbb.audioSelection.title = How do you want to join the audio?
# bbb.audioSelection.btnMicrophone.label = Microphone
# bbb.audioSelection.btnListenOnly.label = Listen Only
# bbb.audioSelection.txtPhone.text = To join this meeting by phone, dial\: {0} then enter {1} as the conference pin number.
# bbb.micSettings.title = Audio Test
# bbb.micSettings.speakers.header = Test Speakers
# bbb.micSettings.microphone.header = Test Microphone
bbb.micSettings.playSound = परीक्षण ध्वनी बजाउने
# bbb.micSettings.playSound.toolTip = Play music to test your speakers
bbb.micSettings.hearFromHeadset = तपाईले हेडफोनबाट आवाज सुन्नु पर्छ , कम्प्युटरबाट हैन
# bbb.micSettings.speakIntoMic = If you are using a headset (or earbuds), you should hear the audio from your headset -- not from your computer speakers.
# bbb.micSettings.echoTestMicPrompt = This is a private echo test. Speak a few words. Did you hear audio?
# bbb.micSettings.echoTestAudioYes = Yes
# bbb.micSettings.echoTestAudioNo = No
# bbb.micSettings.speakIntoMicTestLevel = Speak into your microphone. You should see the bar move. If not, choose another mic.
# bbb.micSettings.recommendHeadset = Use a headset with a microphone for best audio experience.
bbb.micSettings.changeMic = माइक्रोफोन परिवर्तन गर्नुहोस्
# bbb.micSettings.changeMic.toolTip = Open the Flash Player microphone settings dialog box
# bbb.micSettings.comboMicList.toolTip = Select a microphone
# bbb.micSettings.micRecordVolume.label = Gain
# bbb.micSettings.micRecordVolume.toolTip = Set your microphone gain
# bbb.micSettings.nextButton = Next
bbb.micSettings.join = आवाज सुचारु गर्ने
# bbb.micSettings.join.toolTip = Join the audio conference
# bbb.micSettings.cancel = Cancel
# bbb.micSettings.connectingtoecho = Connecting
# bbb.micSettings.connectingtoecho.error = Echo Test Error\: Please contact administrator.
# bbb.micSettings.cancel.toolTip = Cancel joining the audio conference
bbb.micSettings.access.helpButton = Om handleiding videos te bekijken, klik hier. Dit zal een nieuwe pagina openen.
bbb.micSettings.access.title = Audio instellingen. Enkel dit venster is editeerbaar tot wanneer dit venster gesloten wordt.
# bbb.micSettings.webrtc.title = WebRTC Support
# bbb.micSettings.webrtc.capableBrowser = Your browser supports WebRTC.
# bbb.micSettings.webrtc.capableBrowser.dontuseit = Click not to use WebRTC
# bbb.micSettings.webrtc.capableBrowser.dontuseit.toolTip = Click here if you don't want to use the WebRTC technology (recommended if you have problems using it).
# bbb.micSettings.webrtc.notCapableBrowser = WebRTC is not supported in your browser. Please use Google Chrome (version 32 or greater); or Mozilla Firefox (version 26 or greater). You will still be able to join the voice conference using the Adobe Flash Platform.
# bbb.micSettings.webrtc.connectingtoecho = Connecting
# bbb.micSettings.webrtc.connectingtocall = Connecting to conference
# bbb.micSettings.webrtc.endingecho = Joining audio
# bbb.micSettings.webrtc.endedecho = Echo test ended.
# bbb.micPermissions.firefox.title = Firefox Microphone Permissions
# bbb.micPermissions.firefox.message1 = Choose your mic and then click Share.
# bbb.micPermissions.firefox.message2 = If you don't see the list of microphones, click on the microphone icon.
# bbb.micPermissions.chrome.title = Chrome Microphone Permissions
# bbb.micPermissions.chrome.message1 = Click Allow to give Chrome permission to use your microphone.
# bbb.micWarning.title = Audio Warning
# bbb.micWarning.joinBtn.label = Join anyway
# bbb.micWarning.testAgain.label = Test again
# bbb.micWarning.message = Your microphone did not show any activity, others probably won't be able to hear you during the session.
# bbb.webrtcWarning.message = Detected the following WebRTC issue\: {0}. Do you want to try Flash instead?
# bbb.webrtcWarning.mediamessage = Could not get your microphone for a WebRTC call. Do you want to try Flash instead?
# bbb.webrtcWarning.endedunexpectedly = The WebRTC echo test ended unexpectedly. Do you want to try Flash instead?
# bbb.webrtcWarning.title = WebRTC Connection Failed
bbb.mainToolbar.helpBtn = सहायता
bbb.mainToolbar.logoutBtn = निर्गमन
# bbb.mainToolbar.logoutBtn.toolTip = Log Out
bbb.mainToolbar.langSelector = Selecteer taal
bbb.mainToolbar.settingsBtn = मिलान
bbb.mainToolbar.settingsBtn.toolTip = अभिरुचीहरु मिलान गर्ने
# bbb.mainToolbar.shortcutBtn = Shortcut Keys
# bbb.mainToolbar.shortcutBtn.toolTip = Open Shortcut Keys Window
# bbb.mainToolbar.recordBtn.toolTip.start = Start recording
# bbb.mainToolbar.recordBtn.toolTip.stop = Stop recording
# bbb.mainToolbar.recordBtn.toolTip.recording = The session is being recorded
# bbb.mainToolbar.recordBtn.toolTip.notRecording = The session isn't being recorded
# bbb.mainToolbar.recordBtn.confirm.title = Confirm recording
# bbb.mainToolbar.recordBtn.confirm.message.start = Are you sure you want to start recording the session?
# bbb.mainToolbar.recordBtn.confirm.message.stop = Are you sure you want to stop recording the session?
# bbb.mainToolbar.recordBtn..notification.title = Record Notification
# bbb.mainToolbar.recordBtn..notification.message1 = You can record this meeting.
# bbb.mainToolbar.recordBtn..notification.message2 = You must click the Start/Stop Recording button in the title bar to begin/end recording.
# bbb.mainToolbar.recordingLabel.recording = (Recording)
# bbb.mainToolbar.recordingLabel.notRecording = Not Recording
bbb.window.minimizeBtn.toolTip = Minimaliseer
bbb.window.maximizeRestoreBtn.toolTip = Maximaliseer
bbb.window.closeBtn.toolTip = Sluit
# bbb.videoDock.titleBar = Webcam Window Title Bar
# bbb.presentation.titleBar = Presentation Window Title Bar
# bbb.chat.titleBar = Chat Window Title Bar
bbb.users.title = Gebruikers{0} {1}
# bbb.users.titleBar = Users Window title bar
# bbb.users.quickLink.label = Users Window
bbb.users.minimizeBtn.accessibilityName = Minimaliseer het gebruikers venster
bbb.users.maximizeRestoreBtn.accessibilityName = Maximaliseer het gebruikers venster
bbb.users.settings.buttonTooltip = Instellingen
# bbb.users.settings.audioSettings = Audio Test
bbb.users.settings.webcamSettings = Webcam instellingen
bbb.users.settings.muteAll = Demp allen
bbb.users.settings.muteAllExcept = Demp allen behalve presentator
bbb.users.settings.unmuteAll = Iedereen dempen uit
# bbb.users.settings.lowerAllHands = Lower All Hands
# bbb.users.raiseHandBtn.toolTip = Raise Hand
# bbb.users.roomMuted.text = Viewers Muted
# bbb.users.roomLocked.text = Viewers Locked
bbb.users.pushToTalk.toolTip = Klik om te praten
bbb.users.pushToMute.toolTip = Klik om jezelf te dempen
bbb.users.muteMeBtnTxt.talk = Dempen uit
bbb.users.muteMeBtnTxt.mute = Dempen
# bbb.users.muteMeBtnTxt.muted = Muted
# bbb.users.muteMeBtnTxt.unmuted = Unmuted
# bbb.users.usersGrid.accessibilityName = Users List. Use the arrow keys to navigate.
bbb.users.usersGrid.nameItemRenderer = Naam
# bbb.users.usersGrid.nameItemRenderer.youIdentifier = you
bbb.users.usersGrid.statusItemRenderer = Status
# bbb.users.usersGrid.statusItemRenderer.changePresenter = Click To Make Presenter
bbb.users.usersGrid.statusItemRenderer.presenter = Presentator
bbb.users.usersGrid.statusItemRenderer.moderator = Moderator
# bbb.users.usersGrid.statusItemRenderer.lowerHand = Lower Hand
# bbb.users.usersGrid.statusItemRenderer.handRaised = Hand Raised
bbb.users.usersGrid.statusItemRenderer.viewer = Kijker\n
# bbb.users.usersGrid.mediaItemRenderer = Media
# bbb.users.usersGrid.mediaItemRenderer.talking = Talking
bbb.users.usersGrid.mediaItemRenderer.webcam = Webcam gedeeld
bbb.users.usersGrid.mediaItemRenderer.webcamBtn = Klik om de webcam te bekijken
# bbb.users.usersGrid.mediaItemRenderer.pushToTalk = Unmute {0}
# bbb.users.usersGrid.mediaItemRenderer.pushToMute = Mute {0}
# bbb.users.usersGrid.mediaItemRenderer.pushToLock = Lock {0}
# bbb.users.usersGrid.mediaItemRenderer.pushToUnlock = Unlock {0}
# bbb.users.usersGrid.mediaItemRenderer.kickUser = Kick {0}
bbb.users.usersGrid.mediaItemRenderer.webcam = Webcam gedeeld
bbb.users.usersGrid.mediaItemRenderer.micOff = Microfoon uit\n
bbb.users.usersGrid.mediaItemRenderer.micOn = Microfoon aan\n
# bbb.users.usersGrid.mediaItemRenderer.noAudio = Not in audio conference
bbb.presentation.title = प्रस्तुती
# bbb.presentation.titleWithPres = Presentation\: {0}
# bbb.presentation.quickLink.label = Presentation Window
# bbb.presentation.fitToWidth.toolTip = Fit Presentation To Width
# bbb.presentation.fitToPage.toolTip = Fit Presentation To Page
# bbb.presentation.uploadPresBtn.toolTip = Upload Presentation
bbb.presentation.backBtn.toolTip = पहिलो स्लाइड
# bbb.presentation.btnSlideNum.toolTip = Select a slide
bbb.presentation.forwardBtn.toolTip = पछिल्लो स्लाइड
bbb.presentation.maxUploadFileExceededAlert = Fout\: Het bestand is groter dan de toegelaten limiet.
bbb.presentation.uploadcomplete = Upload gelukt. Gelieve even te wachten terwijl we het document converteren.
bbb.presentation.uploaded = verstuurd.
bbb.presentation.document.supported = Het geüpload bestand wordt ondersteund.
bbb.presentation.document.converted = Het office bestand is succesvol omgezet.
bbb.presentation.error.document.convert.failed = Fout\: Het office document kon niet omgezet worden.
bbb.presentation.error.io = IO Fout\: Gelieve de beheerder te contacteren.
bbb.presentation.error.security = Beveiligingsfout\: Gelieve de beheerder te contacteren.
bbb.presentation.error.convert.notsupported = Fout\: het geüpload bestand wordt niet ondersteund, gelieve een compatibel bestand te uploaden.
bbb.presentation.error.convert.nbpage = Fout tijdens het tellen van het aantal geüploade bestanden. Gelieve de beheerder te contacteren.
bbb.presentation.error.convert.maxnbpagereach = Het geüpload bestand heeft teveel slides/pagina's ( >100 ) en dit is niet toegelaten\: Gelieve een bestand met minder slides/pagina's te uploaden.
bbb.presentation.converted = {0} van {1} pagina's zijn geconverteerd.
bbb.presentation.ok = OK
# bbb.presentation.slider = Presentation zoom level
# bbb.presentation.slideloader.starttext = Slide text start
# bbb.presentation.slideloader.endtext = Slide text end
bbb.presentation.uploadwindow.presentationfile = PRESENTATIE BESTAND
bbb.presentation.uploadwindow.pdf = पिडिएफ
bbb.presentation.uploadwindow.word = वर्ड
bbb.presentation.uploadwindow.excel = एक्सेल
bbb.presentation.uploadwindow.powerpoint = पावरप्वाइन्ट
bbb.presentation.uploadwindow.image = चित्र
bbb.presentation.minimizeBtn.accessibilityName = Minimaliseer het presentatie venster
bbb.presentation.maximizeRestoreBtn.accessibilityName = Maximaliseer het presentatie venster
bbb.presentation.closeBtn.accessibilityName = Sluit het presentatie venster
bbb.fileupload.title = प्रस्तुती उर्ध्वभरण गर्ने
# bbb.fileupload.lblFileName.defaultText = No file selected
bbb.fileupload.selectBtn.label = Selecteer bestand
bbb.fileupload.selectBtn.toolTip = ब्राउजरको नाम
bbb.fileupload.uploadBtn = उर्ध्वभरण
bbb.fileupload.uploadBtn.toolTip = फाइल उर्ध्वभरण
bbb.fileupload.deleteBtn.toolTip = प्रस्तुतीकरण मेट्ने
bbb.fileupload.showBtn = देखाउने
bbb.fileupload.showBtn.toolTip = प्रस्तुती देखाउने
bbb.fileupload.okCancelBtn = रद्द गर्ने
# bbb.fileupload.okCancelBtn.toolTip = Close the File Upload dialog box
bbb.fileupload.genThumbText = थम्बनेलहरु(सानो अनुरुप) बनाउँदै
bbb.fileupload.progBarLbl = Voortgang\:
# bbb.fileupload.fileFormatHint = Upload any office document or Portable Document Format (PDF) file. For best results upload PDF.
bbb.chat.title = Chat
# bbb.chat.quickLink.label = Chat Window
bbb.chat.cmpColorPicker.toolTip = Tekst Kleur
# bbb.chat.input.accessibilityName = Chat Message Editing Field
bbb.chat.sendBtn = पठाउनुहोस्
bbb.chat.sendBtn.toolTip = Stuur bericht
# bbb.chat.sendBtn.accessibilityName = Send chat message
# bbb.chat.contextmenu.copyalltext = Copy All Text
bbb.chat.publicChatUsername = Iedereen
# bbb.chat.optionsTabName = Options
bbb.chat.privateChatSelect = Selecteer een persoon om een privé chat mee te starten
# bbb.chat.private.userLeft = The user has left.
# bbb.chat.usersList.toolTip = Click User To Open Private Chat
bbb.chat.chatOptions = Chat opties
bbb.chat.fontSize = Tekst grootte
# bbb.chat.cmbFontSize.toolTip = Select Chat Message Font Size
# bbb.chat.messageList = Message Box
bbb.chat.minimizeBtn.accessibilityName = Minimaliseer het chat venster
bbb.chat.maximizeRestoreBtn.accessibilityName = Maximaliseer het chat venster
bbb.chat.closeBtn.accessibilityName = Sluit het chat venster
# bbb.chat.chatTabs.accessibleNotice = New messages in this tab.
bbb.publishVideo.changeCameraBtn.labelText = Wijzig camera
# bbb.publishVideo.changeCameraBtn.toolTip = Open the change webcam dialog box
# bbb.publishVideo.cmbResolution.tooltip = Select a webcam resolution
bbb.publishVideo.startPublishBtn.labelText = Start delen
bbb.publishVideo.startPublishBtn.toolTip = verstuur je webcam-beeld
# bbb.webcamPermissions.chrome.title = Chrome Webcam Permissions
# bbb.webcamPermissions.chrome.message1 = Click Allow to give Chrome permission to use your webcam.
bbb.videodock.title = videoschermen rangschikken
# bbb.videodock.quickLink.label = Webcams Window
bbb.video.minimizeBtn.accessibilityName = Minimaliseer het video dock venster
bbb.video.maximizeRestoreBtn.accessibilityName = Maximaliseer het video dock venster
bbb.video.controls.muteButton.toolTip = Dempen of dempen opheffen voor {0}
bbb.video.controls.switchPresenter.toolTip = Maak {0} presentator
bbb.video.controls.ejectUserBtn.toolTip = Verwijder {0} uit de meeting
bbb.video.controls.privateChatBtn.toolTip = Chat met {0}
bbb.video.publish.hint.noCamera = Geen camera beschikbaar
bbb.video.publish.hint.cantOpenCamera = Kan de camera niet openen
bbb.video.publish.hint.waitingApproval = Wachtend op toestemming
bbb.video.publish.hint.videoPreview = Video preview
bbb.video.publish.hint.openingCamera = Camera aan het openen...
bbb.video.publish.hint.cameraDenied = Camera toegang ontzegd
bbb.video.publish.hint.cameraIsBeingUsed = Je camera wordt momenteel door een andere toepassing gebruikt
bbb.video.publish.hint.publishing = Publiceren...
bbb.video.publish.closeBtn.accessName = Sluit webcam venster
# bbb.video.publish.closeBtn.label = Cancel
bbb.video.publish.titleBar = Publiceer webcam venster
bbb.desktopPublish.title = Desktop delen\: voorbeeld voor voorzitter
# bbb.desktopPublish.fullscreen.tooltip = Share Your Main Screen
bbb.desktopPublish.fullscreen.label = Volledig scherm
# bbb.desktopPublish.region.tooltip = Share a Part of Your Screen
bbb.desktopPublish.region.label = Regio
bbb.desktopPublish.stop.tooltip = Sluit het delen van uw scherm
bbb.desktopPublish.stop.label = Sluit
bbb.desktopPublish.maximizeRestoreBtn.toolTip = U kunt dit venster niet maximaliseren.
bbb.desktopPublish.closeBtn.toolTip = Stop het delen en sluit dit scherm.
# bbb.desktopPublish.chromeOnMacUnsupportedHint = Desktop sharing is not currently supported on Chrome running under Mac OS X. Recommend you use FireFox to share desktop.
bbb.desktopPublish.minimizeBtn.toolTip = Minimaliseer dit scherm.
bbb.desktopPublish.minimizeBtn.accessibilityName = Minimaliseer het desktop delen venster
bbb.desktopPublish.maximizeRestoreBtn.accessibilityName = Maximaliseer het desktop delen venster
# bbb.desktopPublish.javaRequiredLabel = Requires Java 7u51 (or later) to run.
# bbb.desktopPublish.javaTestLinkLabel = Test Java
# bbb.desktopPublish.javaTestLinkLabel.tooltip = Test Your Java Version
# bbb.desktopPublish.javaTestLinkLabel.tooltip.accessibility = Test Your Java Version
bbb.desktopView.title = Bureaublad delen
bbb.desktopView.fitToWindow = Schaal naar venster
bbb.desktopView.actualSize = Geef actuele grootte weer
# bbb.desktopView.minimizeBtn.accessibilityName = Minimize the Desktop Sharing View Window
# bbb.desktopView.maximizeRestoreBtn.accessibilityName = Maximize the Desktop Sharing View Window
# bbb.desktopView.closeBtn.accessibilityName = Close the Desktop Sharing View Window
# bbb.toolbar.phone.toolTip.start = Share Your Microphone
# bbb.toolbar.phone.toolTip.stop = Stop Sharing Your Microphone
# bbb.toolbar.phone.toolTip.mute = Stop listening the conference
# bbb.toolbar.phone.toolTip.unmute = Start listening the conference
# bbb.toolbar.phone.toolTip.nomic = No microphone detected
# bbb.toolbar.deskshare.toolTip.start = Share Your Desktop
# bbb.toolbar.deskshare.toolTip.stop = Stop Sharing Your Desktop
# bbb.toolbar.video.toolTip.start = Share Your Webcam
# bbb.toolbar.video.toolTip.stop = Stop Sharing Your Webcam
# bbb.layout.addButton.toolTip = Add the custom layout to the list
# bbb.layout.broadcastButton.toolTip = Apply Current Layout to All Viewers
# bbb.layout.combo.toolTip = Change Your Layout
# bbb.layout.loadButton.toolTip = Load layouts from a file
# bbb.layout.saveButton.toolTip = Save layouts to a file
# bbb.layout.lockButton.toolTip = Lock layout
# bbb.layout.combo.prompt = Apply a layout
# bbb.layout.combo.custom = * Custom layout
# bbb.layout.combo.customName = Custom layout
# bbb.layout.combo.remote = Remote
# bbb.layout.save.complete = Layouts were successfully saved
# bbb.layout.load.complete = Layouts were successfully loaded
# bbb.layout.load.failed = Failed to load the layouts
bbb.highlighter.toolbar.pencil = Stift
# bbb.highlighter.toolbar.pencil.accessibilityName = Switch whiteboard cursor to pencil
bbb.highlighter.toolbar.ellipse = वृत
# bbb.highlighter.toolbar.ellipse.accessibilityName = Switch whiteboard cursor to circle
bbb.highlighter.toolbar.rectangle = आयतन
# bbb.highlighter.toolbar.rectangle.accessibilityName = Switch whiteboard cursor to rectangle
# bbb.highlighter.toolbar.panzoom = Pan and Zoom
# bbb.highlighter.toolbar.panzoom.accessibilityName = Switch whiteboard cursor to pan and zoom
# bbb.highlighter.toolbar.clear = Clear All Annotations
# bbb.highlighter.toolbar.clear.accessibilityName = Clear the whiteboard page
# bbb.highlighter.toolbar.undo = Undo Annotation
# bbb.highlighter.toolbar.undo.accessibilityName = Undo the last whiteboard shape
bbb.highlighter.toolbar.color = रङ छान्नुहोस्
# bbb.highlighter.toolbar.color.accessibilityName = Whiteboard mark draw color
bbb.highlighter.toolbar.thickness = Wijzig dikte
# bbb.highlighter.toolbar.thickness.accessibilityName = Whiteboard draw thickness
# bbb.logout.title = Logged Out
bbb.logout.button.label = OK
bbb.logout.appshutdown = De server applicatie werd afgesloten
bbb.logout.asyncerror = Een asynchrone fout is opgetreden
bbb.logout.connectionclosed = De verbinding met de server werd gesloten
bbb.logout.connectionfailed = De connectie naar de server is mislukt
bbb.logout.rejected = De connectie naar de server is geweigerd
bbb.logout.invalidapp = De red5 applicatie bestaat niet
bbb.logout.unknown = Uw toepassing heeft de connectie met de server verbroken
bbb.logout.usercommand = U bent uitgelogd uit de conferentie
# bbb.logout.refresh.message = If this logout was unexpected click the button below to reconnect.
# bbb.logout.refresh.label = Reconnect
# bbb.logout.confirm.title = Confirm Logout
# bbb.logout.confirm.message = Are you sure you want to log out?
# bbb.logout.confirm.yes = Yes
# bbb.logout.confirm.no = No
# bbb.notes.title = Notes
# bbb.notes.cmpColorPicker.toolTip = Text Color
# bbb.notes.saveBtn = Save
# bbb.notes.saveBtn.toolTip = Save Note
bbb.settings.deskshare.instructions = Klik op toelaten in het pop-up venster dat nakijkt of desktop delen correct werkt voor jou
bbb.settings.deskshare.start = Controleer desktop delen
bbb.settings.voice.volume = Microfoon activiteit
bbb.settings.java.label = Java versie fout
bbb.settings.java.text = U heeft Java {0} geinstalleerd, maar u moet ten minste versie {1} hebben om de BigBlueButton desktop delen functionaliteit te gebruiken. Klik op de knop hieronder om de recentste versie van de Java JRE te installeren.
bbb.settings.java.command = Installeer recentste Java
bbb.settings.flash.label = Flash versie fout
bbb.settings.flash.text = U heeft Flash {0} geinstalleerd, maar u moet ten minste versie {1} hebben om BigBlueButton te gebruiken. Klik op de knop hieronder om de recentste versie van Adobe Flash te installeren.
bbb.settings.flash.command = Installeer recentste Flash
bbb.settings.isight.label = ISight camera fout
bbb.settings.isight.text = Indien u problemen hebt met uw ISight camera, kan dit veroorzaakt worden doordat u Mac OS X 10.6.5 gebruikt, welke gekend is een probleem te hebben bij het opnemen van video met een ISight camera.\nKlik op de link hieronder om de recentste versie van flash te downloaden, of update je mac naar de recentste versie, om dit probleem op te lossen.
bbb.settings.isight.command = Installeer Flash 10.2 RC2
bbb.settings.warning.label = चेतावनी
bbb.settings.warning.close = यो चेतावनी बन्द गर्नुहोस्
bbb.settings.noissues = Geen openstaande problemen werden ontdekt.
bbb.settings.instructions = Ga akkoord met de flash pop-up die je naar camera permissies vraagt. Als je jezelf kan zien en horen is je browser correct afgesteld. Andere mogelijke oorzaken worden onderaan weergegeven. Klik op iedere mogelijke oorzaak om een oplossing te vinden.
# ltbcustom.bbb.highlighter.toolbar.triangle = Triangle
# ltbcustom.bbb.highlighter.toolbar.triangle.accessibilityName = Switch whiteboard cursor to triangle
# ltbcustom.bbb.highlighter.toolbar.line = Line
# ltbcustom.bbb.highlighter.toolbar.line.accessibilityName = Switch whiteboard cursor to line
# ltbcustom.bbb.highlighter.toolbar.text = Text
# ltbcustom.bbb.highlighter.toolbar.text.accessibilityName = Switch whiteboard cursor to text
# ltbcustom.bbb.highlighter.texttoolbar.textColorPicker = Text color
# ltbcustom.bbb.highlighter.texttoolbar.textSizeMenu = Font size
# bbb.accessibility.chat.chatBox.reachedFirst = You have reached the first message.
# bbb.accessibility.chat.chatBox.reachedLatest = You have reached the latest message.
# bbb.accessibility.chat.chatBox.navigatedFirst = You have navigated to the first message.
# bbb.accessibility.chat.chatBox.navigatedLatest = You have navigated to the latest message.
# bbb.accessibility.chat.chatBox.navigatedLatestRead = You have navigated to the most recent message you have read.
# bbb.accessibility.chat.chatwindow.input = Chat input
# bbb.accessibility.chat.initialDescription = Please use the arrow keys to navigate through chat messages.
# bbb.accessibility.notes.notesview.input = Notes input
# bbb.shortcuthelp.title = Shortcut Keys
# bbb.shortcuthelp.minimizeBtn.accessibilityName = Minimize the Shortcut Help Window
# bbb.shortcuthelp.maximizeRestoreBtn.accessibilityName = Maximize the Shortcut Help Window
# bbb.shortcuthelp.closeBtn.accessibilityName = Close the Shortcut Help Window
# bbb.shortcuthelp.dropdown.general = Global shortcuts
# bbb.shortcuthelp.dropdown.presentation = Presentation shortcuts
# bbb.shortcuthelp.dropdown.chat = Chat shortcuts
# bbb.shortcuthelp.dropdown.users = Users shortcuts
# bbb.shortcuthelp.dropdown.polling = Presenter Polling shortcuts
# bbb.shortcuthelp.dropdown.polling2 = Viewer Polling shortcuts
# bbb.shortcuthelp.headers.shortcut = Shortcut
# bbb.shortcuthelp.headers.function = Function
# bbb.shortcutkey.general.minimize = 189
# bbb.shortcutkey.general.minimize.function = Minimize current window
# bbb.shortcutkey.general.maximize = 187
# bbb.shortcutkey.general.maximize.function = Maximize current window
# bbb.shortcutkey.flash.exit = 81
# bbb.shortcutkey.flash.exit.function = Focus out of the Flash window
# bbb.shortcutkey.users.muteme = 77
# bbb.shortcutkey.users.muteme.function = Mute and Unmute your microphone
# bbb.shortcutkey.chat.chatinput = 73
# bbb.shortcutkey.chat.chatinput.function = Focus the chat input field
# bbb.shortcutkey.present.focusslide = 67
# bbb.shortcutkey.present.focusslide.function = Focus the presentation slide
# bbb.shortcutkey.whiteboard.undo = 90
# bbb.shortcutkey.whiteboard.undo.function = Undo last whiteboard mark
# bbb.shortcutkey.focus.users = 49
# bbb.shortcutkey.focus.users.function = Move focus to the Users window
# bbb.shortcutkey.focus.video = 50
# bbb.shortcutkey.focus.video.function = Move focus to the Webcam window
# bbb.shortcutkey.focus.presentation = 51
# bbb.shortcutkey.focus.presentation.function = Move focus to the Presentation window
# bbb.shortcutkey.focus.chat = 52
# bbb.shortcutkey.focus.chat.function = Move focus to the Chat window
# bbb.shortcutkey.focus.pollingCreate = 67
# bbb.shortcutkey.focus.pollingCreate.function = Move focus to the Poll Creation window, if it is open.
# bbb.shortcutkey.focus.pollingStats = 83
# bbb.shortcutkey.focus.pollingStats.function = Move focus to the Poll Statistics window, if it is open.
# bbb.shortcutkey.focus.voting = 89
# bbb.shortcutkey.focus.voting.function = Move focus to the Voting window, if it is open.
# bbb.shortcutkey.share.desktop = 68
# bbb.shortcutkey.share.desktop.function = Open desktop sharing window
# bbb.shortcutkey.share.microphone = 79
# bbb.shortcutkey.share.microphone.function = Open audio settings window
# bbb.shortcutkey.share.pauseRemoteStream = 80
# bbb.shortcutkey.share.pauseRemoteStream.function = Start/Stop listening the conference
# bbb.shortcutkey.share.webcam = 66
# bbb.shortcutkey.share.webcam.function = Open webcam sharing window
# bbb.shortcutkey.shortcutWindow = 72
# bbb.shortcutkey.shortcutWindow.function = Open/focus to shortcut help window
# bbb.shortcutkey.logout = 76
# bbb.shortcutkey.logout.function = Log out of this meeting
# bbb.shortcutkey.raiseHand = 82
# bbb.shortcutkey.raiseHand.function = Raise your hand
# bbb.shortcutkey.present.upload = 85
# bbb.shortcutkey.present.upload.function = Upload presentation
# bbb.shortcutkey.present.previous = 65
# bbb.shortcutkey.present.previous.function = Go to previous slide
# bbb.shortcutkey.present.select = 83
# bbb.shortcutkey.present.select.function = View all slides
# bbb.shortcutkey.present.next = 69
# bbb.shortcutkey.present.next.function = Go to next slide
# bbb.shortcutkey.present.fitWidth = 70
# bbb.shortcutkey.present.fitWidth.function = Fit slides to width
# bbb.shortcutkey.present.fitPage = 80
# bbb.shortcutkey.present.fitPage.function = Fit slides to page
# bbb.shortcutkey.users.makePresenter = 80
# bbb.shortcutkey.users.makePresenter.function = Make selected person presenter
# bbb.shortcutkey.users.kick = 75
# bbb.shortcutkey.users.kick.function = Kick selected person from the meeting
# bbb.shortcutkey.users.mute = 83
# bbb.shortcutkey.users.mute.function = Mute or unmute selected person
# bbb.shortcutkey.users.muteall = 65
# bbb.shortcutkey.users.muteall.function = Mute or unmute all users
# bbb.shortcutkey.users.focusUsers = 85
# bbb.shortcutkey.users.focusUsers.function = Focus to users list
# bbb.shortcutkey.users.muteAllButPres = 65
# bbb.shortcutkey.users.muteAllButPres.function = Mute everyone but the Presenter
# bbb.shortcutkey.chat.focusTabs = 89
# bbb.shortcutkey.chat.focusTabs.function = Focus to chat tabs
# bbb.shortcutkey.chat.focusBox = 66
# bbb.shortcutkey.chat.focusBox.function = Focus to chat box
# bbb.shortcutkey.chat.changeColour = 67
# bbb.shortcutkey.chat.changeColour.function = Focus to font color picker.
# bbb.shortcutkey.chat.sendMessage = 83
# bbb.shortcutkey.chat.sendMessage.function = Send chat message
# bbb.shortcutkey.chat.explanation = ----
# bbb.shortcutkey.chat.explanation.function = For message navigation, you must focus the chat box.
# bbb.shortcutkey.chat.chatbox.advance = 40
# bbb.shortcutkey.chat.chatbox.advance.function = Navigate to the next message
# bbb.shortcutkey.chat.chatbox.goback = 38
# bbb.shortcutkey.chat.chatbox.goback.function = Navigate to the previous message
# bbb.shortcutkey.chat.chatbox.repeat = 32
# bbb.shortcutkey.chat.chatbox.repeat.function = Repeat current message
# bbb.shortcutkey.chat.chatbox.golatest = 39
# bbb.shortcutkey.chat.chatbox.golatest.function = Navigate to the latest message
# bbb.shortcutkey.chat.chatbox.gofirst = 37
# bbb.shortcutkey.chat.chatbox.gofirst.function = Navigate to the first message
# bbb.shortcutkey.chat.chatbox.goread = 75
# bbb.shortcutkey.chat.chatbox.goread.function = Navigate to the most recent message you've read
# bbb.shortcutkey.chat.chatbox.debug = 71
# bbb.shortcutkey.chat.chatbox.debug.function = Temporary debug hotkey
# bbb.polling.toolbar.toolTip = Manage Polls
# bbb.polling.buttonName = Manage Polls
# bbb.polling.createPoll = Create New Poll
# bbb.polling.createPoll.moreThanOneResponse = Allow users to choose more than one response
# bbb.polling.createPoll.hint = Hint\: Start every answer with a new line
# bbb.polling.createPoll.answers = Answers\:
# bbb.polling.createPoll.question = Question\:
# bbb.polling.createPoll.title = Title\:
# bbb.polling.createPoll.publishToWeb = Enable web polling
# bbb.polling.pollPreview = Poll Preview
# bbb.polling.pollPreview.modify = Modify
# bbb.polling.pollPreview.publish = Publish
# bbb.polling.pollPreview.preview = Preview
# bbb.polling.pollPreview.save = Save
# bbb.polling.pollPreview.cancel = Cancel
# bbb.polling.pollPreview.modify = Modify
# bbb.polling.pollPreview.hereIsYourPoll = Here is your poll\:
# bbb.polling.pollPreview.ifYouWantChanges = if you want to make any changes use the 'Modify' button
# bbb.polling.pollPreview.checkAll = (check all that may apply)
# bbb.polling.pollPreview.pollWillPublishOnline = This poll will be available for web polling.
# bbb.polling.resultBtn.label=Result
# bbb.polling.resultBtn.toolTip=Show poll result
# bbb.polling.startBtn.label=Start
# bbb.polling.startBtn.toolTip=Start poll
# bbb.polling.editBtn.label=Edit
# bbb.polling.editBtn.toolTip=Edit poll
# bbb.polling.deleteBtn.toolTip=Delete poll
bbb.publishVideo.startPublishBtn.labelText = Start delen
bbb.publishVideo.changeCameraBtn.labelText = Wijzig camera
# bbb.accessibility.alerts.madePresenter = You are now the Presenter.
# bbb.accessibility.alerts.madeViewer = You are now a Viewer.
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.buttonClick = 80
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.buttonClick.function = Open the Polling Menu.
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.focusTitle = 67
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.focusTitle.function = Focus to Title input box.
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.focusQuestion = 81
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.focusQuestion.function = Focus to Question input box.
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.focusAnswers = 65
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.focusAnswers.function = Focus to Answers input box.
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.focusMultipleCB = 77
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.focusMultipleCB.function = Focus to "Allow multiple selections" checkbox.
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.focusWebPollCB = 66
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.focusWebPollCB.function = Focus to "Enable web polling" checkbox.
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.previewClick = 80
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.previewClick.function = Preview your poll and proceed.
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.cancelClick = 88
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.cancelClick.function = Cancel and exit Poll creation.
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.modify = 69
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.modify.function = Go back and modify your poll.
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.publish = 85
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.publish.function = Publish your poll and open voting.
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.save = 83
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.save.function = Save your poll to use later.
# bbb.shortcutkey.pollStats.explanation = ----
# bbb.shortcutkey.pollStats.explanation.function = Poll results are only available once the poll has been published.
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.focusData = 68
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.focusData.function = Focus to poll results.
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.refresh = 82
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.refresh.function = Refresh poll results.
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.focusWebPoll = 73
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.focusWebPoll.function = Focus to web polling URL box.
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.stopPoll = 79
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.stopPoll.function = Stop the poll and end voting.
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.repostPoll = 80
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.repostPoll.function = Re-publish the poll.
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.closeStatsWindow = 88
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.closeStatsWindow.function = Close Polling Results window.
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.vote = 86
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.vote.function = Cast your vote for the options selected.
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.focusVoteQuestion = 81
# bbb.shortcutkey.polling.focusVoteQuestion.function = Focus to question.
# bbb.shortcutkey.specialKeys.space = Spacebar
# bbb.shortcutkey.specialKeys.left = Left Arrow
# bbb.shortcutkey.specialKeys.right = Right Arrow
# bbb.shortcutkey.specialKeys.up = Up Arrow
# bbb.shortcutkey.specialKeys.down = Down Arrow
# bbb.shortcutkey.specialKeys.plus = Plus
# bbb.shortcutkey.specialKeys.minus = Minus
# bbb.toolbar.videodock.toolTip.closeAllVideos = Close all videos
# bbb.users.settings.lockAll=Lock All Users
# bbb.users.settings.lockAllExcept=Lock Users Except Presenter
# bbb.users.settings.lockSettings=Lock Viewers ...
# bbb.users.settings.unlockAll=Unlock All Viewers
# bbb.users.settings.roomIsLocked=Locked by default
# bbb.users.settings.roomIsMuted=Muted by default
# bbb.lockSettings.save = Apply
# bbb.lockSettings.save.tooltip = Apply lock settings
# bbb.lockSettings.cancel = Cancel
# bbb.lockSettings.cancel.toolTip = Close this window without saving
# bbb.lockSettings.moderatorLocking = Moderator locking
# bbb.lockSettings.privateChat = Private Chat
# bbb.lockSettings.publicChat = Public Chat
# bbb.lockSettings.webcam = Webcam
# bbb.lockSettings.microphone = Microphone
# bbb.lockSettings.layout = Layout
# bbb.lockSettings.title=Lock Viewers
# bbb.lockSettings.feature=Feature
# bbb.lockSettings.enabled=Locked