import logger from '/imports/startup/client/logger'; import BaseBroker from '/imports/ui/services/bbb-webrtc-sfu/sfu-base-broker'; import WebRtcPeer from '/imports/ui/services/webrtc-base/peer'; const ON_ICE_CANDIDATE_MSG = 'iceCandidate'; const SUBSCRIBER_ANSWER = 'subscriberAnswer'; const DTMF = 'dtmf'; const SFU_COMPONENT_NAME = 'audio'; class AudioBroker extends BaseBroker { constructor( wsUrl, role, options = {}, ) { super(SFU_COMPONENT_NAME, wsUrl); this.role = role; this.offering = true; // Optional parameters are: // clientSessionNumber // iceServers, // offering, // mediaServer, // extension, // constraints, // stream, // signalCandidates // traceLogs // networkPriority // gatheringTimeout // transparentListenOnly Object.assign(this, options); } getLocalStream() { if (this.webRtcPeer && typeof this.webRtcPeer.getLocalStream === 'function') { return this.webRtcPeer.getLocalStream(); } return null; } setLocalStream(stream) { if (this.webRtcPeer == null || this.webRtcPeer.peerConnection == null) { throw new Error('Missing peer connection'); } const { peerConnection } = this.webRtcPeer; const newTracks = stream.getAudioTracks(); const localStream = this.getLocalStream(); const oldTracks = localStream ? localStream.getAudioTracks() : []; peerConnection.getSenders().forEach((sender, index) => { if (sender.track && sender.track.kind === 'audio') { const newTrack = newTracks[index]; if (newTrack == null) return; // Cleanup old tracks in the local MediaStream const oldTrack = oldTracks[index]; sender.replaceTrack(newTrack); if (oldTrack) { oldTrack.stop(); localStream.removeTrack(oldTrack); } localStream.addTrack(newTrack); } }); return Promise.resolve(); } _join() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { try { const options = { audioStream:, mediaConstraints: { audio: this.constraints ? this.constraints : true, video: false, }, configuration: this.populatePeerConfiguration(), onicecandidate: !this.signalCandidates ? null : (candidate) => { this.onIceCandidate(candidate, this.role); }, trace: this.traceLogs, networkPriorities: this.networkPriority ? { audio: this.networkPriority } : undefined, mediaStreamFactory: this.mediaStreamFactory, gatheringTimeout: this.gatheringTimeout, }; const peerRole = this.role === 'sendrecv' ? this.role : 'recvonly'; this.webRtcPeer = new WebRtcPeer(peerRole, options); this.webRtcPeer.iceQueue = []; this.webRtcPeer.start(); this.webRtcPeer.peerConnection.onconnectionstatechange = this.handleConnectionStateChange.bind(this); if (this.offering) { // We are the offerer this.webRtcPeer.generateOffer() .then(this.sendStartReq.bind(this)) .catch(this._handleOfferGenerationFailure.bind(this)); } else if (peerRole === 'recvonly') { // We are the answerer and we are only listening, so we don't need // to acquire local media this.sendStartReq(); } else { // We are the answerer and we are sending audio, so we need to acquire // local media before sending the start request this.webRtcPeer.mediaStreamFactory() .then(() => { this.sendStartReq(); }) .catch(this._handleOfferGenerationFailure.bind(this)); } resolve(); } catch (error) { // 1305: "PEER_NEGOTIATION_FAILED", const normalizedError = BaseBroker.assembleError(1305); logger.error({ logCode: `${this.logCodePrefix}_peer_creation_failed`, extraInfo: { errorMessage: || error.message || 'Unknown error', errorCode: normalizedError.errorCode, sfuComponent: this.sfuComponent, started: this.started, }, }, 'Audio peer creation failed'); this.onerror(normalizedError); reject(normalizedError); } }); } joinAudio() { return this.openWSConnection() .then(this._join.bind(this)); } onWSMessage(message) { const parsedMessage = JSON.parse(; switch ( { case 'startResponse': this.onRemoteDescriptionReceived(parsedMessage); break; case 'iceCandidate': this.handleIceCandidate(parsedMessage.candidate); break; case 'webRTCAudioSuccess': this.onstart(parsedMessage.success); this.started = true; break; case 'restartIceResponse': this.handleRestartIceResponse(parsedMessage); break; case 'webRTCAudioError': case 'error': this.handleSFUError(parsedMessage); break; case 'pong': break; default: logger.debug({ logCode: `${this.logCodePrefix}_invalid_req`, extraInfo: { messageId: || 'Unknown', sfuComponent: this.sfuComponent }, }, 'Discarded invalid SFU message'); } } handleSFUError(sfuResponse) { const { code, reason, role } = sfuResponse; const error = BaseBroker.assembleError(code, reason); logger.error({ logCode: `${this.logCodePrefix}_sfu_error`, extraInfo: { errorCode: code, errorMessage: error.errorMessage, role, sfuComponent: this.sfuComponent, started: this.started, }, }, 'Audio failed in SFU'); this.onerror(error); } sendLocalDescription(localDescription) { const message = { id: SUBSCRIBER_ANSWER, type: this.sfuComponent, role: this.role, sdpOffer: localDescription, }; this.sendMessage(message); } onRemoteDescriptionReceived(sfuResponse) { if (this.offering) { return this.processAnswer(sfuResponse); } return this.processOffer(sfuResponse); } sendStartReq(offer) { const message = { id: 'start', type: this.sfuComponent, role: this.role, clientSessionNumber: this.clientSessionNumber, sdpOffer: offer, mediaServer: this.mediaServer, extension: this.extension, transparentListenOnly: this.transparentListenOnly, }; logger.debug({ logCode: `${this.logCodePrefix}_offer_generated`, extraInfo: { sfuComponent: this.sfuComponent, role: this.role }, }, 'SFU audio offer generated'); this.sendMessage(message); } _handleOfferGenerationFailure(error) { if (error) { logger.error({ logCode: `${this.logCodePrefix}_offer_failure`, extraInfo: { errorMessage: || error.message || 'Unknown error', sfuComponent: this.sfuComponent, }, }, 'Audio offer generation failed'); // 1305: "PEER_NEGOTIATION_FAILED", this.onerror(error); } } dtmf(tones) { const message = { id: DTMF, type: this.sfuComponent, tones, }; this.sendMessage(message); } onIceCandidate(candidate, role) { const message = { id: ON_ICE_CANDIDATE_MSG, role, type: this.sfuComponent, candidate, }; this.sendMessage(message); } } export default AudioBroker;