const Logger = require('../lib/utils/logger'); const config = require('../config'); const fs = require('fs'); const { create } = require('xmlbuilder2', { encoding: 'utf-8' }); const { execSync } = require("child_process"); const { Worker, workerData, parentPort } = require('worker_threads'); const path = require('path'); const sanitize = require("sanitize-filename"); const twemoji = require("twemoji"); const { getStroke, getStrokePoints } = require('perfect-freehand'); const probe = require('probe-image-size'); const jobId = workerData; const logger = new Logger('presAnn Process Worker');"Processing PDF for job " + jobId); const kickOffNotifierWorker = (jobType, filename) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const worker = new Worker('./workers/notifier.js', { workerData: [jobType, jobId, filename] }); worker.on('message', resolve); worker.on('error', reject); worker.on('exit', (code) => { if (code !== 0) reject(new Error(`PresAnn Notifier Worker stopped with exit code ${code}`)); }) }) } // General utilities for rendering SVGs resembling Tldraw as much as possible function align_to_css_property(alignment) { switch (alignment) { case 'start': return 'left' case 'middle': return 'center' case 'end': return 'right' default: return alignment } } function color_to_hex(color, isStickyNote = false, isFilled = false) { if (isStickyNote) { color = `sticky-${color}` } if (isFilled) { color = `fill-${color}` } switch (color) { case 'white': return '#1d1d1d' case 'fill-white': return '#fefefe' case 'sticky-white': return '#fddf8e' case 'lightGray': return '#c6cbd1' case 'fill-lightGray': return '#f1f2f3' case 'sticky-lightGray': return '#dde0e3' case 'gray': return '#788492' case 'fill-gray': return '#e3e5e7' case 'sticky-gray': return '#b3b9c1' case 'black': return '#1d1d1d' case 'fill-black': return '#d2d2d2' case 'sticky-black': return '#fddf8e' case 'green': return '#36b24d' case 'fill-green': return '#d7eddb' case 'sticky-green': return '#8ed29b' case 'cyan': return '#0e98ad' case 'fill-cyan': return '#d0e8ec' case 'sticky-cyan': return '#78c4d0' case 'blue': return '#1c7ed6' case 'fill-blue': return '#d2e4f4' case 'sticky-blue': return '#80b6e6' case 'indigo': return '#4263eb' case 'fill-indigo': return '#d9dff7' case 'sticky-indigo': return '#95a7f2' case 'violet': return '#7746f1' case 'fill-violet': return '#e2daf8' case 'sticky-violet': return '#b297f5' case 'red': return '#ff2133' case 'fill-red': return '#fbd3d6' case 'sticky-red': return '#fd838d' case 'orange': return '#ff9433' case 'fill-orange': return '#fbe8d6' case 'sticky-orange': return '#fdc28d' case 'yellow': return '#ffc936' case 'fill-yellow': return '#fbf1d7' case 'sticky-yellow': return '#fddf8e' default: return color } } function determine_dasharray(dash, gap = 0) { switch (dash) { case 'dashed': return `stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-dasharray:${gap};` case 'dotted': return `stroke-linecap:round;stroke-dasharray:${gap};` default: return 'stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-linecap:round;' } } function determine_font_from_family(family) { switch (family) { case 'script': return 'Caveat Brush' case 'sans': return 'Source Sans Pro' case 'serif': return 'Crimson Pro' case 'mono': return 'Source Code Pro' default: return family } } function rad_to_degree(angle) { return angle * (180 / Math.PI); } function render_HTMLTextBox(htmlFilePath, id, width, height) { let commands = [ 'wkhtmltoimage', '--format', 'png', '--encoding', `${config.process.whiteboardTextEncoding}`, '--transparent', '--crop-w', width, '--crop-h', height, '--log-level', 'none', '--quality', '100', htmlFilePath, path.join(dropbox, `text${id}.png`) ] execSync(commands.join(' ')); } function get_gap(dash, size) { switch (dash) { case 'dashed': if (size == 'small') { return '8 8' } else if (size == 'medium') { return '14 14' } else { return '20 20' } case 'dotted': if (size == 'small') { return '0.1 8' } else if (size == 'medium') { return '0.1 14' } else { return '0.1 20' } default: return '0' } } function get_stroke_width(dash, size) { switch (size) { case 'small': if (dash === 'draw') { return 1 } else { return 4 }; case 'medium': if (dash === 'draw') { return 1.75 } else { return 6.25 }; case 'large': if (dash === 'draw') { return 2.5 } else { return 8.5 } default: return 1; } } function sortByKey(array, key, value) { return array.sort(function (a, b) { let [x, y] = [a[key][value], b[key][value]]; return x - y; }); } function text_size_to_px(size, scale = 1, isStickyNote = false) { if (isStickyNote) { size = `sticky-${size}` } switch (size) { case 'sticky-small': return 24 case 'small': return 28 * scale case 'sticky-medium': return 36 case 'medium': return 48 * scale case 'sticky-large': return 48 case 'large': return 96 * scale default: return 28 * scale } } // Methods based on tldraw's utilities function getPath(annotationPoints) { // Gets inner path of a stroke outline // For solid, dashed, and dotted types let stroke = getStrokePoints(annotationPoints).map((strokePoint) => strokePoint.point); let [max_x, max_y] = [0, 0]; let path = stroke.reduce( (acc, [x0, y0], i, arr) => { if (!arr[i + 1]) return acc let [x1, y1] = arr[i + 1] if (x1 >= max_x) { max_x = x1 } if (y1 >= max_y) { max_y = y1 } acc.push(x0, y0, (x0 + x1) / 2, (y0 + y1) / 2) return acc }, ['M', ...stroke[0], 'Q'] ) path.join(' '); return [path, max_x, max_y]; } function getOutlinePath(annotationPoints) { // From steveruizok/perfect-freehand // Gets outline of a hand-drawn input, with pressure let stroke = getStroke(annotationPoints, { simulatePressure: true, size: 8, }); let [max_x, max_y] = [0, 0]; let path = stroke.reduce( (acc, [x0, y0], i, arr) => { let [x1, y1] = arr[(i + 1) % arr.length] if (x1 >= max_x) { max_x = x1 } if (y1 >= max_y) { max_y = y1 } acc.push(x0, y0, (x0 + x1) / 2, (y0 + y1) / 2) return acc; }, ['M', ...stroke[0], 'Q'] ); path.push('Z'); path.join(' '); return [path, max_x, max_y]; } function circleFromThreePoints(A, B, C) { let [x1, y1] = A let [x2, y2] = B let [x3, y3] = C let a = x1 * (y2 - y3) - y1 * (x2 - x3) + x2 * y3 - x3 * y2 let b = (x1 * x1 + y1 * y1) * (y3 - y2) + (x2 * x2 + y2 * y2) * (y1 - y3) + (x3 * x3 + y3 * y3) * (y2 - y1) let c = (x1 * x1 + y1 * y1) * (x2 - x3) + (x2 * x2 + y2 * y2) * (x3 - x1) + (x3 * x3 + y3 * y3) * (x1 - x2) let x = -b / (2 * a) let y = -c / (2 * a) return [x, y, Math.hypot(x - x1, y - y1)] } function getArcLength(C, r, A, B) { let sweep = getSweep(C, A, B); return r * (2 * Math.PI) * (sweep / (2 * Math.PI)); } function getSweep(C, A, B) { // Get angle between two vectors in radians let a0 = Math.atan2(A[1] - C[1], A[0] - C[0]); let a1 = Math.atan2(B[1] - C[1], B[0] - C[0]); // Short distance between two angles let max = Math.PI * 2 let da = (a1 - a0) % max return ((2 * da) % max) - da } function intersectCircleCircle(c1, r1, c2, r2) { let dx = c2[0] - c1[0]; let dy = c2[1] - c1[1]; let d = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); let x = (d * d - r2 * r2 + r1 * r1) / (2 * d); let y = Math.sqrt(r1 * r1 - x * x); dx /= d dy /= d return [[c1[0] + dx * x - dy * y, c1[1] + dy * x + dx * y], [c1[0] + dx * x + dy * y, c1[1] + dy * x - dx * y]] } function rotWith(A, C, r = 0) { // Rotate a vector A around another vector C by r radians if (r === 0) return A let s = Math.sin(r) let c = Math.cos(r) let px = A[0] - C[0] let py = A[1] - C[1] let nx = px * c - py * s let ny = px * s + py * c return [nx + C[0], ny + C[1]] } function nudge(A, B, d) { // Pushes a point A towards a point B by a given distance if (A[0] === B[0] && A[1] === B[1]) return A // B - A let sub = [B[0] - A[0], B[1] - A[1]]; // Vector length let len = Math.hypot(sub[0], sub[1]); // Get unit vector let unit = [sub[0] / len, sub[1] / len]; // Multiply by distance let mul = [unit[0] * d, unit[1] * d]; return [A[0] + mul[0], A[1] + mul[1]] } function getCurvedArrowHeadPath(A, r1, C, r2, sweep) { const phi = (1 + Math.sqrt(5)) / 2; // Determine intersections between two circles let ints = intersectCircleCircle(A, r1 * (phi - 1), C, r2) if (!ints) {'Could not find an intersection for the arrow head.') return { left: A, right: A } } let int = sweep ? ints[0] : ints[1] let left = int ? nudge(rotWith(int, A, Math.PI / 6), A, r1 * -0.382) : A let right = int ? nudge(rotWith(int, A, -Math.PI / 6), A, r1 * -0.382) : A return `M ${left} L ${A} ${right}` } // Methods to convert Akka message contents into SVG function overlay_arrow(svg, annotation) { let [x, y] = annotation.point; let bend = annotation.bend; let decorations = annotation.decorations; let dash =; dash = (dash == 'draw') ? 'solid' : dash // Use 'solid' thickness let shapeColor = color_to_hex(; let sw = get_stroke_width(dash,; let gap = get_gap(dash,; let stroke_dasharray = determine_dasharray(dash, gap); let [start_x, start_y] = annotation.handles.start.point; let [end_x, end_y] = annotation.handles.end.point; let [bend_x, bend_y] = annotation.handles.bend.point; let line = []; let arrowHead = []; let arrowDistance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow((end_x - start_x), 2) + Math.pow((end_y - start_y), 2)); let arrowHeadLength = Math.min(arrowDistance / 3, 8 * sw); let isStraightLine = parseFloat(bend).toFixed(3) == 0; let angle = Math.atan2(end_y - start_y, end_x - start_x) if (isStraightLine) { // Draws a straight line / arrow line.push(`M ${start_x} ${start_y} L ${end_x} ${end_y}`); if (decorations.start || decorations.end) { arrowHead.push(`M ${end_x} ${end_y}`); arrowHead.push(`L ${end_x + arrowHeadLength * Math.cos(angle + (7 / 6) * Math.PI)} ${end_y + arrowHeadLength * Math.sin(angle + (7 / 6) * Math.PI)}`); arrowHead.push(`M ${end_x} ${end_y}`); arrowHead.push(`L ${end_x + arrowHeadLength * Math.cos(angle + (5 / 6) * Math.PI)} ${end_y + arrowHeadLength * Math.sin(angle + (5 / 6) * Math.PI)}`); } } else { // Curved lines and arrows let circle = circleFromThreePoints([start_x, start_y], [bend_x, bend_y], [end_x, end_y]); let center = [circle[0], circle[1]] let radius = circle[2] let length = getArcLength(center, radius, [start_x, start_y], [end_x, end_y]); line.push(`M ${start_x} ${start_y} A ${radius} ${radius} 0 0 ${length > 0 ? '1' : '0'} ${end_x} ${end_y}`); if (decorations.start) arrowHead.push(getCurvedArrowHeadPath([start_x, start_y], arrowHeadLength, center, radius, length < 0)); else if (decorations.end) { arrowHead.push(getCurvedArrowHeadPath([end_x, end_y], arrowHeadLength, center, radius, length >= 0)); } } // The arrowhead is purposely not styled (e.g., dashed / dotted) svg.ele('g', { style: `stroke:${shapeColor};stroke-width:${sw};fill:none;`, transform: `translate(${x} ${y})` }).ele('path', { 'style': stroke_dasharray, d: line.join(' '), }).up() .ele('path', { d: arrowHead.join(' '), }).up(); } function overlay_draw(svg, annotation) { let dash =; let [path, max_x, max_y] = (dash == 'draw') ? getOutlinePath(annotation.points) : getPath(annotation.points); if (!path.length) return; let shapeColor = color_to_hex(; let rotation = rad_to_degree(annotation.rotation); let thickness = get_stroke_width(dash,; let gap = get_gap(dash,; let [x, y] = annotation.point; let stroke_dasharray = determine_dasharray(dash, gap); let fill = (dash === 'draw') ? shapeColor : 'none'; svg.ele('g', { style: `stroke:${shapeColor};stroke-width:${thickness};fill:${fill};${stroke_dasharray}`, }).ele('path', { d: path, transform: `translate(${x} ${y}), rotate(${rotation} ${max_x / 2} ${max_y / 2})` }).up() } function overlay_ellipse(svg, annotation) { let dash =; dash = (dash == 'draw') ? 'solid' : dash // Use 'solid' thickness for draw type let [x, y] = annotation.point; // Ellipse center coordinates let [rx, ry] = annotation.radius; let isFilled =; let shapeColor = color_to_hex(; let fillColor = isFilled ? color_to_hex(, false, isFilled) : 'none'; let rotation = rad_to_degree(annotation.rotation); let sw = get_stroke_width(dash,; let gap = get_gap(dash,; let stroke_dasharray = determine_dasharray(dash, gap); svg.ele('g', { style: `stroke:${shapeColor};stroke-width:${sw};fill:${fillColor};${stroke_dasharray}`, }).ele('ellipse', { 'cx': x + rx, 'cy': y + ry, 'rx': rx, 'ry': ry, transform: `rotate(${rotation} ${x + rx} ${y + ry})` }).up() if (annotation.label) { overlay_shape_label(svg, annotation) } } function overlay_rectangle(svg, annotation) { let dash =; let rect_dash = (dash == 'draw') ? 'solid' : dash // Use 'solid' thickness for draw type let [x, y] = annotation.point; let [w, h] = annotation.size; let isFilled =; let shapeColor = color_to_hex(; let fillColor = isFilled ? color_to_hex(, false, isFilled) : 'none'; let rotation = rad_to_degree(annotation.rotation); let sw = get_stroke_width(rect_dash,; let gap = get_gap(dash,; let stroke_dasharray = determine_dasharray(dash, gap); let rx = (dash == 'draw') ? Math.min(w / 4, sw * 2) : 0; let ry = (dash == 'draw') ? Math.min(h / 4, sw * 2) : 0; svg.ele('g', { style: `stroke:${shapeColor};stroke-width:${sw};fill:${fillColor};${stroke_dasharray}`, }).ele('rect', { width: w, height: h, 'rx': rx, 'ry': ry, transform: `translate(${x} ${y}), rotate(${rotation} ${w / 2} ${h / 2})` }).up() if (annotation.label) { overlay_shape_label(svg, annotation) } } function overlay_shape_label(svg, annotation) { let shape_text = { size: annotation.size, point: annotation.point, labelPoint: annotation.labelPoint, style: { color:, scale:, textAlign: 'shape_label', font:, size:, }, text: annotation.label, rotation: annotation.rotation, } overlay_text(svg, shape_text); } function overlay_sticky(svg, annotation) { let backgroundColor = color_to_hex(, true); let fontSize = text_size_to_px(,, true); let rotation = rad_to_degree(annotation.rotation); let font = determine_font_from_family(; let textAlign = align_to_css_property(; let [textBoxWidth, textBoxHeight] = annotation.size; let [textBox_x, textBox_y] = annotation.point; var html = twemoji.parse( `