import React, { Component } from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { defineMessages, injectIntl } from 'react-intl'; import { withModalMounter } from '/imports/ui/components/common/modal/service'; import _ from 'lodash'; import { Session } from 'meteor/session'; import Checkbox from '/imports/ui/components/common/checkbox/component'; import Toggle from '/imports/ui/components/common/switch/component'; import LiveResult from './live-result/component'; import Styled from './styles'; import { PANELS, ACTIONS } from '../layout/enums'; import DragAndDrop from './dragAndDrop/component'; import { alertScreenReader } from '/imports/utils/dom-utils'; const intlMessages = defineMessages({ pollPaneTitle: { id: 'app.poll.pollPaneTitle', description: 'heading label for the poll menu', }, closeLabel: { id: 'app.poll.closeLabel', description: 'label for poll pane close button', }, hidePollDesc: { id: 'app.poll.hidePollDesc', description: 'aria label description for hide poll button', }, quickPollInstruction: { id: 'app.poll.quickPollInstruction', description: 'instructions for using pre configured polls', }, activePollInstruction: { id: 'app.poll.activePollInstruction', description: 'instructions displayed when a poll is active', }, dragDropPollInstruction: { id: 'app.poll.dragDropPollInstruction', description: 'instructions for upload poll options via drag and drop', }, ariaInputCount: { id: 'app.poll.ariaInputCount', description: 'aria label for custom poll input field', }, customPlaceholder: { id: 'app.poll.customPlaceholder', description: 'custom poll input field placeholder text', }, noPresentationSelected: { id: 'app.poll.noPresentationSelected', description: 'no presentation label', }, clickHereToSelect: { id: 'app.poll.clickHereToSelect', description: 'open uploader modal button label', }, questionErr: { id: 'app.poll.questionErr', description: 'question text area error label', }, optionErr: { id: 'app.poll.optionErr', description: 'poll input error label', }, tf: { id: '', description: 'label for true / false poll', }, a4: { id: 'app.poll.a4', description: 'label for A / B / C / D poll', }, delete: { id: 'app.poll.optionDelete.label', description: '', }, questionLabel: { id: 'app.poll.question.label', description: '', }, optionalQuestionLabel: { id: 'app.poll.optionalQuestion.label', description: '', }, userResponse: { id: 'app.poll.userResponse.label', description: '', }, responseChoices: { id: 'app.poll.responseChoices.label', description: '', }, typedResponseDesc: { id: 'app.poll.typedResponse.desc', description: '', }, responseTypesLabel: { id: 'app.poll.responseTypes.label', description: '', }, addOptionLabel: { id: 'app.poll.addItem.label', description: '', }, startPollLabel: { id: 'app.poll.start.label', description: '', }, secretPollLabel: { id: 'app.poll.secretPoll.label', description: '', }, isSecretPollLabel: { id: 'app.poll.secretPoll.isSecretLabel', description: '', }, true: { id: 'app.poll.answer.true', description: '', }, false: { id: 'app.poll.answer.false', description: '', }, a: { id: 'app.poll.answer.a', description: '', }, b: { id: 'app.poll.answer.b', description: '', }, c: { id: 'app.poll.answer.c', description: '', }, d: { id: 'app.poll.answer.d', description: '', }, yna: { id: 'app.poll.yna', description: '', }, yes: { id: 'app.poll.y', description: '', }, no: { id: 'app.poll.n', description: '', }, abstention: { id: 'app.poll.abstention', description: '', }, enableMultipleResponseLabel: { id: 'app.poll.enableMultipleResponseLabel', description: 'label for checkbox to enable multiple choice', }, startPollDesc: { id: 'app.poll.startPollDesc', description: '', }, showRespDesc: { id: 'app.poll.showRespDesc', description: '', }, addRespDesc: { id: 'app.poll.addRespDesc', description: '', }, deleteRespDesc: { id: 'app.poll.deleteRespDesc', description: '', }, on: { id: 'app.switch.onLabel', description: 'label for toggle switch on state', }, off: { id: 'app.switch.offLabel', description: 'label for toggle switch off state', }, removePollOpt: { id: 'app.poll.removePollOpt', description: 'screen reader alert for removed poll option', }, emptyPollOpt: { id: 'app.poll.emptyPollOpt', description: 'screen reader for blank poll option', }, }); const POLL_SETTINGS = Meteor.settings.public.poll; const MAX_CUSTOM_FIELDS = POLL_SETTINGS.maxCustom; const MAX_INPUT_CHARS = POLL_SETTINGS.maxTypedAnswerLength; const QUESTION_MAX_INPUT_CHARS = 400; const FILE_DRAG_AND_DROP_ENABLED = POLL_SETTINGS.allowDragAndDropFile; const validateInput = (i) => { let _input = i; while (/^\s/.test(_input)) _input = _input.substring(1); return _input; }; class Poll extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { isPolling: false, question: '', optList: [], error: null, isMultipleResponse: false, secretPoll: false, }; this.handleBackClick = this.handleBackClick.bind(this); this.handleAddOption = this.handleAddOption.bind(this); this.handleRemoveOption = this.handleRemoveOption.bind(this); this.handleTextareaChange = this.handleTextareaChange.bind(this); this.handleInputChange = this.handleInputChange.bind(this); this.toggleIsMultipleResponse = this.toggleIsMultipleResponse.bind(this); this.displayToggleStatus = this.displayToggleStatus.bind(this); } componentDidMount() { const { props } = this.hideBtn; const { className } = props; const hideBtn = document.getElementsByClassName(`${className}`); if (hideBtn[0]) hideBtn[0].focus(); } componentDidUpdate() { const { amIPresenter, layoutContextDispatch, sidebarContentPanel } = this.props; if (Session.equals('resetPollPanel', true)) { this.handleBackClick(); } if (!amIPresenter && sidebarContentPanel === PANELS.POLL) { layoutContextDispatch({ type: ACTIONS.SET_SIDEBAR_CONTENT_IS_OPEN, value: false, }); layoutContextDispatch({ type: ACTIONS.SET_SIDEBAR_CONTENT_PANEL, value: PANELS.NONE, }); } } componentWillUnmount() { Session.set('secretPoll', false); } handleBackClick() { const { stopPoll } = this.props; this.setState({ isPolling: false, error: null, }, () => { stopPoll(); Session.set('resetPollPanel', false); document.activeElement.blur(); }); } handleInputTextChange(index, text) { const { optList } = this.state; // This regex will replace any instance of 2 or more consecutive white spaces // with a single white space character. const option = text.replace(/\s{2,}/g, ' ').trim(); if (index < optList.length) optList[index].val = option === '' ? '' : option; this.setState({ optList }); } handleInputChange(e, index) { const { optList, type, error } = this.state; const { pollTypes } = this.props; const list = [...optList]; const validatedVal = validateInput(\s{2,}/g, ' '); const charsRemovedCount = - validatedVal.length; const clearError = validatedVal.length > 0 && type !== pollTypes.Response; const input =; const caretStart =; const caretEnd =; list[index] = { val: validatedVal }; this.setState({ optList: list, error: clearError ? null : error }, () => { input.focus(); input.selectionStart = caretStart - charsRemovedCount; input.selectionEnd = caretEnd - charsRemovedCount; }); } toggleIsMultipleResponse() { const { isMultipleResponse } = this.state; return this.setState({ isMultipleResponse: !isMultipleResponse }); } handleTextareaChange(e) { const { type, error } = this.state; const { pollTypes } = this.props; const validatedQuestion = validateInput(; const clearError = validatedQuestion.length > 0 && type === pollTypes.Response; this.setState({ question: validateInput(, error: clearError ? null : error }); } handlePollValuesText(text) { if (text && text.length > 0) { this.pushToCustomPollValues(text); } } handleRemoveOption(index) { const { intl } = this.props; const { optList } = this.state; const list = [...optList]; const removed = list[index]; list.splice(index, 1); this.setState({ optList: list }, () => { alertScreenReader(`${intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.removePollOpt, { 0: removed.val || intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.emptyPollOpt) })}`); }); } handleAddOption() { const { optList } = this.state; this.setState({ optList: [...optList, { val: '' }] }); } handleToggle() { const { secretPoll } = this.state; const toggledValue = !secretPoll; Session.set('secretPoll', toggledValue); this.setState({ secretPoll: toggledValue }); } setOptListLength(len) { const { optList } = this.state; let diff = len > MAX_CUSTOM_FIELDS ? MAX_CUSTOM_FIELDS - optList.length : len - optList.length; if (diff > 0) { while (diff > 0) { this.handleAddOption(); diff -= 1; } } else { while (diff < 0) { this.handleRemoveOption(); diff += 1; } } } displayToggleStatus(status) { const { intl } = this.props; return ( {status ? intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.on) : intl.formatMessage(} ); } pushToCustomPollValues(text) { const lines = text.split('\n'); this.setOptListLength(lines.length); for (let i = 0; i < MAX_CUSTOM_FIELDS; i += 1) { let line = ''; if (i < lines.length) { line = lines[i]; line = line.length > MAX_INPUT_CHARS ? line.substring(0, MAX_INPUT_CHARS) : line; } this.handleInputTextChange(i, line); } } renderInputs() { const { intl, pollTypes } = this.props; const { optList, type, error } = this.state; let hasVal = false; return, i) => { if (o.val.length > 0) hasVal = true; const pollOptionKey = `poll-option-${i}`; return (
this.handleInputChange(e, i)} maxLength={MAX_INPUT_CHARS} /> {i > 1 ? ( <> { this.handleRemoveOption(i); }} /> {intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.deleteRespDesc, { 0: (o.val || intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.emptyPollOpt)) })} ) :
{!hasVal && type !== pollTypes.Response && error ? ( {error} ) : (   )} ); }); } renderActivePollOptions() { const { intl, isMeteorConnected, stopPoll, currentPoll, pollAnswerIds, usernames, isDefaultPoll, } = this.props; return (
); } renderPollOptions() { const { type, secretPoll, optList, question, error, isMultipleResponse } = this.state; const { startPoll, startCustomPoll, intl, pollTypes, isDefaultPoll, checkPollType, smallSidebar, } = this.props; const defaultPoll = isDefaultPoll(type); const questionPlaceholder = (type === pollTypes.Response) ? intlMessages.questionLabel : intlMessages.optionalQuestionLabel; const hasQuestionError = (type === pollTypes.Response && question.length === 0 && error); return (
this.handleTextareaChange(e)} rows="4" cols="35" maxLength={QUESTION_MAX_INPUT_CHARS} aria-label={intl.formatMessage(questionPlaceholder)} placeholder={intl.formatMessage(questionPlaceholder)} /> {hasQuestionError ? ( {error} ) : (   )}
{intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.responseTypesLabel)} { this.setState({ type: pollTypes.TrueFalse, optList: [ { val: intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.true) }, { val: intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.false) }, ], }); }} /> { this.setState({ type: pollTypes.Letter, optList: [ { val: intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.a) }, { val: intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.b) }, { val: intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.c) }, { val: intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.d) }, ], }); }} /> { this.setState({ type: pollTypes.YesNoAbstention, optList: [ { val: intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.yes) }, { val: intl.formatMessage( }, { val: intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.abstention) }, ], }); }} /> { this.setState({ type: pollTypes.Response }); }} />
{type && (
{intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.responseChoices)} { type === pollTypes.Response && ( {intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.typedResponseDesc)} ) } { (defaultPoll || type === pollTypes.Response) && (
{defaultPoll && (
)} {defaultPoll && this.renderInputs()} {defaultPoll && ( = MAX_CUSTOM_FIELDS} onClick={() => this.handleAddOption()} /> )} {/* eslint-disable-next-line jsx-a11y/label-has-associated-control */} {this.displayToggleStatus(secretPoll)} this.handleToggle()} ariaLabel={intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.secretPollLabel)} showToggleLabel={false} data-test="anonymousPollBtn" /> {secretPoll && ( { intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.isSecretPollLabel) } )} { let hasVal = false; optList.forEach((o) => { if (o.val.length > 0) hasVal = true; }); let err = null; if (type === pollTypes.Response && question.length === 0) { err = intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.questionErr); } if (!hasVal && type !== pollTypes.Response) { err = intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.optionErr); } if (err) return this.setState({ error: err }); return this.setState({ isPolling: true }, () => { const verifiedPollType = checkPollType( type, optList, intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.yes), intl.formatMessage(, intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.abstention), intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.true), intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.false), ); const verifiedOptions = => { if (o.val.length > 0) return o.val; return null; }); if (verifiedPollType === pollTypes.Custom) { startCustomPoll( verifiedPollType, secretPoll, question, isMultipleResponse, _.compact(verifiedOptions), ); } else { startPoll(verifiedPollType, secretPoll, question, isMultipleResponse); } }); }} /> { FILE_DRAG_AND_DROP_ENABLED && type !== pollTypes.Response && this.renderDragDrop() }
) }
); } renderNoSlidePanel() { const { intl } = this.props; return ( {intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.noPresentationSelected)} Session.set('showUploadPresentationView', true)} /> ); } renderPollPanel() { const { isPolling } = this.state; const { currentPoll, currentSlide, } = this.props; if (!currentSlide) return this.renderNoSlidePanel(); if (isPolling || currentPoll) { return this.renderActivePollOptions(); } return this.renderPollOptions(); } renderDragDrop() { const { intl } = this.props; return (
{intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.dragDropPollInstruction)} this.handlePollValuesText(e)} >
); } render() { const { intl, stopPoll, currentPoll, layoutContextDispatch, } = this.props; return (
{ this.hideBtn = node; }} data-test="hidePollDesc" tabIndex={0} label={intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.pollPaneTitle)} icon="left_arrow" aria-label={intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.hidePollDesc)} onClick={() => { layoutContextDispatch({ type: ACTIONS.SET_SIDEBAR_CONTENT_IS_OPEN, value: false, }); layoutContextDispatch({ type: ACTIONS.SET_SIDEBAR_CONTENT_PANEL, value: PANELS.NONE, }); }} /> { if (currentPoll) stopPoll(); layoutContextDispatch({ type: ACTIONS.SET_SIDEBAR_CONTENT_IS_OPEN, value: false, }); layoutContextDispatch({ type: ACTIONS.SET_SIDEBAR_CONTENT_PANEL, value: PANELS.NONE, }); Session.set('forcePollOpen', false); Session.set('pollInitiated', false); }} icon="close" size="sm" hideLabel data-test="closePolling" /> {this.renderPollPanel()} {intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.showRespDesc)} {intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.addRespDesc)} {intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.startPollDesc)}
); } } export default withModalMounter(injectIntl(Poll)); Poll.propTypes = { intl: PropTypes.shape({ formatMessage: PropTypes.func.isRequired, }).isRequired, amIPresenter: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, pollTypes: PropTypes.instanceOf(Object).isRequired, startPoll: PropTypes.func.isRequired, startCustomPoll: PropTypes.func.isRequired, stopPoll: PropTypes.func.isRequired, };