# Convert a color `value` as integer to a hex color (e.g. 255 to #0000ff)
@colourToHex = (value) ->
hex = parseInt(value).toString(16)
hex = "0" + hex while hex.length < 6
# retrieve account for selected user
@getCurrentUserFromSession = ->
Meteor.Users.findOne("userId": getInSession("userId"))
@getInSession = (k) -> SessionAmplify.get k
@getMeetingName = ->
meetName = getInSession("meetingName") # check if we actually have one in the session
if meetName? then meetName # great return it, no database query
else # we need it from the database
meet = Meteor.Meetings.findOne({})
if meet?.meetingName
setInSession "meetingName", meet?.meetingName # store in session for fast access next time
else null
# Finds the names of all people the current user is in a private conversation with
# Removes yourself and duplicates if they exist
@getPrivateChatees = ->
me = getInSession("userId")
users = Meteor.Users.find().fetch()
people = Meteor.Chat.find({$or: [{'message.from_userid': me, 'message.chat_type': 'PRIVATE_CHAT'},{'message.to_userid': me, 'message.chat_type': 'PRIVATE_CHAT'}] }).fetch()
formattedUsers = null
formattedUsers = (u for u in users when (do ->
return false if u.userId is me
found = false
for chatter in people
# if u.userId is chatter.message.to_userid or u.userId is chatter.message.from_userid
if u._id is chatter.message.to_userid or u._id is chatter.message.from_userid
found = true
if formattedUsers? then formattedUsers else []
@getTime = -> # returns epoch in ms
(new Date).valueOf()
@getTimeOfJoining = ->
Meteor.Users.findOne(_id: getInSession "DBID")?.user?.time_of_joining
@getUsersName = ->
name = getInSession("userName") # check if we actually have one in the session
if name? then name # great return it, no database query
else # we need it from the database
user = Meteor.Users.findOne({'userId': getInSession("userId")})
if user?.user?.name
setInSession "userName", user.user.name # store in session for fast access next time
else null
Handlebars.registerHelper "colourToHex", (value) =>
Handlebars.registerHelper 'equals', (a, b) -> # equals operator was dropped in Meteor's migration from Handlebars to Spacebars
a is b
Handlebars.registerHelper "getCurrentMeeting", ->
Handlebars.registerHelper "getCurrentSlide", ->
currentPresentation = Meteor.Presentations.findOne({"presentation.current": true})
presentationId = currentPresentation?.presentation?.id
Meteor.Slides.find({"presentationId": presentationId, "slide.current": true})
# retrieve account for selected user
Handlebars.registerHelper "getCurrentUser", =>
Handlebars.registerHelper "getHandRaiseStats", ->
numRaised = Meteor.Users.find({'user.raise_hand':true}).fetch().length
total = Meteor.Users.find().fetch().length
percentageRaised = numRaised/total
if numRaised > 0
"#{numRaised} Hands Raised (#{percentageRaised}% of Attendees)"
else false
# Allow access through all templates
Handlebars.registerHelper "getInSession", (k) -> SessionAmplify.get k
Handlebars.registerHelper "getMeetingName", ->
Handlebars.registerHelper "getShapesForSlide", ->
currentSlide = getCurrentSlideDoc()
# try to reuse the lines above
Meteor.Shapes.find({whiteboardId: currentSlide?.slide?.id})
# retrieves all users in the meeting
Handlebars.registerHelper "getUsersInMeeting", ->
Handlebars.registerHelper "isCurrentUser", (id) ->
id is getInSession("userId")
Handlebars.registerHelper "meetingIsRecording", ->
Meteor.Meetings.findOne()?.recorded # Should only ever have one meeting, so we dont need any filter and can trust result #1
Handlebars.registerHelper "isCurrentUserMuted", ->
getInSession "isMuted"
Handlebars.registerHelper "isCurrentUserRaisingHand", ->
user = Meteor.Users.findOne({userId:getInSession("userId")})
Handlebars.registerHelper "isCurrentUserSharingAudio", ->
user = Meteor.Users.findOne({userId:getInSession("userId")})
Handlebars.registerHelper "isCurrentUserSharingVideo", ->
user = Meteor.Users.findOne({userId:getInSession("userId")})
user?.user?.webcam_stream?.length isnt 0
Handlebars.registerHelper "isCurrentUserTalking", ->
user = Meteor.Users.findOne({userId:getInSession("userId")})
Handlebars.registerHelper "isUserSharingAudio", (u) ->
if u?
user = Meteor.Users.findOne({userId:u.userid})
else return false
Handlebars.registerHelper "isUserListenOnly", (u) ->
if u?
user = Meteor.Users.findOne({userId:u.userid})
else return false
Handlebars.registerHelper "isUserSharingVideo", (u) ->
u.webcam_stream?.length isnt 0
Handlebars.registerHelper "isUserTalking", (u) ->
if u?
user = Meteor.Users.findOne({userId:u.userid})
else return false
Handlebars.registerHelper "isUserMuted", (u) ->
if u?
user = Meteor.Users.findOne({userId:u.userid})
else return false
Handlebars.registerHelper "messageFontSize", ->
style: "font-size: #{getInSession("messageFontSize")}px;"
Handlebars.registerHelper "pointerLocation", ->
currentPresentation = Meteor.Presentations.findOne({"presentation.current": true})
Handlebars.registerHelper "setInSession", (k, v) -> SessionAmplify.set k, v
Handlebars.registerHelper "visibility", (section) ->
if getInSession "display_#{section}"
style: 'display:block'
style: 'display:none'
# transform plain text links into HTML tags compatible with Flash client
@linkify = (str) ->
www = /(^|[^\/])(www\.[\S]+($|\b))/img
http = /\b(https?:\/\/[0-9a-z+|.,:;\/&?_~%#=@!-]*[0-9a-z+|\/&_~%#=@-])/img
str = str.replace http, "$1"
str = str.replace www, "$1$2"
# Creates a 'tab' object for each person in chat with
# adds public and options tabs to the menu
@makeTabs = ->
privTabs = getPrivateChatees().map (u, index) ->
newObj = {
userId: u.userId
name: u.user.name
gotMail: false
class: "privateChatTab"
tabs = [
{userId: "PUBLIC_CHAT", name: "Public", gotMail: false, class: "publicChatTab"},
{userId: "OPTIONS", name: "Options", gotMail: false, class: "optionsChatTab"}
].concat privTabs
@setInSession = (k, v) -> SessionAmplify.set k, v
sendMeetingInfoToClient: (meetingId, userId) ->
setInSession("userId", userId)
setInSession("meetingId", meetingId)
setInSession("currentChatId", meetingId)
setInSession("meetingName", null)
setInSession("bbbServerVersion", "0.90")
setInSession("userName", null)
@toggleCam = (event) ->
# Meteor.Users.update {_id: context._id} , {$set:{"user.sharingVideo": !context.sharingVideo}}
# Meteor.call('userToggleCam', context._id, !context.sharingVideo)
@toggleChatbar = ->
setInSession "display_chatbar", !getInSession "display_chatbar"
@toggleMic = (event) ->
if getInSession "isSharingAudio" # only allow muting/unmuting if they are in the call
u = Meteor.Users.findOne({userId:getInSession("userId")})
if u?
# format: meetingId, userId, requesterId, mutedBoolean
# TODO: insert the requesterId - the user who requested the muting of userId (might be a moderator)
Meteor.call('publishMuteRequest', u.meetingId, u.userId, u.userId, not u.user.voiceUser.muted)
setInSession "isMuted", not u.user.voiceUser.muted
@toggleNavbar = ->
setInSession "display_navbar", !getInSession "display_navbar"
# toggle state of session variable
@toggleUsersList = ->
setInSession "display_usersList", !getInSession "display_usersList"
@toggleVoiceCall = (event) ->
if getInSession "isSharingAudio"
hangupCallback = ->
console.log "left voice conference"
# sometimes we can hangup before the message that the user stopped talking is received so lets set it manually, otherwise they might leave the audio call but still be registered as talking
Meteor.call("userStopAudio", getInSession("meetingId"),getInSession("userId"))
setInSession "isSharingAudio", false # update to no longer sharing
webrtc_hangup hangupCallback # sign out of call
# create voice call params
username = "#{getInSession("userId")}-bbbID-#{getUsersName()}"
# voicePin = Meteor.Meetings.findOne()?.voiceConf
# voiceBridge = if voicePin? then voicePin else "0"
voiceBridge = Meteor.Meetings.findOne({}).voiceConf # need to know this info for all meetings #TODO
server = null
joinCallback = (message) ->
console.log JSON.stringify message
Meteor.call("userShareAudio", getInSession("meetingId"),getInSession("userId"))
console.log "joined audio call"
console.log Meteor.Users.findOne(userId:getInSession("userId"))
setInSession "isSharingAudio", true
webrtc_call(username, voiceBridge, server, joinCallback) # make the call
return false
@toggleWhiteBoard = ->
setInSession "display_whiteboard", !getInSession "display_whiteboard"
# Starts the entire logout procedure.
# meeting: the meeting the user is in
# the user's userId
@userLogout = (meeting, user) ->
Meteor.call("userLogout", meeting, user)
# Clear the local user session and redirect them away
setInSession("userId", null)
setInSession("meetingId", null)
setInSession("currentChatId", null)
setInSession("meetingName", null)
setInSession("bbbServerVersion", null)
setInSession("userName", null)
setInSession "display_navbar", false # needed to hide navbar when the layout template renders
Router.go('logout') # navigate to logout
# color can be a number (a hex converted to int) or a string (e.g. "#ffff00")
@formatColor = (color) ->
color ?= "0" # default value
if !color.toString().match(/\#.*/)
color = colourToHex(color)
# thickness can be a number (e.g. "2") or a string (e.g. "2px")
@formatThickness = (thickness) ->
thickness ?= "1" # default value
if !thickness.toString().match(/.*px$/)
"#" + thickness + "px" # leading "#" - to be compatible with Firefox
# applies zooming to the stroke thickness
@zoomStroke = (thickness) ->
currentSlide = @getCurrentSlideDoc()
ratio = (currentSlide?.slide.width_ratio + currentSlide?.slide.height_ratio) / 2
thickness * 100 / ratio
@getCurrentSlideDoc = -> # returns only one document
currentPresentation = Meteor.Presentations.findOne({"presentation.current": true})
presentationId = currentPresentation?.presentation?.id
currentSlide = Meteor.Slides.findOne({"presentationId": presentationId, "slide.current": true})