import React from 'react'; import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor'; import { render } from 'react-dom'; import { renderRoutes } from '../imports/startup/client/routes.js'; import { IntlProvider, addLocaleData } from 'react-intl'; import Locales from '../imports/locales'; import en from 'react-intl/locale-data/en'; import es from 'react-intl/locale-data/es'; import pt from 'react-intl/locale-data/pt'; /* TODO: Add this dynamically */ addLocaleData([...en,,]); // Safari sends us en-us instead of en-US let locale = navigator.language.split('-'); locale = locale[1] ? `${locale[0]}-${locale[1].toUpperCase()}` : navigator.language; // locale = 'pt-BR'; // Set a locale for testing /* TODO: We should load the en first then merge with the en-US (eg: load country translation then region) */ let messages = Locales[locale] || Locales.en || {}; // Helper to load javascript libraries from the BBB server function loadLib(libname, success, fail) { const successCallback = function (cb) { console.log(`successfully loaded lib - ${this}`); if (typeof (cb) == 'function' || cb instanceof Function) { cb(); } }; const failCallback = function (cb, issue) { console.error(`failed to load lib - ${this}`); console.error(issue); if (typeof (cb) == 'function' || cb instanceof Function) { cb(); } }; return Meteor.Loader.loadJs(`${window.location.origin}/client/lib/${libname}`, successCallback.bind(libname, success), 10000).fail(failCallback.bind(libname, fail)); }; Meteor.startup(() => { loadLib('sip.js'); loadLib('bbb_webrtc_bridge_sip.js'); loadLib('bbblogger.js'); loadLib('jquery.json-2.4.min.js'); loadLib('jquery.FSRTC.js'); loadLib('jquery.verto.js'); loadLib('verto_extension.js'); loadLib('jquery.jsonrpcclient.js'); render(( {renderRoutes()} ), document.getElementById('app')); });