import Acl from '/imports/startup/acl'; import { getMultiUserStatus } from '/imports/api/common/server/helpers'; import RedisPubSub from '/imports/startup/server/redis'; import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor'; import { check } from 'meteor/check'; export default function undoAnnotation(credentials, whiteboardId) { const REDIS_CONFIG = Meteor.settings.redis; const CHANNEL = REDIS_CONFIG.channels.toAkkaApps; const EVENT_NAME = 'UndoWhiteboardPubMsg'; const { meetingId, requesterUserId, requesterToken } = credentials; check(meetingId, String); check(requesterUserId, String); check(requesterToken, String); check(whiteboardId, String); const allowed = Acl.can('methods.undoAnnotation', credentials) || getMultiUserStatus(meetingId); if (!allowed) { throw new Meteor.Error( 'not-allowed', `User ${requesterUserId} is not allowed to undo the annotation`, ); } const payload = { whiteboardId, }; return RedisPubSub.publishUserMessage(CHANNEL, EVENT_NAME, meetingId, requesterUserId, payload); }