import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor'; import { withTracker } from 'meteor/react-meteor-data'; import React, { Fragment } from 'react'; import { defineMessages, injectIntl } from 'react-intl'; import _ from 'lodash'; import Auth from '/imports/ui/services/auth'; import Meetings, { MeetingTimeRemaining } from '/imports/api/meetings'; import Users from '/imports/api/users'; import BreakoutRemainingTime from '/imports/ui/components/breakout-room/breakout-remaining-time/container'; import SlowConnection from '/imports/ui/components/slow-connection/component'; import { styles } from './styles.scss'; import breakoutService from '/imports/ui/components/breakout-room/service'; import NotificationsBar from './component'; // disconnected and trying to open a new connection const STATUS_CONNECTING = 'connecting'; // permanently failed to connect; e.g., the client and server support different versions of DDP const STATUS_FAILED = 'failed'; // failed to connect and waiting to try to reconnect const STATUS_WAITING = 'waiting'; const METEOR_SETTINGS_APP =; const SLOW_CONNECTIONS_TYPES = METEOR_SETTINGS_APP.effectiveConnection; const ENABLE_NETWORK_MONITORING = Meteor.settings.public.networkMonitoring.enableNetworkMonitoring; const HELP_LINK = METEOR_SETTINGS_APP.helpLink; const REMAINING_TIME_THRESHOLD = METEOR_SETTINGS_APP.remainingTimeThreshold; const REMAINING_TIME_ALERT_THRESHOLD = METEOR_SETTINGS_APP.remainingTimeAlertThreshold; const intlMessages = defineMessages({ failedMessage: { id: 'app.failedMessage', description: 'Notification for connecting to server problems', }, connectingMessage: { id: 'app.connectingMessage', description: 'Notification message for when client is connecting to server', }, waitingMessage: { id: 'app.waitingMessage', description: 'Notification message for disconnection with reconnection counter', }, retryNow: { id: 'app.retryNow', description: 'Retry now text for reconnection counter', }, breakoutTimeRemaining: { id: 'app.breakoutTimeRemainingMessage', description: 'Message that tells how much time is remaining for the breakout room', }, breakoutWillClose: { id: 'app.breakoutWillCloseMessage', description: 'Message that tells time has ended and breakout will close', }, calculatingBreakoutTimeRemaining: { id: 'app.calculatingBreakoutTimeRemaining', description: 'Message that tells that the remaining time is being calculated', }, meetingTimeRemaining: { id: 'app.meeting.meetingTimeRemaining', description: 'Message that tells how much time is remaining for the meeting', }, meetingWillClose: { id: 'app.meeting.meetingTimeHasEnded', description: 'Message that tells time has ended and meeting will close', }, alertMeetingEndsUnderMinutes: { id: 'app.meeting.alertMeetingEndsUnderMinutes', description: 'Alert that tells that the meeting ends under x minutes', }, alertBreakoutEndsUnderMinutes: { id: 'app.meeting.alertBreakoutEndsUnderMinutes', description: 'Alert that tells that the breakout ends under x minutes', }, slowEffectiveConnectionDetected: { id: '', description: 'Alert for detected slow connections', }, slowEffectiveConnectionHelpLink: { id: '', description: 'Help link for slow connections', }, }); const NotificationsBarContainer = (props) => { const { message, color } = props; if (_.isEmpty(message)) { return null; } return ( {message} ); }; let retrySeconds = 0; const retrySecondsDep = new Tracker.Dependency(); let retryInterval = null; const getRetrySeconds = () => { retrySecondsDep.depend(); return retrySeconds; }; const setRetrySeconds = (sec = 0) => { if (sec !== retrySeconds) { retrySeconds = sec; retrySecondsDep.changed(); } }; const startCounter = (sec, set, get, interval) => { clearInterval(interval); set(sec); return setInterval(() => { set(get() - 1); }, 1000); }; const reconnect = () => { Meteor.reconnect(); }; export default injectIntl(withTracker(({ intl }) => { const { status, connected, retryTime } = Meteor.status(); const data = {}; const user = Users.findOne({ userId: Auth.userID }, { fields: { effectiveConnectionType: 1 } }); if (user) { const { effectiveConnectionType } = user; if (ENABLE_NETWORK_MONITORING && SLOW_CONNECTIONS_TYPES.includes(effectiveConnectionType)) { data.message = ( {intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.slowEffectiveConnectionDetected)} {intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.slowEffectiveConnectionHelpLink)} ); } } if (!connected) { data.color = 'primary'; switch (status) { case STATUS_FAILED: { data.color = 'danger'; data.message = intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.failedMessage); break; } case STATUS_CONNECTING: { data.message = intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.connectingMessage); break; } case STATUS_WAITING: { const sec = Math.round((retryTime - (new Date()).getTime()) / 1000); retryInterval = startCounter(sec, setRetrySeconds, getRetrySeconds, retryInterval); data.message = ( {intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.waitingMessage, { 0: getRetrySeconds() })} ); break; } default: break; } return data; } const meetingId = Auth.meetingID; const breakouts = breakoutService.getBreakouts(); const msg = { id: `${}${REMAINING_TIME_ALERT_THRESHOLD == 1 ? 'Singular' : 'Plural'}` }; if (breakouts.length > 0) { const currentBreakout = breakouts.find(b => b.breakoutId === meetingId); if (currentBreakout) { data.message = ( ); } } const meetingTimeRemaining = MeetingTimeRemaining.findOne({ meetingId }); const Meeting = Meetings.findOne({ meetingId }, { fields: { 'meetingProp.isBreakout': 1 } }); if (meetingTimeRemaining && Meeting) { const { timeRemaining } = meetingTimeRemaining; const { isBreakout } = Meeting.meetingProp; const underThirtyMin = timeRemaining && timeRemaining <= (REMAINING_TIME_THRESHOLD * 60); const msg = { id: `${}${REMAINING_TIME_ALERT_THRESHOLD == 1 ? 'Singular' : 'Plural'}` }; if (underThirtyMin && !isBreakout) { data.message = ( ); } } data.alert = true; data.color = 'primary'; return data; })(NotificationsBarContainer));