# BigBlueButton Web Grails 3 Deployment Procedure Upgrade Gradle and Grails ``` # Install SDKMan if you don't have it yet. curl -s "https://get.sdkman.io" | bash # Install Gradle sdk install gradle 5.1.1 # Install Grails sdk install grails 3.3.9 ``` ### Development Build `bbb-common-message` ``` cd /bigbluebutton/bbb-common-message ./deploy.sh ``` Build `bbb-common-web` ``` cd bigbluebutton/bbb-common-web ./deploy.sh ``` Build and run `bbb-web` ``` cd bigbluebutton/bigbluebutton-web # Make sure you don't have old libs lying around. Might cause issues. # You need to to this only once to cleanup lib dir. rm lib/* ./build.sh # This will listen on port 8989 so you need to adjust your nginx config. # If you've setup your nginx config to bbb-web dev, you don't need to do anything. ./run.sh ``` To run unit tests: `grails test-app --stacktrace` ### Production To package the application for production: 1. Compile the application and package it use `grails assemble` 2. You now have the file `build/libs/bigbluebutton-0.10.0.war` 3. Create a new directory `mkdir exploded` 4. Navigate to that directory `cd exploded` 5. Extract the war content `jar -xvf ../build/libs/bigbluebutton-0.10.0.war` 6. Package the content of the new directory in a debian package then add service configuration. Install into `/usr/share/bbb-web`. 7. Use the systemd service file provided in build/package-template/bbb-web. App will be listening on port 8080 8. To do custom config, edit `/usr/share/bbb-web/WEB-INF/classes/bigbluebutton.properties` Don't forget to use full directories path and replace the dot before the org with the full path to the exploded war.