We were calling upsert in the Annotations collection for the same annotation in all frontend instances, this could lead to the same annotation being inserted
multiple times with different ids due to concurrency.
Added the html5InstanceId of the original request to the redis message so we can use it to only call upsert in one instance.
Move all Etherpad's access control from Meteor to a separated [Node application](https://github.com/bigbluebutton/bbb-pads).
This new app uses [Etherpad's API](https://etherpad.org/doc/v1.8.4/#index_overview)
to create groups and manage session tokens for users to access them. Each group
represents one distinct pad at the html5 client.
- Removed locked users' access to pads: replaced readOnly pad's access with a new pad's content sharing routine
- Pad's access is now controlled by [Etherpad's API](https://etherpad.org/doc/v1.8.4/#index_overview)
- Closed captions edited content now reflects at it's live feedback
- Improved closed caption's dictation mode live feedback
- Moved all Etherpad's API control from Meteor to a separated [app](https://github.com/bigbluebutton/bbb-pads)
- Included access control both in akka-apps and bbb-pads
Adds prometheus client to collect html5 server metrics.
Only default Node.js metrics in this initial version.
Enable via configs in private.app.prometheus
Changes (maybe not a complete list):
- Disable virtualbgs by default
- Move the virtualbg selector in video-preview to the side below the
profile selection
- Restore old video-preview sizes
- Add a wrapper class for MediaStreams (BBBVideoStream)
- Centralize virtualbg services and business logic code into BBBVideoStream
- Refactor and centralize virtualbg constant fetching
- Refactor and centralize virtualbg config fetching
- Organize virtualbg type definitions
- Remove added states in video-provider to prevent further bloat
- Remove added states in video-preview to prevent further bloat
- Lock virtual bg switching while video-preview itself is locked
- Add proper virtualbg error surfacing via toasts
- Refactor iOS availability detection to use centralized UA checker
- Avoid calling gUM when toggling virtualbgs on/off
- Make virtualbg video-list-item action a toggle instead of a
state-aware action
- Make virtualbg switching work in video-preview for cameras that are
already shared. Especially useful when there are multiple source
cameras, and will be important in the near future
- Add Derivative Work notices in files that are partially copied from
- Simplify track replacing in video-provider
- Split video-preview UI code for virtualbgs into a separate functional component
Since Meteor was split in multiple process and events started to be
filtered by instances, all Etherpad's Redis events were being discarded.
Etherpad has a Redis' publisher plugin that is unaware of BigBlueButton's
existence. All the communication between them is kept simple with minimal
of internal data exchange. The concept of distincts subscribers at Meteor's
side broke part of this simplicity and, now, Etherpad has to know which
instance must receive it's messages. To provide such information I decided
to include Meteor's instance as part of the pad's id. Should look like:
- [instanceId]padId for the shared notes
- [instanceId]padId_cc_(locale) for the closed captions
With those changes the pad id generation made at the recording scripts had to
be re-done because there is no instance id available. Pad id is now recorded at
akka-apps and queried while archiving the shared notes.
I was shown a case just now where `CreateNewPresentationPodEvtMsg` can happen prior to the full add of a meeting. This log line becomes relevant once again
Disabled `'Backend meeting queue had not been initialized'` which was added to pinpoint an issue with handling of meeting create events, but the issue seems to be unrelated (and has not been hit after resolving a memory leak)
* moving locales folder to /public and applying changes needed to serve locales as static files
* better dev/prod check
* transifex pull script changes to match new locales directory + ignore locales with less than 100 lines
* fix local/prod locales path
* merge fallback messages
* applies new locale changes to legacy client
`bbb-html5.nginx` file content should also be changed to the following:
location /html5client/locales {
alias /usr/share/meteor/bundle/programs/web.browser/app/locales;
location /html5client/compatibility {
alias /usr/share/meteor/bundle/programs/web.browser/app/compatibility;
location /html5client/resources {
alias /usr/share/meteor/bundle/programs/web.browser/app/resources;
location /html5client/svgs {
alias /usr/share/meteor/bundle/programs/web.browser/app/svgs;
location /html5client/fonts {
alias /usr/share/meteor/bundle/programs/web.browser/app/fonts;
location /html5client {
# proxy_pass; # use for development
proxy_pass http://poolhtml5servers; # use for production
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection "Upgrade";