Leonardo Crauss Daronco
First changes to make the html5 client look good in an iPad
Smaller presentation, chat always visible, user list on top of chat.
2013-01-05 21:40:29 -02:00
Leonardo Crauss Daronco
Fix the position of the cursor when the html5 clients is the presenter
2012-12-17 17:45:15 -02:00
Leonardo Crauss Daronco
Split the session template into smaller templates rendered by the subviews
2012-12-14 22:58:14 -02:00
Leonardo Crauss Daronco
Prefix private methods with an underline and remove unecessary files
2012-12-14 22:41:30 -02:00
Leonardo Crauss Daronco
Add a toolbar on top os slides with actions that are not yet in the main navbar
Such as the upload of slides.
2012-12-13 15:26:02 -02:00
Leonardo Crauss Daronco
Color picker working
colorwheel.js code updated to jweir/colorwheel@be140fb2f8
This version allows the colorwheel to be inside a DOM element and has built-in integration with a text input.
2012-12-13 00:04:43 -02:00
Leonardo Crauss Daronco
More options in the authentication object stored in the client
Authentication object is stored during the session, with data (currently with meetingID and username) sent by the server.
2012-12-10 23:51:01 -02:00
Leonardo Crauss Daronco
Split SessionView in subviews and add treatment to basic events
Events that were in chat/behaviour.coffee are now in Backbone views.
2012-12-10 14:34:06 -02:00