* build: remove old custom bbb-html5 NodeJS binaries
* docs: mention removal of node v14
* build: list bbb-web as dependency to bbb-config
* build: undo set license
* re-add bbb-html5 as dependency to bbb-config
* Refactor: Make bundle using webpack
* Fix: restore after install codes and a few settings
* Fix: build script folder permission
* Refactor: Remove support to async import on audio bridges
* Upgrade npm using nvm
* Avoid questions on npm ci execution
* Let npm ci install dev dependencies (as we need the build tools here)
* Fix: enconding
* Fix: old lock files
* Remove: bbb-config dependency to bbb-html5 service, bbb-html5 isn't a service anymore
* Fix: TS errors
* Fix: eslint
* Fix: chat styles
* npm install with "lockfileVersion": 3 (newer npm)
* build: allow nodejs 22
* node 22; drop meteor from CI and bbb-conf
* TEMP: use bbb-install without mongo but with node 22 and newer image
* build: relax nodejs condition to not trip 22.6
* build: ensure dir /usr/share/bigbluebutton/nginx exists
* init sites-available/bbb; drop disable-transparent-
* nginx complaining of missing file and ;
* TMP: print status of services
* WIP: tweak nginx location to debug
* Fix: webcam widgets alignments
* akka-apps -- update location of settings.yml
* build: add locales path for nginx
* docs and config changes for removal of meteor
* Fix: build encoding and locales enpoint folder path
* build: set wss url for media
* Add: Enable minimizer and modify to Terser
* Fix: TS errors
Co-authored-by: Tiago Jacobs <tiago.jacobs@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Anton Georgiev <anto.georgiev@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Anton Georgiev <antobinary@users.noreply.github.com>
Remaining, to be handles separately:
bbb-html5 before-remove and after-install -- sip.nginx needs to be
handled in bbb-conf
bbb-freeswitch-core -- /tmp/vars xml, etc. -- not sure how to handle