Listen only has a built-in retry routine on join failures that's
convoluted half-broken. It stems from the Kurento era where it could
fail randomly due to a myriad of reasons.
Production logs indicate that the retry is seldom used nowadays in
mediasoup-based environments. The presence of the retry also breaks
the error troubleshooting modal when actual failures happening, leaving
users in the dark about what's happening.
Remove the listen only retry code from AudioManager and bubble up any
join failure to the callers.
- Adds a new Help view for unknown error codes
- Correctly detect NotAllowedError (permissions) - they are currently
being treated like unknown errors in the Help modal
- Rephrase NotAllowedError help text; make it more succint and direct
- Rephrase the unknown error help text; make it more succint and direct
- Add error code and message to that view
- Add to allow referencing KB
links on the Help modal
- See inline docs => =>
Initial hearing state can be configured in
New features:
- A simplified echo test mode that only does a local loopback (instead of
going to FS and back)
- A volume meter for microphone streams to the AudioSettings view
Those two features are experimental and disabled by default; see and configs
Collateral changes:
- fix: localize fallback device strings in AudioSettings/DeviceSelector
- Refactor on some media stream utils to be re-usable across components
- Refactor in AudioSettings to keep gUM #uses stable.
* TODO: need to pass streams through AudioManager to avoid the surplus gUM.
- fix(audio): drop ScriptProcessorNode usage (deprecated)
* Used in volume meter for tracking - use hark instead
When setting skipCheckOnJoin to true, an extra audio channel is created in
FreeSWITCH, after user accepts the echo test. The extra channel is removed
when user leaves the room, but this still may affect performance.
When joining/returning breakouts, audio would always connect
with full audio. This can lead to a performance problem, once
all listenonly users would join full audio, increasing the
number of streams in FreeSWITCH.
We now have a consistent behavior, which is:
1 - The choice made by the user in the main room is predominant:
if mic is active in main room, user will automatically
join mic in breakout room. When returning from breakout
room, user will also join with mic again.
2 - Changes made in breakout room won't have effect when
returning to the main room. This means if user, for example,
change from listenonly to mic in breakout room, the returning
will consider the option choosen previously (listenonly) and
listenonly will be active again in the main room.
3 - If user didn't join audio in the main room, the audio modal
will be prompted when joining the breakout room (this is
a special case of (1))
The following is some technicall information:
InputStreamLiveSelector (component.jsx) now calls
'handleLeaveAudio' function, which is the default
function when user leaves audio (also used when
dynamic devices are inactive).
We now store information about user's choice (mic or listenonly)
using local storage, instead of the previous cookie method (this
was triggering some warnings in browser's console).
Also did a small refactoring to match eslint rules.