* upstream/master:
- try fix broken get recording api call
Updated bbb-conf --restart to restart bbb-webhooks
Updated references to systemd units for recording
Make single click text box tool bigger.
- cleanup
- fix issue where GetRecordings API was failing because support of old metadata.xml broke.
Create text field in the whiteboard with a single click.
fix issue where client transcripts could get into a bad state
- update locales
bbb-conf: Stop all of the new recording units
add missing import to fix JoinAudio btn
fix the recording play button to work with devices that have touch and a mouse
Remove video view border in dark mode.
Update MainApplicationShell and its footer style when video chat layout is selected.
Fix "videoDockStyleNoFocusChatLayout" style class border color.
changes to shortcut keys so they all work in IE
fix Flash client focus issues when windows are hidden
* upstream/master: (53 commits)
center modal title
HTML5 - removed unused imports, fixed variable names
Added a missing import
Updated icon sets to the latest
Moved the recording systemd scripts into the core directory
record-and-playback: Split rap-worker into separate workers per step.
audio join - apply structure and style from designs
"Video Chat" Layout has a dark background, controls are and title are removed in this layout.
Delete unused layout event class and videconf view.
HTML5 - changed underscore to lodash
revert tabIndex change
add local folder
remove unused imports
move handleExitAudio to service
remove merge conflict
fix more linting issues
lint nav settings dropdown container
remove unused imports
change function name
The purpose of this is to ensure that the recording processing with make
visible forwards progress, by ensuring that different steps in the
recording pipeline don't block each-other.
This fixes:
- recordings being processed prevent archiving new recordings from running
- recordings can't be published until all pending recording processing
It does allow recording archive, sanity, process, publish steps to run in
parallel with each other, but at most one recording will be in each step at
a time. (I.e. while one recording is being processed, a different recording
can be published). This may potentially increase CPU usage for some users.
If you expect this to be a problem, you can set resource controls (see
`man systemd.resource-control`) on the bbb_record_core.slice systemd unit.