- Update the version to 2.6.0 to ease the detection of old/new whiteboard events
- Fix recording cursor when there is no pan/zoom and annotations in tldraw
- Don't generate slides pngs for 2.6.0, they are not used anymore in playback (svgs instead).
Move all Etherpad's access control from Meteor to a separated [Node application](https://github.com/bigbluebutton/bbb-pads).
This new app uses [Etherpad's API](https://etherpad.org/doc/v1.8.4/#index_overview)
to create groups and manage session tokens for users to access them. Each group
represents one distinct pad at the html5 client.
- Removed locked users' access to pads: replaced readOnly pad's access with a new pad's content sharing routine
- Pad's access is now controlled by [Etherpad's API](https://etherpad.org/doc/v1.8.4/#index_overview)
- Closed captions edited content now reflects at it's live feedback
- Improved closed caption's dictation mode live feedback
- Moved all Etherpad's API control from Meteor to a separated [app](https://github.com/bigbluebutton/bbb-pads)
- Included access control both in akka-apps and bbb-pads
I was going to resort to some trickery to make mediasoup raw files end up in the
same directory as KMS to reduce changes, but it ended up being too dirty.
I am adding a third directory (/var/mediasoup) to be tracked by the rap scripts
which is where the new raw files end up in.
Move the handling of chat events into the shared library so it can be
used by multiple recording formats.
The anonymization of names is based on the external user id, if
available, so users have a consistent name through the meeting. Note
that no effort is made to edit chat messages - if someone is mentioned
by name in a chat message, that will still be visible.
Default settings for anonymization can be controlled in
bigbluebutton.yml, and per-meeting overrides can be done using meta
parameters on the create call.
Since Meteor was split in multiple process and events started to be
filtered by instances, all Etherpad's Redis events were being discarded.
Etherpad has a Redis' publisher plugin that is unaware of BigBlueButton's
existence. All the communication between them is kept simple with minimal
of internal data exchange. The concept of distincts subscribers at Meteor's
side broke part of this simplicity and, now, Etherpad has to know which
instance must receive it's messages. To provide such information I decided
to include Meteor's instance as part of the pad's id. Should look like:
- [instanceId]padId for the shared notes
- [instanceId]padId_cc_(locale) for the closed captions
With those changes the pad id generation made at the recording scripts had to
be re-done because there is no instance id available. Pad id is now recorded at
akka-apps and queried while archiving the shared notes.
When managing Etherpad's pads, Meteor makes API calls to initiate the closed captions
and shared notes modules. The pad id was being mapped to a shorter id than the meeting
id because of a Etherpad lenght limitation.
Changed to something less guessable.
- some conflicts have been fixed.
The following needs working on:
both modified: ../bigbluebutton-client/src/org/bigbluebutton/modules/chat/services/ChatCopy.as
both modified: ../bigbluebutton-client/src/org/bigbluebutton/modules/chat/services/ChatSaver.as
both modified: ../bigbluebutton-client/src/org/bigbluebutton/modules/chat/views/ChatTab.mxml
both modified: ../bigbluebutton-client/src/org/bigbluebutton/modules/chat/views/ChatWindowEventHandler.as
both modified: ../bigbluebutton-client/src/org/bigbluebutton/modules/users/services/MessageReceiver.as
both modified: ../bigbluebutton-client/src/org/bigbluebutton/modules/users/services/MessageSender.as
both modified: ../bigbluebutton-client/src/org/bigbluebutton/modules/users/views/MediaItemRenderer.mxml
Parking as need to work on something else.
Removed from the code, now it can be specified in the properties file.
Makes it easier to include new processing scripts and control dependencies
between them.
The purpose of this is to ensure that the recording processing with make
visible forwards progress, by ensuring that different steps in the
recording pipeline don't block each-other.
This fixes:
- recordings being processed prevent archiving new recordings from running
- recordings can't be published until all pending recording processing
It does allow recording archive, sanity, process, publish steps to run in
parallel with each other, but at most one recording will be in each step at
a time. (I.e. while one recording is being processed, a different recording
can be published). This may potentially increase CPU usage for some users.
If you expect this to be a problem, you can set resource controls (see
`man systemd.resource-control`) on the bbb_record_core.slice systemd unit.
This allows configuring a server to use https without having to edit
any ruby files directly.
(Ideally, the metadata files wouldn't include the server name/protocol
at all; that should be set dynamically by bbb-web, but this is what we
have for now.)