Tldraw uses the constructor name for session complete names:
80ed0bf27b/packages/tldraw/src/state/TldrawApp.ts (L2916)
So in production they are changed because of js minifier.
I changed the onCommand reactor to be one generic for all session:complete actions.
Also fixed some crashes with grouping and ungrouping shapes, in those cases the order of adding/removing is important because children have a reference to the father (grouping shape).
Under some scenarios, cameras are freezing when the virtual background
code is running due to runPostProcessing(_renderMask) throwing
NS_ERROR_FAILURE - mainly on Firefox - consequently preventing
subsequent TimerWorker ticks from being scheduled.
Cases where I've seen that happen are:
- conferences running under an iframe where the iframe is briefly
stalled for some reason
Address the issue with a try-catch and a log for debugability (it's high
frequency, hence why not error level). We should probably remove the log
entirely once we figure out why the post-processing method is failing.
There are scenarios where the full audio broker (SFU) stop procedure
may be called multiple times in a very short timestamp - eg a concurrent
stop + connection failure; a timeout in the transfer procedure + a
reconnect attempt, [...]. When that happens, calls to exitAudio may throw
errors if the broker was already released - and that's not the expected
The talking-indicator, emoji-button and input-live-stream-selector
components are passing props downstream that weren't omitted or handled
by inherited components (Button, Icon). That causes a handful of error
logs to be spammed in the console of dev environments, which is
This commit addresses the issue by:
- Making the talking, spoke, muted and isViewer props transient
(styled-components) - which means they won't reach the DOM (as
expected since they're style-only)
- Omitting the EmojiButton `rotate` prop in the Icon component itself
* Made that instead of transient because might be useful to migrate
the rotate code to the Icon component?