The initial selected input device in AudioSettings could be the wrong one if
- 1) gUM outputs an user-selected device rather than the default
- 2) no previous device was selected for that domain and the enumeration
list order caused the default not to be the first
The issue is tackled re-extracting the deviceId from an input stream if it
exists and making the DeviceSelector value follow what is defined in the client
(audio-manager) via a trackable prop
For scenarios where streams are produced in AudioSettings (local echo,
volume meter), force gUM resolution before devices are enumerated.
This effectively guarantees that all devices are present, labelled and
with deviceIds.
New features:
- A simplified echo test mode that only does a local loopback (instead of
going to FS and back)
- A volume meter for microphone streams to the AudioSettings view
Those two features are experimental and disabled by default; see and configs
Collateral changes:
- fix: localize fallback device strings in AudioSettings/DeviceSelector
- Refactor on some media stream utils to be re-usable across components
- Refactor in AudioSettings to keep gUM #uses stable.
* TODO: need to pass streams through AudioManager to avoid the surplus gUM.
- fix(audio): drop ScriptProcessorNode usage (deprecated)
* Used in volume meter for tracking - use hark instead