2014-06-14 02:19:50 +08:00
# Allow access through all templates
Handlebars.registerHelper "setInSession", (k, v) -> Session.set k, v
Handlebars.registerHelper "getInSession", (k) -> Session.get k
# Allow access throughout all coffeescript/js files
@setInSession = (k, v) -> Session.set k, v
@getInSession = (k) -> Session.get k
# retrieve account for selected user, or the first mod account if nothing is selected
# global function
@getCurrentUserFromSession = ->
id = Session.get("userId") or "a1a1a1a1a1a1"
Meteor.users.findOne("user.userId": id)
# retrieve account for selected user
Handlebars.registerHelper "getCurrentUser", =>
# toggle state of field in the database
@toggleCam = (context) ->
2014-06-17 22:01:54 +08:00
Meteor.users.update {_id: context._id} , {$set:{"user.sharingVideo": !context.sharingVideo}}
2014-06-14 02:19:50 +08:00
@toggleMic = (context) ->
2014-06-17 22:01:54 +08:00
Meteor.users.update {_id: context._id} , {$set:{"user.sharingAudio": !context.sharingAudio}}
2014-06-14 02:19:50 +08:00
# toggle state of session variable
@toggleUsersList = ->
2014-06-19 21:26:46 +08:00
setInSession "display_usersList", !getInSession "display_usersList"
2014-06-14 02:19:50 +08:00
@toggleNavbar = ->
2014-06-19 21:26:46 +08:00
setInSession "display_navbar", !getInSession "display_navbar"
@toggleChatbar = ->
2014-06-19 22:45:58 +08:00
setInSession "display_chatbar", !getInSession "display_chatbar"
sendMeetingInfoToClient: (meetingId, userId) ->
console.log "---------------------------------on client, meetingId + userId"
console.log meetingId
console.log userId
console.log "---------------------------------"