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Raw Normal View History

# "Paper" which is the Raphael term for the entire SVG object on the webpage.
# This class deals with this SVG component only.
class @WhiteboardPaperModel
# Container must be a DOM element
constructor: (@container) ->
2014-08-01 04:31:50 +08:00
# console.log "paper in WhiteboardPaperModel =" + @container
# a WhiteboardCursorModel
@cursor = null
# all slides in the presentation indexed by url
@slides = {}
# the slide being shown
@currentSlide = null
@fitToPage = true
@panX = null
@panY = null
# a raphaeljs set with all the shapes in the current slide
@currentShapes = null
# a list of shapes as passed to this client when it receives `all_slides`
# (se we are able to redraw the shapes whenever needed)
@currentShapesDefinitions = []
# pointers to the current shapes being drawn
@currentLine = null
@currentRect = null
@currentEllipse = null
@currentTriangle = null
@currentText = null
@zoomLevel = 1
@shiftPressed = false
@currentPathCount = 0
$(window).on "resize.whiteboard_paper", _.bind(@_onWindowResize, @)
$(document).on "keydown.whiteboard_paper", _.bind(@_onKeyDown, @)
$(document).on "keyup.whiteboard_paper", _.bind(@_onKeyUp, @)
# Bind to the event triggered when the client connects to the server
# if globals.connection.isConnected()
# @_registerEvents()
# else
# "connection:connected", =>
# @_registerEvents()
# Override the close() to unbind events.
unbindEvents: ->
$(window).off "resize.whiteboard_paper"
$(document).off "keydown.whiteboard_paper"
$(document).off "keyup.whiteboard_paper"
# TODO: other events are being used in the code and should be off() here
# Initializes the paper in the page.
# Can't do these things in initialize() because by then some elements
# are not yet created in the page.
create: ->
# paper is embedded within the div#slide of the page.
console.log ("@container=" + @container)
@raphaelObj ?= ScaleRaphael(@container, "500", "500")
@raphaelObj.canvas.setAttribute "preserveAspectRatio", "xMinYMin slice"
@cursor = new WhiteboardCursorModel(@raphaelObj)
#@cursor.on "cursor:mousewheel", _.bind(@_zoomSlide, @)
if @slides
@slides = {} # if previously loaded
unless navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox") is -1
# initializing border around slide to cover up areas which shouldnt show
@borders = {}
for border in ['left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom']
@borders[border] = @raphaelObj.rect(0, 0, 0, 0)
@borders[border].attr("fill", "#ababab")
@borders[border].attr( {stroke:"#ababab"} )
# Re-add the images to the paper that are found
# in the slides array (an object of urls and dimensions).
rebuild: ->
@currentSlide = null
for url of @slides
if @slides.hasOwnProperty(url)
@addImageToPaper url, @slides[url].getWidth(), @slides[url].getHeight()
# A wrapper around ScaleRaphael's `changeSize()` method, more details at:
# Also makes sure that the images are redraw in the canvas so they are actually resized.
changeSize: (windowWidth, windowHeight, center=true, clipping=false) ->
if @raphaelObj?
@raphaelObj.changeSize(windowWidth, windowHeight, center, clipping)
# TODO: we can scale the slides and drawings instead of re-adding them, but the logic
# will change quite a bit
# slides
slidesTmp = _.clone(@slides)
urlTmp = @currentSlide
@slides = slidesTmp
# drawings
tmp = _.clone(@currentShapesDefinitions)
# Add an image to the paper.
# @param {string} url the URL of the image to add to the paper
# @param {number} width the width of the image (in pixels)
# @param {number} height the height of the image (in pixels)
# @return {Raphael.image} the image object added to the whiteboard
addImageToPaper: (url, width, height) ->
if @fitToPage
# solve for the ratio of what length is going to fit more than the other
max = Math.max(width / @containerWidth, height / @containerHeight)
# fit it all in appropriately
# TODO: temporary solution
url = @_slideUrl(url)
sw = width / max
sh = height / max
cx = (@containerWidth / 2) - (width / 2)
cy = (@containerHeight / 2) - (height / 2)
img = @raphaelObj.image(url, cx, cy, width, height)
originalWidth = width
originalHeight = height
# fit to width
alert "no fit"
# assume it will fit width ways
sw = width / wr
sh = height / wr
wr = width / @containerWidth
originalWidth = sw
originalHeight = sh
sw = width / wr
sh = height / wr
img = @raphaelObj.image(url, cx = 0, cy = 0, sw, sh)
# sw slide width as percentage of original width of paper
# sh slide height as a percentage of original height of paper
# x-offset from top left corner as percentage of original width of paper
# y-offset from top left corner as percentage of original height of paper
@slides[url] = new WhiteboardSlideModel(, url, img, originalWidth, originalHeight, sw, sh, cx, cy)
unless @currentSlide?
@currentSlide = @slides[url]
else if @currentSlide.url is url
$(@container).on "mousemove", _.bind(@_onMouseMove, @)
$(@container).on "mousewheel", _.bind(@_zoomSlide, @)
# TODO $(img.node).bind "mousewheel", zoomSlide
#@trigger('paper:image:added', img)
# TODO: other places might also required an update in these dimensions
# Removes all the images from the Raphael paper.
removeAllImagesFromPaper: ->
for url of @slides
if @slides.hasOwnProperty(url)
#@trigger('paper:image:removed', @slides[url].getId()) # TODO do we need this?
@slides = {}
@currentSlide = null
# Shows an image from the paper.
# The url must be in the slides array.
# @param {string} url the url of the image (must be in slides array)
showImageFromPaper: (url) ->
# TODO: temporary solution
url = @_slideUrl(url)
if not @currentSlide? or (@slides[url]? and @currentSlide.url isnt url)
@_hideImageFromPaper(@currentSlide.url) if @currentSlide?
next = @_getImageFromPaper(url)
if next
@currentShapes.forEach (element) ->
@currentSlide = @slides[url]
# Updates the paper from the server values.
# @param {number} cx_ the x-offset value as a percentage of the original width
# @param {number} cy_ the y-offset value as a percentage of the original height
# @param {number} sw_ the slide width value as a percentage of the original width
# @param {number} sh_ the slide height value as a percentage of the original height
# TODO: not working as it should
updatePaperFromServer: (cx_, cy_, sw_, sh_) ->
# # if updating the slide size (zooming!)
# [slideWidth, slideHeight] = @_currentSlideOriginalDimensions()
# if sw_ and sh_
# @raphaelObj.setViewBox cx_ * slideWidth, cy_ * slideHeight, sw_ * slideWidth, sh_ * slideHeight,
# sw = slideWidth / sw_
# sh = slideHeight / sh_
# # just panning, so use old slide size values
# else
# [sw, sh] = @_currentSlideDimensions()
# @raphaelObj.setViewBox cx_ * slideWidth, cy_ * slideHeight, @raphaelObj._viewBox[2], @raphaelObj._viewBox[3]
# # update corners
# cx = cx_ * sw
# cy = cy_ * sh
# # update position of svg object in the window
# sx = (@containerWidth - slideWidth) / 2
# sy = (@containerHeight - slideHeight) / 2
# sy = 0 if sy < 0
# = sx + "px"
# = sy + "px"
# @raphaelObj.setSize slideWidth - 2, slideHeight - 2
# # update zoom level and cursor position
# z = @raphaelObj._viewBox[2] / slideWidth
# @zoomLevel = z
# dcr = 1
# @cursor.setRadius(dcr * z)
# # force the slice attribute despite Raphael changing it
# @raphaelObj.canvas.setAttribute "preserveAspectRatio", "xMinYMin slice"
# Switches the tool and thus the functions that get
# called when certain events are fired from Raphael.
# @param {string} tool the tool to turn on
# @return {undefined}
setCurrentTool: (tool) ->
@currentTool = tool
console.log "setting current tool to", tool
switch tool
when "path", "line"
@currentLine = @_createTool(tool)
@cursor.drag(@currentLine.dragOnMove, @currentLine.dragOnStart, @currentLine.dragOnEnd)
when "rect"
@currentRect = @_createTool(tool)
@cursor.drag(@currentRect.dragOnMove, @currentRect.dragOnStart, @currentRect.dragOnEnd)
# TODO: the shapes below are still in the old format
# when "panzoom"
# @cursor.undrag()
# @cursor.drag _.bind(@_panDragging, @),
# _.bind(@_panGo, @), _.bind(@_panStop, @)
# when "ellipse"
# @cursor.undrag()
# @cursor.drag _.bind(@_ellipseDragging, @),
# _.bind(@_ellipseDragStart, @), _.bind(@_ellipseDragStop, @)
# when "text"
# @cursor.undrag()
# @cursor.drag _.bind(@_rectDragging, @),
# _.bind(@_textStart, @), _.bind(@_textStop, @)
console.log "ERROR: Cannot set invalid tool:", tool
# Sets the fit to page.
# @param {boolean} value If true fit to page. If false fit to width.
# TODO: not really working as it should be
setFitToPage: (value) ->
@fitToPage = value
# TODO: we can scale the slides and drawings instead of re-adding them, but the logic
# will change quite a bit
temp = @slides
@slides = temp
# re-add all the images as they should fit differently
# set to default zoom level
#globals.connection.emitPaperUpdate 0, 0, 1, 1
# get the shapes to reprocess
# Socket response - Update zoom variables and viewbox
# @param {number} d the delta value from the scroll event
# @return {undefined}
setZoom: (d) ->
step = 0.05 # step size
if d < 0
@zoomLevel += step # zooming out
@zoomLevel -= step # zooming in
[sw, sh] = @_currentSlideDimensions()
[cx, cy] = @_currentSlideOffsets()
x = cx / sw
y = cy / sh
# cannot zoom out further than 100%
z = (if @zoomLevel > 1 then 1 else @zoomLevel)
# cannot zoom in further than 400% (1/4)
z = (if z < 0.25 then 0.25 else z)
# cannot zoom to make corner less than (x,y) = (0,0)
x = (if x < 0 then 0 else x)
y = (if y < 0 then 0 else y)
# cannot view more than the bottom corners
zz = 1 - z
x = (if x > zz then zz else x)
y = (if y > zz then zz else y)
#globals.connection.emitPaperUpdate x, y, z, z # send update to all clients
stopPanning: ->
# nothing to do
# Draws an array of shapes to the paper.
# @param {array} shapes the array of shapes to draw
drawListOfShapes: (shapes) ->
@currentShapesDefinitions = shapes
@currentShapes = @raphaelObj.set()
for shape in shapes
data = if _.isString( then JSON.parse( else
tool = @_createTool(shape.shape)
if tool?
@currentShapes.push tool.draw.apply(tool, data)
2014-08-01 04:31:50 +08:00
;#console.log "shape not recognized at drawListOfShapes", shape
# make sure the cursor is still on top
#Changes the currently displayed presentation (if any) with this one
#@param {object} containing the "presentation" object -id,name,pages[]
sharePresentation: (data) ->"connection:all_slides", data.payload)
# Clear all shapes from this paper.
clearShapes: ->
if @currentShapes?
@currentShapes.forEach (element) ->
@currentShapes = []
@currentShapesDefinitions = []
# Updated a shape `shape` with the data in `data`.
# TODO: check if the objects exist before calling update, if they don't they should be created
updateShape: (shape, data) ->
2014-08-01 21:51:45 +08:00
# alert "updating a " + shape
switch shape
when "line"
when "rectangle"
when "ellipse"
when "triangle"
when "text"
@currentText.update.apply(@currentText, data)
2014-08-01 04:31:50 +08:00
;#console.log "shape not recognized at updateShape", shape
# Make a shape `shape` with the data in `data`.
makeShape: (shape, data) ->
2014-08-01 21:51:45 +08:00
# alert "making a " + shape
tool = null
switch shape
when "path", "line"
@currentLine = @_createTool(shape)
toolModel = @currentLine
tool = @currentLine.make(data)
when "rectangle"
@currentRect = @_createTool(shape)
toolModel = @currentRect
tool = @currentRect.make(data)
when "ellipse"
@currentEllipse = @_createTool(shape)
toolModel = @currentEllipse
tool = @currentEllipse.make(data)
when "triangle"
@currentTriangle = @_createTool(shape)
toolModel = @currentTriangle
tool = @currentTriangle.make(data)
when "text"
@currentText = @_createTool(shape)
toolModel = @currentText
tool = @currentText.make.apply(@currentText, data)
2014-08-01 04:31:50 +08:00
;#console.log "shape not recognized at makeShape", shape
if tool?
@currentShapes ?= @raphaelObj.set()
console.log "currentShapes:" + @currentShapes
# Update the cursor position on screen
# @param {number} x the x value of the cursor as a percentage of the width
# @param {number} y the y value of the cursor as a percentage of the height
moveCursor: (x, y) ->
[cx, cy] = @_currentSlideOffsets()
[slideWidth, slideHeight] = @_currentSlideOriginalDimensions()
@cursor.setPosition(x * slideWidth + cx, y * slideHeight + cy)
#if the slide is zoomed in then move the cursor based on where the viewBox is looking
if @viewBoxXpos? && @viewBoxYPos? && @viewBoxWidth? && @viewBoxHeight?
@cursor.setPosition( @viewBoxXpos + x * @viewBoxWidth, @viewBoxYPos + y * @viewBoxHeight )
# Update the slide to move and zoom
# @param {number} xOffset the x value of offset
# @param {number} yOffset the y value of offset
# @param {number} widthRatio the ratio of the previous width
# @param {number} heightRatio the ratio of the previous height
moveAndZoom: (xOffset, yOffset, widthRatio, heightRatio) ->
@globalxOffset = xOffset
@globalyOffset = yOffset
@globalwidthRatio = widthRatio
@globalheightRatio = heightRatio
[slideWidth, slideHeight] = @_currentSlideOriginalDimensions()
#console.log("xOffset: " + xOffset + ", yOffset: " + yOffset);
#console.log("@containerWidth: " + @containerWidth + " @containerHeight: " + @containerHeight);
#console.log("slideWidth: " + slideWidth + " slideHeight: " + slideHeight);
baseWidth = (@containerWidth - slideWidth) / 2
baseHeight = (@containerHeight - slideHeight) / 2
#get the actual size of the slide, depending on the limiting factor (container width or container height)
actualWidth = @currentSlide.displayWidth
actualHeight = @currentSlide.displayHeight
#console.log("actualWidth:" + actualWidth + " actualHeight: " + actualHeight)
#calculate parameters to pass
newXPos = baseWidth - 2* xOffset * actualWidth / 100
newyPos = baseHeight - 2* yOffset * actualHeight / 100
newWidth = actualWidth / 100 * widthRatio
newHeight = actualHeight / 100 * heightRatio
@viewBoxXpos = newXPos
@viewBoxYPos = newyPos
@viewBoxWidth = newWidth
@viewBoxHeight = newHeight
#console.log("newXPos: " + newXPos + " newyPos: " + newyPos + " newWidth: " + newWidth + " newHeight: " + newHeight)
#set parameters to raphael viewbox
@raphaelObj.setViewBox(newXPos , newyPos, newWidth , newHeight , true)
# update the rectangle elements which create the border when page is zoomed
@borders.left.attr( {width:newXPos, height: @containerHeight} )
x: newXPos + newWidth
y: 0
width: @containerWidth
height: newyPos
y: newyPos + newHeight
width: @containerWidth
height: @containerHeight
# borders should appear infront of every other element (i.e. shapes)
for _, border of @borders
#update cursor to appear the same size even when page is zoomed in
@cursor.setRadius( 3 * widthRatio / 100 )
# Registers listeners for events in the gloval event bus
_registerEvents: ->
# "connection:all_slides", (data) =>
# @removeAllImagesFromPaper()
# ###
# urls = data.slides
# for url in urls
# @addImageToPaper(url[0], url[1], url[2])
# #alert "registerEvents url[0]=" + url[0]
# ###
# urls = data.presentation.pages
# for url in urls
# @addImageToPaper(url.png , 200, 200)
# # alert "registerEvents url[0]=" + url[0]
#"whiteboard:paper:all_slides", urls)
# "connection:clrPaper", =>
# @clearShapes()
# "connection:allShapes", (allShapesEventObject) =>
# # TODO: a hackish trick for making compatible the shapes from redis with the node.js
# shapes = allShapesEventObject.shapes
# for shape in shapes
# properties = JSON.parse(
# if shape.shape is "path"
# points = properties[0]
# strPoints = ""
# for i in [0..points.length] by 2
# letter = ""
# pA = points[i]
# pB = points[i+1]
# if i == 0
# letter = "M"
# else
# letter = "L"
# strPoints += letter + (pA/100) + "," + (pB/100)
# properties[0] = strPoints
# = JSON.stringify properties #TODO
# @clearShapes()
# @drawListOfShapes shapes
# "connection:updShape", (shape, data) =>
# @updateShape shape, data
# "connection:whiteboard_draw_event", (shape, data) =>
# @makeShape shape, data
# "connection:share_presentation_event", (data) =>
# @sharePresentation data
# "connection:whiteboardDrawPen", (startingData) =>
# type = startingData.payload.shape_type
# color =
# thickness =
# points = startingData.shape.points
# if type is "line"
# for i in [0..points.length - 1]
# if i is 0
# #make these compatible with a line
# console.log "points[i]: " + points[i]
# lineObject = {
# shape: {
# type: "line",
# coordinate: {
# firstX : points[i].x/100,
# firstY : points[i].y/100
# },
# color:,
# thickness :
# }
# adding : false #tell the line object that we are NOT adding points but creating a new line
# }
# console.log "lineObject: " + lineObject
# @makeShape type, lineObject
# else
# console.log "points[i]: "+ points[i]
# lineObject = {
# shape: {
# type: "line",
# coordinate: {
# firstX : points[i].x/100,
# firstY : points[i].y/100
# },
# color:,
# thickness :
# }
# adding : true #tell the line object that we ARE adding points and NOT creating a new line
# }
# console.log "lineObject: " + lineObject
# @updateShape type, lineObject
# "connection:mvCur", (x, y) =>
# @moveCursor(x, y)
# #console.log "x: " + x + " y: " + y
# "connection:move_and_zoom", (xOffset, yOffset, widthRatio, heightRatio) =>
# @moveAndZoom(xOffset, yOffset, widthRatio, heightRatio)
# "connection:changeslide", (url) =>
# @showImageFromPaper(url)
# "connection:viewBox", (xperc, yperc, wperc, hperc) =>
# xperc = parseFloat(xperc, 10)
# yperc = parseFloat(yperc, 10)
# wperc = parseFloat(wperc, 10)
# hperc = parseFloat(hperc, 10)
# @updatePaperFromServer(xperc, yperc, wperc, hperc)
# "connection:fitToPage", (value) =>
# @setFitToPage(value)
# "connection:zoom", (delta) =>
# @setZoom(delta)
# "connection:paper", (cx, cy, sw, sh) =>
# @updatePaperFromServer(cx, cy, sw, sh)
# "connection:panStop", =>
# @stopPanning()
# "connection:toolChanged", (tool) =>
# @setCurrentTool(tool)
# "connection:textDone", =>
# @textDone()
# "connection:uploadStatus", (message, fade) =>
#"whiteboard:paper:uploadStatus", message, fade)
# Update the dimensions of the container.
_updateContainerDimensions: ->
$container = $('#' + @container)
@containerWidth = $container.innerWidth()
@containerHeight = $container.innerHeight()
@containerOffsetLeft = $container.offset()?.left
@containerOffsetTop = $container.offset()?.top
# Retrieves an image element from the paper.
# The url must be in the slides array.
# @param {string} url the url of the image (must be in slides array)
# @return {Raphael.image} return the image or null if not found
_getImageFromPaper: (url) ->
if @slides[url]
id = @slides[url].getId()
return @raphaelObj.getById(id) if id?
# Hides an image from the paper given the URL.
# The url must be in the slides array.
# @param {string} url the url of the image (must be in slides array)
_hideImageFromPaper: (url) ->
img = @_getImageFromPaper(url)
img.hide() if img?
# Update zoom variables on all clients
# @param {Event} e the event that occurs when scrolling
# @param {number} delta the speed/direction at which the scroll occurred
_zoomSlide: (e, delta) ->
#globals.connection.emitZoom delta
# Called when the cursor is moved over the presentation.
# Sends cursor moving event to server.
# @param {Event} e the mouse event
# @param {number} x the x value of cursor at the time in relation to the left side of the browser
# @param {number} y the y value of cursor at the time in relation to the top of the browser
# TODO: this should only be done if the user is the presenter
_onMouseMove: (e, x, y) ->
[sw, sh] = @_currentSlideDimensions()
xLocal = (e.pageX - @containerOffsetLeft) / sw
yLocal = (e.pageY - @containerOffsetTop) / sh
#globals.connection.emitMoveCursor xLocal, yLocal
# When the user is dragging the cursor (click + move)
# @param {number} dx the difference between the x value from panGo and now
# @param {number} dy the difference between the y value from panGo and now
_panDragging: (dx, dy) ->
[slideWidth, slideHeight] = @_currentSlideOriginalDimensions()
sx = (@containerWidth - slideWidth) / 2
sy = (@containerHeight - slideHeight) / 2
[sw, sh] = @_currentSlideDimensions()
# ensuring that we cannot pan outside of the boundaries
x = (@panX - dx)
# cannot pan past the left edge of the page
x = (if x < 0 then 0 else x)
y = (@panY - dy)
# cannot pan past the top of the page
y = (if y < 0 then 0 else y)
if @fitToPage
x2 = slideWidth + x
x2 = @containerWidth + x
# cannot pan past the width
x = (if x2 > sw then sw - (@containerWidth - sx * 2) else x)
if @fitToPage
y2 = slideHeight + y
# height of image could be greater (or less) than the box it fits in
y2 = @containerHeight + y
# cannot pan below the height
y = (if y2 > sh then sh - (@containerHeight - sy * 2) else y)
#globals.connection.emitPaperUpdate x / sw, y / sh, null, null
# When panning starts
# @param {number} x the x value of the cursor
# @param {number} y the y value of the cursor
_panGo: (x, y) ->
[cx, cy] = @_currentSlideOffsets()
@panX = cx
@panY = cy
# When panning finishes
# @param {Event} e the mouse event
_panStop: (e) ->
# Called when the application window is resized.
_onWindowResize: ->
console.log "_onWindowResize"
#TODO: temporary hacked away fix so that the buttons resize correctly when the window resizes
#TODO: maybe find solution besides these global conflicts however
[slideWidth, slideHeight] = @_currentSlideOriginalDimensions()
#console.log("xOffset: " + xOffset + ", yOffset: " + yOffset);
#console.log("@containerWidth: " + @containerWidth + " @containerHeight: " + @containerHeight);
#console.log("slideWidth: " + slideWidth + " slideHeight: " + slideHeight);
baseWidth = (@containerWidth - slideWidth) / 2
baseHeight = (@containerHeight - slideHeight) / 2
#get the actual size of the slide, depending on the limiting factor (container width or container height)
if(@containerWidth - slideWidth < @containerHeight - slideHeight)
actualHeight = @containerWidth * slideHeight / slideWidth
actualWidth = @containerWidth
actualWidth = @containerHeight * slideWidth / slideHeight
actualHeight = @containerHeight
#console.log("actualWidth:" + actualWidth + " actualHeight: " + actualHeight)
#calculate parameters to pass
newXPos = baseWidth
newyPos = baseHeight
newWidth = actualWidth
newHeight = actualHeight
#now the zooming will still be correct when the window is resized
#and hopefully when rotated on a mobile device
if @globalxOffset? && @globalyOffset? && @globalwidthRatio? && @globalheightRatio?
console.log "has zoomed in"
@moveAndZoom(@globalxOffset, @globalyOffset, @globalwidthRatio, @globalheightRatio)
obj =
globalxOffset : @globalxOffset
globalyOffset : @globalyOffset
globalwidthRatio : @globalwidthRatio
globalheightRatio : @globalheightRatio
console.log obj
console.log "not zoomed"
@raphaelObj.setViewBox(newXPos, newyPos, newWidth, newHeight,true)
# when pressing down on a key at anytime
_onKeyDown: (event) ->
unless event
keyCode = window.event.keyCode
keyCode = event.keyCode
switch keyCode
when 16 # shift key
@shiftPressed = true
# when releasing any key at any time
_onKeyUp: ->
unless event
keyCode = window.event.keyCode
keyCode = event.keyCode
switch keyCode
when 16 # shift key
@shiftPressed = false
_currentSlideDimensions: ->
if @currentSlide? then @currentSlide.getDimensions() else [0, 0]
_currentSlideOriginalDimensions: ->
if @currentSlide? then @currentSlide.getOriginalDimensions() else [0, 0]
_currentSlideOffsets: ->
if @currentSlide? then @currentSlide.getOffsets() else [0, 0]
# Wrapper method to create a tool for the whiteboard
_createTool: (type) ->
switch type
when "path", "line"
model = WhiteboardLineModel
when "rectangle"
model = WhiteboardRectModel
when "ellipse"
model = WhiteboardEllipseModel
when "triangle"
model = WhiteboardTriangleModel
when "text"
model = WhiteboardTextModel
if model?
[slideWidth, slideHeight] = @_currentSlideOriginalDimensions()
[xOffset, yOffset] = @_currentSlideOffsets()
[width, height] = @_currentSlideDimensions()
tool = new model(@raphaelObj)
# TODO: why are the parameters inverted and it works?
tool.setPaperSize(slideHeight, slideWidth)
tool.setOffsets(xOffset, yOffset)
# Adds the base url (the protocol+server part) to `url` if needed.
_slideUrl: (url) ->
if url?.match(/http[s]?:/)
console.log "the url did not match the expected format"
#globals.presentationServer + url
#Changes the currently displayed page/slide (if any) with this one
#@param {data} message object containing the "presentation" object
_displayPage: (data) ->
2014-07-31 01:06:29 +08:00
#page = data?.payload?.currentPage
#pngSlide = ""
#@addImageToPaper(page.png_uri, 400, 400) # TODO the dimensions should be modified
2014-08-06 20:57:51 +08:00
console.log "logging data-----------------------------"
console.log JSON.stringify data
console.log "finished logging data--------------------"
# get dimensions for available whiteboard space
# get where to start from the left -> either the end of the user's list or the left edge of the screen
if getInSession "display_usersList" then xBegin = $("#userListContainer").width()
else xBegin = 0
# get where to start from the right -> either the beginning of the chat bar or the right edge of the screen
if getInSession "display_chatbar" then xEnd = $("#chat").position().left
else xEnd = $( document ).width();
# find the height to start the top of the image at
if getInSession "display_navbar" then yBegin = $("#navbar").height()
else yBegin = 0
yEnd = $( document ).height();
# TODO: add some form of padding to the left, right, top, and bottom boundaries
# for now just remove 10% to make it look nicer
boardWidth = xEnd - xBegin
boardHeight = yEnd - yBegin
currentPresentation = Meteor.Presentations.findOne({"presentation.current": true})
presentationId = currentPresentation?.presentation?.id
currentSlide = Meteor.Slides.findOne({"presentationId": presentationId, "slide.current": true})
imageWidth = boardWidth * (currentSlide.slide.width_ratio/100)
imageHeight = boardHeight * (currentSlide.slide.height_ratio/100)
console.log "xBegin: #{xBegin}"
console.log "xEnd: #{xEnd}"
console.log "yBegin: #{yBegin}"
console.log "yEnd: #{yEnd}"
console.log "boardWidth: #{boardWidth}"
console.log "boardHeight: #{boardHeight}"
console.log "imageWidth: #{imageWidth}"
console.log "imageHeight: #{imageHeight}"
@addImageToPaper(data, imageWidth, imageHeight) # TODO the dimensions should be modified