2016-01-13 04:15:16 +08:00
const bind = function(fn, me) { return function() { return fn.apply(me, arguments); }; }, indexOf = [].indexOf || function(item) { for (let i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) { if (i in this && this[i] === item) return i; } return -1; };
2016-01-15 13:46:41 +08:00
// Construct and send a message to bbb-web to validate the user
2016-01-13 04:15:16 +08:00
validateAuthToken(meetingId, userId, authToken) {
let message;
Meteor.log.info("sending a validate_auth_token with", {
userid: userId,
authToken: authToken,
meetingid: meetingId
message = {
"payload": {
"auth_token": authToken,
"userid": userId,
"meeting_id": meetingId
"header": {
"timestamp": new Date().getTime(),
"reply_to": `${meetingId}/${userId}`,
"name": "validate_auth_token"
if((authToken != null) && (userId != null) && (meetingId != null)) {
createDummyUser(meetingId, userId, authToken);
return publish(Meteor.config.redis.channels.toBBBApps.meeting, message);
} else {
return Meteor.log.info("did not have enough information to send a validate_auth_token message");
Meteor.RedisPubSub = (function() {
class RedisPubSub {
constructor(callback) {
this._addToQueue = bind(this._addToQueue, this);
this._onSubscribe = bind(this._onSubscribe, this);
Meteor.log.info("constructor RedisPubSub");
this.pubClient = redis.createClient();
this.subClient = redis.createClient();
Meteor.log.info(`Subscribing message on channel: ${Meteor.config.redis.channels.fromBBBApps}`);
this.subClient.on("psubscribe", Meteor.bindEnvironment(this._onSubscribe));
this.subClient.on("pmessage", Meteor.bindEnvironment(this._addToQueue));
_onSubscribe(channel, count) {
let message;
Meteor.log.info(`Subscribed to ${channel}`);
2016-01-15 13:46:41 +08:00
//grab data about all active meetings on the server
2016-01-13 04:15:16 +08:00
message = {
"header": {
"name": "get_all_meetings_request"
2016-01-15 13:46:41 +08:00
"payload": {} // I need this, otherwise bbb-apps won't recognize the message
2016-01-13 04:15:16 +08:00
return publish(Meteor.config.redis.channels.toBBBApps.meeting, message);
_addToQueue(pattern, channel, jsonMsg) {
let eventName, message, messagesWeIgnore;
message = JSON.parse(jsonMsg);
eventName = message.header.name;
messagesWeIgnore = ["BbbPubSubPongMessage", "bbb_apps_is_alive_message", "broadcast_layout_message"];
if(indexOf.call(messagesWeIgnore, eventName) < 0) {
console.log(`Q ${eventName} ${Meteor.myQueue.total()}`);
return Meteor.myQueue.add({
pattern: pattern,
channel: channel,
jsonMsg: jsonMsg
return RedisPubSub;
2016-01-15 13:46:41 +08:00
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Private methods on server
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// message should be an object
2016-01-13 04:15:16 +08:00
this.publish = function(channel, message) {
Meteor.log.info(`redis outgoing message ${message.header.name}`, {
channel: channel,
message: message
if(Meteor.redisPubSub != null) {
return Meteor.redisPubSub.pubClient.publish(channel, JSON.stringify(message), (err, res) => {
if(err) {
return Meteor.log.info("error", {
error: err
} else {
return Meteor.log.info("ERROR!! Meteor.redisPubSub was undefined");