| calllbackURL | Required | String | The URL that will receive a POST call with the events. The same URL cannot be registered more than once. |
| meetingID | Optional | String | A meeting ID to bind this hook to an specific meeting. If not informed, the hook will receive events for all meetings. |
**Response when a hook is successfully registered**:
**Response when a hook is already registered**:
<message>There is already a hook for this callback URL.</message>
**Response when there was an error registering the hook**:
<message>An error happened while creating your hook. Check the logs.</message>
### Hooks/Destroy
Remove a previously created hook. A `hookID` must be passed in the parameters to identify
| meetingID | Optional | String | A meeting ID to restrict the hooks returned only to the hooks that receive events for this meeting. Will include hooks that receive events for this meeting only plus all global hooks. |
* Concatenate the original callback URL, the string from the previous step, and the BigBlueButton's salt.
* Calculate a `sha1()` of this string.
* The checksum calculated should equal the checksum received in the parameters of the request.
More details
* Callbacks are always triggered for one event at a time and in order. They are ordered the same way they appear on pubsub (which might not exactly be the order indicated by their timestamps). The timestamps will almost always be ordered as well, but it's not guaranteed.
* The application assumes that events are never duplicated on pubsub. If they happen to be duplicated, the callback calls will also be duplicated.
* Hooks are only removed if a call to `/destroy` is made or if the callbacks for the hook fail too many times (~12) for a long period of time (~5min). They are never removed otherwise. Valid for both global hooks and hooks for specific meetings.
* Mappings are removed after 24 hours of inactivity. If there are no events at all for a given meeting, it will be assumed dead. This is done to prevent data from being stored forever on redis.
* External URLs are expected to respond with the HTTP status 2xx (200 would be the default expected). Anything different from these values will be considered an error and the callback will be called again. This includes URLs that redirect to some other place.
* If a meeting is created while the webhooks app is down, callbacks will never be triggered for this meeting. The app needs to detect the create event (`meeting_created_message`) to have a mapping of internal to external meeting IDs.
1. Install node. You can use [NVM](https://github.com/creationix/nvm) if you need multiple versions of node or install it from source. To install from source, first check the exact version you need on `package.json` and replace the all `vX.X.X` by the correct version when running the commands below.