2014-07-03 00:17:05 +08:00
getMessagesInChat: ->
messages = Meteor.Chat.find("meetingId": getInSession("currentChatId"))
console.log messages
2014-07-02 23:41:12 +08:00
# Must be be called when template is finished rendering or will not work
Template.messageBar.rendered = -> # Scroll down the messages box the amount of its height, which places it at the bottom
height = $("#chatScrollWindow").height()
2014-06-25 21:28:15 +08:00
2014-07-02 23:41:12 +08:00
"click .publicChatTab": (event) ->
2014-07-04 01:56:16 +08:00
Session.set "display_chatPane", true
2014-06-24 21:46:42 +08:00
2014-07-02 23:41:12 +08:00
"click .optionsChatTab": (event) ->
2014-07-04 01:56:16 +08:00
Session.set "display_chatPane", false
"click .privateChatTab": (event) ->
Session.set "display_chatPane", true
2014-06-24 21:46:42 +08:00
2014-07-02 23:41:12 +08:00
'keypress #newMessageInput': (event) ->
if event.which is 13 # Check for pressing enter to submit message
2014-06-27 01:13:19 +08:00
2014-07-02 23:41:12 +08:00
messageForServer = { # construct message for server
"message": $("#newMessageInput").val()
"chat_type": "PUBLIC_CHAT"
"from_userid": Session.get "userId"
"from_username": Session.get "userName"
"from_tz_offset": "240"
"to_username": "public_chat_username"
"to_userid": "public_chat_userid"
"from_lang": "en"
"from_time": "1.403794169042E12"
"from_color": "0"
console.log "Sending message to server: '#{messageForServer.message}'"
Meteor.call "sendChatMessagetoServer", Session.get("meetingId"), messageForServer
$('#newMessageInput').val '' # Clear message box
2014-07-04 01:56:16 +08:00
'click .private-chat-user-entry': (event) -> # clicked a user's name to begin private chat
messageForServer = {
"message": "You are now in a private chat"
"chat_type": "PRIVATE_CHAT"
"from_userid": Session.get "userId"
"from_username": Session.get "userName"
"from_tz_offset": "240"
"to_username": @user.name
"to_userid": @userId
"from_lang": "en"
"from_time": "1.403794169042E12"
"from_color": "0"
console.log "Sending private message to server: '#{messageForServer.message}'"
Meteor.call "sendChatMessagetoServer", Session.get("meetingId"), messageForServer
# only trigger a reaction is new private chat was added
if addNewTab @user.name, true, "privateChatTab"
# Hackish way to go about this
2014-07-04 23:00:46 +08:00
# Coffeescript variables and arays inside the session are not reactive
2014-07-04 01:56:16 +08:00
# So have a session variable that we change everytime we want our dependent templates to be force rendered
Session.set "chatTabsReactivity", (Session.get "chatTabsReactivity")+1 # change value to cause a refresh for dependencies
Session.set "display_chatPane", true
Template.tabButtons.getChatbarTabs = ->
Session.get "chatTabsReactivity" # pulling from session causes reactive template refresh
2014-07-04 23:00:46 +08:00
Template.tabButtons.makeTabButton = ->
button = '<li class="'
button += 'active ' if this.isActive
button += "#{this.class}\"><a href=\"#\" data-toggle=\"tab\">#{this.name}"
button += ' <button class="close closeTab" type="button" >×</button>' if this.name isnt 'Public' and this.name isnt 'Options'
button += '</a></li>'
console.log button
2014-07-04 01:56:16 +08:00