112 lines
3.5 KiB
112 lines
3.5 KiB
define [
], (_, Backbone, Raphael) ->
# TODO: temporary solution
PRESENTATION_SERVER = window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.host
PRESENTATION_SERVER = PRESENTATION_SERVER.replace(/:\d+/, "/") # remove :port
# "Paper" which is the Raphael term for the entire SVG object on the webpage.
# This class deals with this SVG component only.
WhiteboardPaperModel = Backbone.Model.extend
# Container must be a DOM element
initialize: (@container, @paperWidth, @paperHeight) ->
@gw = null
@gh = null
@cur = null
@slides = null
@currentUrl = null
@dcr = 3
@fitToPage = true
# Initializes the paper in the page.
create: ->
# paper is embedded within the div#slide of the page.
@raphaelObj ?= Raphael(@container, @gw, @gh)
@raphaelObj.canvas.setAttribute "preserveAspectRatio", "xMinYMin slice"
@cur = @raphaelObj.circle(0, 0, @dcr)
@cur.attr "fill", "red"
# TODO $(@cur.node).bind "mousewheel", zoomSlide
if @slides
@slides = {} # if previously loaded
unless navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox") is -1
# Re-add the images to the paper that are found
# in the slides array (an object of urls and dimensions).
rebuild: ->
@currentUrl = null
for url of @slides
if @slides.hasOwnProperty(url)
@addImageToPaper url, @slides[url].w, @slides[url].h
# Add an image to the paper.
# @param {string} url the URL of the image to add to the paper
# @param {number} width the width of the image (in pixels)
# @param {number} height the height of the image (in pixels)
# @return {Raphael.image} the image object added to the whiteboard
addImageToPaper: (url, width, height) ->
console.log "adding image to paper", url, width, height
if @fitToPage
# solve for the ratio of what length is going to fit more than the other
max = Math.max(width / @paperWidth, height / @paperHeight)
# fit it all in appropriately
# TODO: temporary solution
img = @raphaelObj.image(url, cx = 0, cy = 0, gw = width, gh = height)
# update the global variables we will need to use
sw = width / max #?
sh = height / max #?
# sw_orig = sw
# sh_orig = sh
# fit to width
# assume it will fit width ways
wr = width / @paperWidth
img = @raphaelObj.image(url, cx = 0, cy = 0, width / wr, height / wr)
sw = width / wr #?
sh = height / wr #?
# sw_orig = sw
# sh_orig = sh
# gw = sw
# gh = sh
@slides[url] =
id: img.id
w: width
h: height
unless @currentUrl
@currentUrl = url
else if @currentUrl is url
# TODO img.mousemove onCursorMove
# TODO $(img.node).bind "mousewheel", zoomSlide
@trigger('paper:image:added', img)
# Removes all the images from the Raphael paper.
removeAllImagesFromPaper: ->
for url of @slides
if @slides.hasOwnProperty(url)
@trigger('paper:image:removed', @slides[url].id)
@slides = {}
@currentUrl = null
# zoomSlide: ->
# ???
# onCursorMove: ->
# ??