
204 lines
9.3 KiB
Raw Normal View History

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# If a function's last line is the statement false that represents the function returning false
# A function such as a click handler will continue along with the propogation and default behaivour if not stopped
# Returning false stops propogation/prevents default. You cannot always use the event object to call these methods
# Because most Meteor event handlers set the event object to the exact context of the event which does not
# allow you to simply call these methods.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@activateBreakLines = (str) ->
if typeof str is 'string'
# turn '\r' carriage return characters into '<br/>' break lines
2015-02-12 03:43:46 +08:00
res = str.replace(new RegExp(CARRIAGE_RETURN, 'g'), BREAK_LINE)
@detectUnreadChat = ->
#if the current tab is not the same as the tab we just published in
added: (chatMessage) =>
findDestinationTab = ->
if chatMessage.message?.chat_type is "PUBLIC_CHAT"
Tracker.autorun (comp) ->
tabsTime = getInSession('tabsRenderedTime')
if tabsTime? and chatMessage.message.from_userid isnt "SYSTEM_MESSAGE" and chatMessage.message.from_time - tabsTime > 0
populateChatTabs(chatMessage) # check if we need to open a new tab
destinationTab = findDestinationTab()
if destinationTab isnt getInSession "inChatWith"
setInSession 'chatTabs', getInSession('chatTabs').map((tab) ->
tab.gotMail = true if tab.userId is destinationTab
2014-08-09 00:04:04 +08:00
# This method returns all messages for the user. It looks at the session to determine whether the user is in
# private or public chat. If true is passed, messages returned are from before the user joined. Else, the messages are from after the user joined
@getFormattedMessagesForChat = ->
chattingWith = getInSession('inChatWith')
if chattingWith is 'PUBLIC_CHAT' # find all public and system messages
2014-12-17 08:29:58 +08:00
return Meteor.Chat.find({'message.chat_type': $in: ["SYSTEM_MESSAGE","PUBLIC_CHAT"]},{sort: {'message.from_time': 1}}).fetch()
return Meteor.Chat.find({'message.chat_type': 'PRIVATE_CHAT', $or: [{'message.to_userid': chattingWith},{'message.from_userid': chattingWith}]}).fetch()
# Scrolls the message container to the bottom. The number of pixels to scroll down is the height of the container
Handlebars.registerHelper "autoscroll", ->
2015-04-01 01:25:05 +08:00
# true if the lock settings limit public chat and the current user is locked
2015-03-31 06:48:25 +08:00
Handlebars.registerHelper "publicChatDisabled", ->
userIsLocked = Meteor.Users.findOne({userId:getInSession 'userId'})?.user.locked
publicChatIsDisabled = Meteor.Meetings.findOne({})?.roomLockSettings.disablePubChat
presenter = Meteor.Users.findOne({userId:getInSession 'userId'})?.user.presenter
return userIsLocked and publicChatIsDisabled and !presenter
2015-03-31 06:48:25 +08:00
2015-04-01 01:25:05 +08:00
# true if the lock settings limit private chat and the current user is locked
Handlebars.registerHelper "privateChatDisabled", ->
userIsLocked = Meteor.Users.findOne({userId:getInSession 'userId'})?.user.locked
privateChatIsDisabled = Meteor.Meetings.findOne({})?.roomLockSettings.disablePrivChat
presenter = Meteor.Users.findOne({userId:getInSession 'userId'})?.user.presenter
return userIsLocked and privateChatIsDisabled and !presenter
2015-04-01 01:25:05 +08:00
# return whether the user's chat pane is open in Private chat (vs Public chat or Options)
Handlebars.registerHelper "inPrivateChat", ->
2015-05-15 06:45:27 +08:00
return !((getInSession 'inChatWith') in ['PUBLIC_CHAT'])
2015-04-01 01:25:05 +08:00
@sendMessage = ->
message = linkify $('#newMessageInput').val() # get the message from the input box
unless (message?.length > 0 and (/\S/.test(message))) # check the message has content and it is not whitespace
return # do nothing if invalid message
2015-05-06 04:15:33 +08:00
color = "0x000000" #"0x#{getInSession("messageColor")}"
if (chattingWith = getInSession('inChatWith')) isnt "PUBLIC_CHAT"
2014-11-29 00:40:14 +08:00
toUsername = Meteor.Users.findOne(userId: chattingWith)?
2015-05-06 04:15:33 +08:00
BBB.sendPrivateChatMessage(color, "en", message, chattingWith, toUsername)
BBB.sendPublicChatMessage(color, "en", message)
$('#newMessageInput').val '' # Clear message box
getCombinedMessagesForChat: ->
msgs = getFormattedMessagesForChat()
len = msgs?.length # get length of messages
i = 0
while i < len # Must be a do while, for loop compiles and stores the length of array which can change inside the loop!
if msgs[i].message.from_userid isnt 'System' # skip system messages
j = i+1 # Start looking at messages right after the current one
while j < len
deleted = false
if msgs[j].message.from_userid isnt 'System' # Ignore system messages
# Check if the time discrepancy between the two messages exceeds window for grouping
if (parseFloat(msgs[j].message.from_time)-parseFloat(msgs[i].message.from_time)) >= 60000 # 60 seconds/1 minute
break # Messages are too far between, so them seperated and stop joining here
if msgs[i].message.from_userid is msgs[j].message.from_userid # Both messages are from the same user
# insert a '\r' carriage return character between messages to put them on a new line
2015-02-12 03:43:46 +08:00
msgs[i].message.message += "#{CARRIAGE_RETURN}#{msgs[j].message.message}" # Combine the messages
msgs.splice(j,1) # Delete the message from the collection
deleted = true
else break # Messages are from different people, move on
else break # This is the break point in the chat, don't merge
len = msgs.length
++j if not deleted
len = msgs.length
userExists: ->
2015-05-15 06:45:27 +08:00
if getInSession('inChatWith') in ["PUBLIC_CHAT"]
return true
return Meteor.Users.findOne({userId: getInSession('inChatWith')})?
# When chatbar gets rendered, launch the auto-check for unread chat
2015-05-14 02:55:15 +08:00
Template.chatbar.rendered = -> detectUnreadChat()
2015-05-21 08:47:25 +08:00
'click .toPublic': (event) ->
setInSession 'inChatWith', 'PUBLIC_CHAT'
# When message gets rendered, scroll to the bottom
Template.message.rendered = ->
'click #sendMessageButton': (event) ->
'keypress #newMessageInput': (event) -> # user pressed a button inside the chatbox
2014-12-16 23:11:23 +08:00
key = (if event.charCode then event.charCode else (if event.keyCode then event.keyCode else 0))
if event.shiftKey and (key is 13)
2014-12-16 23:11:23 +08:00
# append a '\r' carriage return character to the input box dropping the cursor to a new line
2015-02-12 03:43:46 +08:00
document.getElementById("newMessageInput").value += CARRIAGE_RETURN # Change newline character
if key is 13 # Check for pressing enter to submit message
2014-12-16 23:11:23 +08:00
return false
sanitizeAndFormat: (str) ->
if typeof str is 'string'
# First, replace replace all tags with the ascii equivalent (excluding those involved in anchor tags)
res = str.replace(/&/g, '&amp;').replace(/<(?![au\/])/g, '&lt;').replace(/\/([^au])>/g, '$1&gt;').replace(/([^=])"(?!>)/g, '$1&quot;');
res = toClickable res
res = activateBreakLines res
toClockTime: (epochTime) ->
if epochTime is null
return ""
local = new Date()
offset = local.getTimezoneOffset()
epochTime = epochTime - offset * 60000 # 1 min = 60 s = 60,000 ms
dateObj = new Date(epochTime)
hours = dateObj.getUTCHours()
minutes = dateObj.getUTCMinutes()
if minutes < 10
minutes = "0" + minutes
hours + ":" + minutes
2014-07-04 01:56:16 +08:00
2015-03-17 21:45:49 +08:00
"click #decreaseFontSize": (event) ->
if getInSession("messageFontSize") is 8 # min
$('#decreaseFontSize').disabled = true
2015-05-07 06:08:49 +08:00
$('#decreaseFontSize').removeClass('icon fi-minus')
2015-03-17 21:45:49 +08:00
2015-03-17 21:45:49 +08:00
setInSession "messageFontSize", getInSession("messageFontSize") - 2
if $('#increaseFontSize').html() is 'MAX'
2015-05-07 06:08:49 +08:00
$('#increaseFontSize').addClass('icon fi-plus')
2015-03-17 21:45:49 +08:00
"click #increaseFontSize": (event) ->
if getInSession("messageFontSize") is 40 # max
$('#increaseFontSize').disabled = true
2015-05-07 06:08:49 +08:00
$('#increaseFontSize').removeClass('icon fi-plus')
2015-03-17 21:45:49 +08:00
setInSession "messageFontSize", getInSession("messageFontSize") + 2
if $('#decreaseFontSize').html() is 'MIN'
2015-05-07 06:08:49 +08:00
$('#decreaseFontSize').addClass('icon fi-minus')
2015-02-05 02:16:35 +08:00
# make links received from Flash client clickable in HTML
@toClickable = (str) ->
if typeof str is 'string'
res = str.replace /<a href='event:/gim, "<a target='_blank' href='"
res = res.replace /<a href="event:/gim, '<a target="_blank" href="'