Current dialplan flags and arguments used by app_konference
Please note that app_konference is still work in progress, so this document might be outdated. As always, the source code is the definitive reference (member.c in create_member())
The general syntax of Appkonference dialplan entries is:
Future development (these are not implemented yet):
2. Arguments
The parser is not perfect so it might not cope well with spurious spaces or other characters.
All arguments are optional; appkonference will use sane default values for missing arguments.
priority=<int> : This argument is currently unused, it was intended to allow for prioritization of speakers. It might be reinstated in a future appconference revision
vad_prob_start=<float> : Probability used to detect start of speech
vad_prob_continue=<float> : Probability to detect continuation of speech
video_start_timeout=<int> : Length of speech (in ms) before we say that a member is speaking (for video switching purposes)
video_stop_timeout=<int> : Length of silence (in ms) before we say that a member has stopped speaking (for video switching purposes)